
Nyamera's Planning

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Old Feb 10th, 2007, 08:06 AM
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Nyamera's Planning

A really awful and impossible teaching job is keeping me away from posting anything and as this job will allow me - after the horrible, horrible year 2006 - to return to Kenya in June I’ll have to start planning ASAP, for which I’ll need a lot of Fodorite advice. I also definitely need some advice about how to avoid being perpetually banned from working at schools, but that would be a bit too off topic. I’m missing so many trip reports and without my participation threads become so confused. It’s really frustrating to be an ex-Fodorite.

I haven’t yet bought a ticket, but I’m thinking about 20 June – 12 July. There’re price increases from 22 June. I’ll probably stay the first night at the Terminal, though I’d like to know if there’s a cheaper hotel with en-suite rooms that’s in a nice central location. In 2005 the Terminal was 1200 shilling for a single. And, after reading too many reports about lost luggage I’m thinking about staying 2 nights in Nairobi before going somewhere else.

Then I’d like to return to the Mara to visit my fellow topis and after that to some park I haven’t visited, like Amboseli, Tsavo West, Aberdares or Meru. Here is where the real problems start.

My ideal trip would be a self-drive staying at camps like Rekero or Serian using their expert guides, but it’d be far, far too expensive, as I don’t know if I’ll ever earn any money again after this teaching job. I also lack the driving, orientation and technical skills to do a self-drive and I don’t have any time to learn.

I’m too anti-social and flexibility seeking to be able to do a group trip and budget camping is out of the question, as I need my own shower with enough water to wash my hair every night <b>after</b> dinner. I know this sounds awful, but the flight to Nairobi is a lot worse (this must be the worst excuse I’ve ever used.) :-S

I’ll try to find out if some nice unfenced, smallish, moderately priced camp could pick me up in Talek where I would go by public transport. I’ve been thinking about Nyumbu Camp, but the rates mentioned by Eben in the “Masai Mara Update: Lodges and Such” post don’t sound moderate to me. Does anyone have some information that I could use to put some pressure on camp owners to give me a reasonable price? I managed to do it in Tsavo 2004. On Eben’s website there’s a Riverside Campsite sign that, among other things, says “self contained rooms”. I’ll have to investigate that. Then I’ll have to find out how to go to another park in the same way.

I’ll also try to spend some less expensive days in Kenya, maybe hanging around Lake Naivasha. Does anyone have a better idea, or ideas about how to hang around Lake Naivasha?

Asante sana

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Old Feb 10th, 2007, 08:42 AM
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Also, I think I need a camera. Mine is a non-digital point and shoot with almost no zoom. I’m so jealous of all the photos that Fodorites are sharing, and I’m always thinking that if I had a camera like that my photos would be even better than those. The problem, apart from the price, is that it might turn out that my photography skills have something to do with the quality of my photos, I’d be constantly worried about losing the camera or pushing the wrong button deleting all the photos and I prefer seeing the world, especially in Kenya, directly with my eyes, but I absolutely love having and showing photos.
My plan was to buy the often-mentioned Canon S3 online immediately if some of the more sensible Fodorites like Atravelynn would tell me to do so, but then I found a thread where she recommends Sony DSC-H2. It’s a bit more expensive than Canon and looks less easily available. What should I do?
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Old Feb 10th, 2007, 09:11 AM
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I am so glad to see that you will be going again to Africa, Nyamera! Although I know absolutely nothing about any of the questions you asked, (except to say that I agree with you- that life in Fodorsville is nothing without you!) it came to mind that you could perhaps email Kennedy and ask if he can help you out with all of this. He probably knows all the budget ropes and as we all know, he is very reliable!
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Old Feb 10th, 2007, 09:23 AM
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good luck with your planning Nyamera! Usually to delete your photos is a two step process, so if you hit the wrong button, you'd have to hit it twice (or on my camera hit an entirely different button) to delete buy a camera and no worries.
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Old Feb 10th, 2007, 09:49 AM
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Thanks Lynda and Dennis! From what I’ve read about Kennedy he’s probably too nice to help me with what I’m planning. The two-step process sounds reassuring, but I did say that I wanted <b>sensible</b> Fodorites to tell me to buy a camera. I think I’ll just do it anyway.
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Old Feb 10th, 2007, 11:04 AM
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Here is my advice: Skip the new camera and use that money for the trip to Kenya. Your pictures are lovely and the trip itself is the thing.

Lucky you!
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Old Feb 10th, 2007, 11:53 AM
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Leely, always the sensible one...
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Old Feb 10th, 2007, 04:26 PM
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Glad you've popped in again.

If you'd like advice on getting banned from working in schools, I fear what I'd suggest might also get you sued and there goes the money for Africa, the new camera etc.

I personally liked the DSC H2, but the Canon S3 has more supporters than my H2. I am surprised the Sony is more expensive than the Canon. Before buying any camera, check it out in person. To do otherwise would be like those guys who get a mail-order bride that they've only seen pictures of.

