6 Best Performing Arts Venues in Barcelona, Spain

Countless concerts and performances can be found in Barcelona any night of the week. Consult local websites like TimeOut (timeout.cat), Guia del Ocio (guiadelocio.com/barcelona), and Barcelona Cultura, (lameva.barcelona.cat/barcelonacultura) for a complete list, or keep your eyes peeled for flyers and posters in shops, bars, and cafés for the latest happenings.

Barts (Arts on Stage)

Poble Sec

This state-of-the-art theater on Paral·lel—remodeled from the old Artèria Music Hall—has wildly diverse programming, with everything from performance art to the latest indie bands. There are also musicals, magic shows, and theater, though all mostly in Catalan.

La Puntual

As one of the city's pioneering puppet (in Catalan, putxinel·li) theaters, this beloved venue features entertaining marionette, puppet, and shadow puppet performances. Weekend matinee performances are major kid magnets and tend to sell out fast, so arrive early or reserve a ticket in advance online.

Teatre Lliure


This well-respected performing arts theater, arguably the most prestigious in Barcelona, offers two distinct branches in the city: one is located on a backstreet in trendy Gràcia, and the second, in Montjuic, boasts an ornate facade and a larger stage. In operation since 1976, Teatre Lliure hosts an impressive lineup of theater, dance, and musical events and has an ample and inviting on-site café.

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Teatre Poliorama

La Rambla

Originally built as a cinema in the late 1890s, Teatre Poliorama has also been immortalized in George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia, where the celebrated author describes it as the site of a shoot-out between opposing sides during the Spanish Civil War. In sharp contrast to its sinister past most of the productions offered focus on lighthearted comedy and musical plays in Spanish or Catalan, as well as flamenco and opera.

Teatre Tívoli

One of the city's most beloved traditional theater and dance venues, the century-old Tívoli has staged timeless classics and has hosted everyone from the Ballet Nacional de Cuba to flamenco and teeny-bopper treats.

Teatre Victòria

Poble Sec

This historic theater in the heart of Barcelona's show district features dramas, musicals, and dance productions, from ballet to Bollywood.