1 Best Sight in West Iceland and Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Iceland

We've compiled the best of the best in West Iceland and Snæfellsnes Peninsula - browse our top choices for the top things to see or do during your stay.

Kaldidalsvegur–Route 550

Iceland's Central Highlands are a tricky terrain reserved for experienced drivers, but most drivers could feel comfortable taking a drive on Kaldidalsvegur, also known as the Highlands for beginners. Take a drive along Route 550 and you'll get a taste of the valleys, massive rocks, rivers, and mountains that the Central Highlands have to offer. To get to this road, drive east out of Húsafell and turn right on Route 550. Driving south along Kaldidalsvegur will eventually bring you to a fork, where you can head east on Route 338 toward the Central Highlands (make sure you have the proper car for this trip) or hop on Route 52 to the west.