How about the 2nd hand route on-line or at a camera shop? Regardless of what you get or where you get it, accidental deletion is not easy. What you save in film development will eventually pay for the new digital, depending on how many photos you take.

Or follow sensible Leely and forget the camera.

Two nights in Nairobi is a good plan to help assure you and your luggage take the safari together. Kennedy could help you with your time here at least.

We're all cheering you on in your pursuit of a workable itinerary.
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Old Feb 10th, 2007, 05:00 PM
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Congrats on returning to Kenya, Nyamera!

Unfortunately, I have few ideas and suggestions

I was going to say you could stay at Petra's and visit the Aberdares from there, but she charges for day trips by the vehicle so it can get a bit expensive if there aren't other guests to share with. For full board accomodations we paid EUR 50pppn last year. You could take public transportation and have her pick you up at the road junction (her turnoff is along the road from Nairobi to Nyaharuru about 30 min after the Solio gate). Free game viewing tip - walk along the road from her place toward Naro Moru and look at the rhinos (and zebras and other game) through the Solio fence

Ask if she can take you on game viewing rides on Sangare. We paid EUR 40pppd for riding. You can also ride from her place through mostly farm land.

She <i>might</i> be moving to another location this year. In which case, some of my info will be outdated. If you contact her, tell her you're a friend of Mark and Patty.

I have the S1 and really like it and the S3 would be an improvement over mine.

Good luck with your planning!
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Old Feb 10th, 2007, 05:45 PM
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Ack! Meant to say her place is about 30 min from the Solio gate, not the turnoff which is much closer. You can also access from the Naro Moru side. It's probably about the same distance either way.
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Old Feb 11th, 2007, 04:41 AM
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The thread we never thought we'd see...

Fiortunately for you, I am just full of opinions today... unfortunately, most of them are useless. Pinch of salt, please...

From experience, &quot;Counting to 10...or 5 and a half if 10 is just too much&quot; is the best advice to avoid being perpetually banned from working in schools... not having affairs with your students is another excellent idea ;-)

AS for the camera you can get a Canon S2 really cheap second hand right now ... from me!!

Well okay, not only from me, but it's a very good idea to get a good camera without spending much... the new cameras have oodles more megapixels and so S2s like mine or S1s like Patty's are just plastic junk now in the opinion of the market - in fact they take pretty good photos. Even a new one is selling for half of what I paid 18 months ago.

What you need is a kind Fodorite to give you a lift to the Mara - watch out for itineraries in June including the Mara, give some good advice (if you ask nicely Sandi or Eben might lend you some) and mention in passing that you just happen to be going to the Mara on the same day.... :-&quot;

(I'm not going to start this pragraph &quot;seriously&quot;... I mean why not??!) I am sure your ideas will work. I wish I had taken down the name of the place about just outside the Mara I saw mentioned a year or so ago in a trip report on the internet ... there were bandas with bathrooms.

In the meantime try these... - look at the &quot;itinerary&quot; page
(this one is just a hunch based on a vague memory)

Meru is a non-starter unless you want to try and sweettalk the rangers into taking you around. You could get to teh very nice bandas at the park entrance, but without your own transport you'd be stuck there. Aberdare NP has the same problem - unless it is enough just to &quot;be there&quot;.

Also have a look at Naro Moru River Lodge and others around Mount Kenya...they are pretty reasonably priced and one of them has quite a few excursions to places like Ol Pejeta and Solio... similar to Ptra, but perhaps more chance of a group taling the excursion... that's an alternative to Lake Naivasha - which was my no.1 idea for you because of the possibility of cycling and walking in Hell's Gate.
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Old Feb 11th, 2007, 04:45 AM
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The thread we never thought we'd see... and I agree you are missed..

Fortunately for you, I am just full of opinions today... unfortunately, most of them are useless. Pinch of salt, please...

From experience, &quot;Counting to 10...or 5 and a half if 10 is just too much&quot; is the best advice to avoid being perpetually banned from working in schools... not having affairs with your students is another excellent idea ;-)

AS for the camera you can get a Canon S2 really cheap second hand right now ... from me!!

Well okay, not only from me, but it's a very good idea to get a good camera without spending much... the new cameras have oodles more megapixels and so S2s like mine or S1s like Patty's are just plastic junk now in the opinion of the market - in fact they take pretty good photos. Even a new one is selling for half of what I paid 18 months ago.

What you need is a kind Fodorite to give you a lift to the Mara - watch out for itineraries in June including the Mara, give some good advice (if you ask nicely Sandi or Eben might lend you some) and mention in passing that you just happen to be going to the Mara on the same day.... :-&quot;

(I'm not going to start this pragraph &quot;seriously&quot;... I mean why not??!) I am sure your ideas will work. I wish I had taken down the name of the place about just outside the Mara I saw mentioned a year or so ago in a trip report on the internet ... there were bandas with bathrooms.

