
The word for "bathroom" is banheiro, though the term sanitários (toilets) is also used. Homens means "men" and mulheres means "women." Around major tourist attractions and along the main beaches in big cities, you can find public restrooms, which aren't necessarily clean. In some smaller beach cities, there are no facilities at the beach, so be prepared to walk a bit to find a bathroom. In other areas you may have to rely on the kindness of local restaurant and shop owners. If a smile and polite request ("Por favor, posso usar o banheiro?") doesn't work, become a customer—the purchase of a drink or a knickknack might just buy you a trip to the bathroom. Rest areas with relatively clean, well-equipped bathrooms are plentiful along major highways. Still, carry a pocket-size package of tissues in case there's no toilet paper. Tip bathroom attendants with a few spare centavos.

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