Kristine Hansen

Kristine Hansen

Based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Kristine writes for a mix of regional and national audiences. Her work has appeared in,,, Midwest Living Magazine and Milwaukee Magazine. She's also writing a novel set in Sonoma County, California, and in March of 2019 her book about Wisconsin cheese publishes.



The 5 Best Hotel Bars in Chicago

The 5 Best Hotel Bars in Chicago

best for nightlife | Illinois | Chicago
What constitutes a good hotel bar? It's not all about the drinks. People-watching, comfy seating, a view and a vibe that makes you glad it's five o'clock ...
The 7 Best Hotel Rooftops in Chicago

The 7 Best Hotel Rooftops in Chicago

best for nightlife | Illinois | Chicago
There's a rooftop hotel bar for every kind of personality--from historic to eclectic properties.
25 Best Restaurants in Chicago

25 Best Restaurants in Chicago

From fine dining to fast-casual, Chicago's food scene is hot. We've narrowed down the city's 25 best so you know where to eat and drink the next time you find yourself in the Windy City