In the meantime try these... - look at the &quot;itinerary&quot; page
(this one is just a hunch based on a vague memory)

Meru is a non-starter unless you want to try and sweettalk the rangers into taking you around (they do cover a lot of ground on patrol every day and have to report on animal movements as well as look for poachers). You could get to the very nice bandas at the park entrance, but without your own transport you'd be stuck there. Aberdare NP has the same problem - unless it is enough just to &quot;be there&quot;... it's less than an hour's slow drive from Nyeri to Tusk Camp or Sapper Hut.

Also have a look at Naro Moru River Lodge and others around Mount Kenya...they are pretty reasonably priced and one of them has quite a few excursions to places like Ol Pejeta and Solio... similar to Petra, but perhaps more chance of a group price for excursions? That's an alternative to Lake Naivasha - which was my no.1 idea for you.

Anyway, you must pop in for teaching advice and to keep us updated about the trip planning.
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Old Feb 11th, 2007, 04:47 AM
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I don't have any suggestions. But I'm glad to hear that you are able to go back! Obviously your heart is already there!
Enjoy every minute of your planning. The anticipation is half the fun!
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Old Feb 11th, 2007, 06:36 AM
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Thanks for all kind words and advice!
Are there any sensible Fodorites? Even Lynn is talking about advice that would get me sued. What I should do is to sue the school. I haven’t slept for 6 hours a single night since I started and at the moment I haven’t prepared a fraction of what I have to prepare before Monday (tomorrow). I have to teach some subjects that I’m clueless about and most kids are diagnosed with letter combinations. I don’t understand teenagers and they definitely don’t like me. As I’ve never even considered visiting a teaching college, I have to take the classes that nobody else wants, or at least that’s how it feels. I’m really, really courting disaster by sitting here in front of the computer doing what I feel like doing. And, Kimburu, I have to stop counting. The advice I get from the pupils is “you have to get angry and scream at us”. And, I’ve actually got some insinuations from a 15 year old. I’m not overly tempted, but it’s a sign that the lack of respect has gone “a bit” too far.

Maybe Leely is the only sensible Fodorite? The S3 costs more than half the price of the air ticket. Kimburu, how much would your S2 cost?

Patty, you know Petra. Are there any dark secrets I could use to get a better price? Getting off at a road junction with my big bag sounds a bit scary. Aren’t there any villages? All those ”Kenya is Dangerous” posts must have contaminated me… Re. my bag, I’ll also have to ask for packing advice like a real Fodorite!

Kimburu, I like the way you’re thinking and I’ll contact those places. I haven’t sent ANY enquiring emails to Kenya yet. I’ll also have to find out if the Koiyaki Guiding School will have opened their camp. Trying to hitch a ride with a kind Fodorite is something that has crossed my mind. Unfortunately I’m not very helpful and useful at the moment. I’ve seen so many posts that I’d liked to reply to, but that I’ve just forgotten about because I don’t have the time. Maybe someone could give me a ride out of pity?

Lillepets, I’ll enjoy every minute of the planning, but the minutes are too few!!!

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Old Feb 11th, 2007, 06:46 AM
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BTW, the return ticket is 6,901 Swedish kronor and in 2005 it was 7,400! I was complaining a bit too much in the previous post…
Should I request Western or Asian vegetarian food? I prefer Asian, but there’s a risk it’s given to someone else while I’m asleep.
Should I buy the ticket today?
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Old Feb 11th, 2007, 08:14 AM
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My S2 would cost US$120 dollars ... for you.... I don't know if that is a &quot;going price&quot; and I guess that depends on where you live. There are Canon S1s on Ebay Germany starting at 30 euro &quot;as new&quot;. A Canon S2 is going for 100 pounds on Ebay UK... and there appear to be no takers after 3 days.
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Old Feb 11th, 2007, 11:35 AM
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Kimburu, I'm interested.
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Old Feb 11th, 2007, 02:07 PM
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Nyamera: You sound positiviely giddy. It's so nice to hear from you again and even nnicer that you are planning a trip. I am one of the least sensible Fodorites, so I will refrain from advice. Except: Don't forget the Aveda Elixir. If you e-mail me I will send you a bottle!

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Old Feb 11th, 2007, 03:58 PM
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I don't know what to advise on the Asian meal. I had to chuckle that you risk losing it to someone else while you sleep.

But here's a small piece of advice for dealing with those unruly students. And it won't get you sued. Actually it will not affect them, it's just for you. When you look out over a room full of loud, rude, threatening individuals, try to imagine the group 65 years in the future all sitting in the recreation center of an old folks home.
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Old Feb 11th, 2007, 06:59 PM
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The only hitch is how do I get the camera to you Nyamera? Try Ebay or the like first!

Seriously ;-) I can send it as far as Frankfurt with my wife... but then what?
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