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Old Sep 23rd, 2005, 06:07 PM
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Most memorable moments?

What are your most memorable moments? The ones that will stay with you forever, the ones that make travelling so rewarding?
My top 3 are:
1. 1992 - Flying in to the old HK airport and whizzing by apartments with their laundry hanging out to dry......
2. 2003 - Siem Reap, Cambodia. Can't decide between seeing the rice fields and water buffalo from the airplane window, or my first sight of the temples. Breathtaking.
3. 2004- The Great Wall at Jingsaling (sp?) to Simitai. It was a childhood dream to go there, it did not disappoint.
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Old Sep 23rd, 2005, 06:46 PM
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flying from paris to cairo...after the med you hit the sand and more sand and then all of a sudden there are the pyramids....absolutely amazing....

my first arrival in SEA...emerging from the singapore airport and being hit in the face with that heat and humidity late at nite...no i yearn for it year after year but in bangkok instead

the cotswolds in england hold many memories and i always enjoy returning there...

bavaria---its wild and wonderful sense...

grand palace, bangkok....nothing quite like it anywhere...add wat arun across the river and the river itself and this is wonderland....

honestly each and every place has been wonderful, sans one: korea...
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Old Sep 23rd, 2005, 07:06 PM
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1. Ariving in bangkok for the first time. it was a huge 24/7 city that reminded me of South america withougt the violence. (which included going too a litle club in patong and dancing to ltoo colombian music)

2 taking a tour in tokyo listaning to the tour guide explan how in japan a you could ba a bhudist, tsoist, and christion at the same time.

3 darn near getting killed in a sand storm between the Syrian and Jordanian bordor.

4. At the age of 9. totaly planning my fist famaly trip too eastern Canada (setting up hotels, ferry tickets. and giving Pops directons . I later got a degree in travel tourism managment. but never did anything with it.

5. Amsterdam. nuff said.
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Old Sep 23rd, 2005, 07:14 PM
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orgy----did you perform in amsterdam??
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Old Sep 23rd, 2005, 07:16 PM
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Oh, let me see...

Walking out of the elevator at Sky Bar at the top of State Tower BKK.

The first look at MBK mall and all those stalls with bargains just waiting for me! (tongue in cheek)

Ming's chili at the Brunswick.

I'll think of more, I'm sure.
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Old Sep 23rd, 2005, 07:49 PM
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Getting my first look at the Acropolis. I stood there for what seemed like forever with my mouth hanging open, in awe of its magnificance. I've gone back there several times since and still get the same feeling.

Getting the first glimpse of the Treasury at Petra.

Angkor, a lifelong dream come true.

Macchu Pichu, 1000 times better than what I expected.

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Old Sep 23rd, 2005, 07:49 PM
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1. Walking through the Siq to Petra - walking through the mountain!

2. In Nepal, climbing through a village to visit a temple, and seeing a two year old on the walkway in Mom's high heeled shoes in this tiny village in the middle of nowhere.

3. Driving through Chaing Mai at night, seeing 4 novice monks in an old-fashioned telephone booth, the light above shining on their saffron robes.

4. Climbing to the top of the Great pyramid (inside).

5. King Tut's tomb, in which the frescos were "as fresh as if painted yesterday" (quote from Carter).

6. Eating a lovely lunch of duck au poivre and good red wine, with a glass of XO Armangac to finish at a cafe at Place Sablon in Brussels, with the snow falling softly outside.

7. Alone at Ta Som (one of the Angkor Temples) in the quiet with only the chirping of the insects. The trees growing through the temple are holding it together and tearing it apart at the same time. Such a delicious tension!

8. Staying at a tiny oasis outside of Erfoud, Morocco, on Christmas Eve. Eating a Christmas feast at midnight. The stars lit up the whole sky...

9. Staying at Kuantan, Malaysia with a friend who left the balcony door open when we arrived, and hearing her shriek "Kathie, there's a monkey in our room!"

10. Coming "home" to Bangkok or Singapore, staying at favorite hotels, eating at favorite restaurants, shopping at my favorite jeweler.
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Old Sep 23rd, 2005, 08:58 PM
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ohh ya how could I have forgotten PETRA. it was awesome. (when is the last time you've seen my type a positive word like that) .. I preferd the site over the Pyramids. going to Petra is in my top 3 must do's.

As people post more I'll remember other places. I thank GOD or what ever, for the oppartunity I've had to travel all over the world.
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 01:34 AM
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1. Bali 1982 ,my first o/s trip ,moonlit night standing in front of a Warung on the beach at Nusa Dua ( it was not yet developed at all and was coconut groves )after eating grilled fish caught by the villagers that afternoon ,listening to the surf and , watching the stars and thinking to myself ' Can it get any better ?'.
2.Arriving in Venice by plane at sundown and travelling across the lagoon as the sunset , silhouetting San Marcochanging from orange to purple and mauve. .
3. Leaving Venice at 5.30am as the sun was rising with mists swirling across San Marco and the only sound was Gondolas creaking and rocking at their moorings.
4 Walking back early one evening in Rome from shopping and passing yet another church and thinking I might as well pop in to be confronted by its chandeliers all lit , every candle glowing , an orchestra and choir performing Verdi - and it was free as part of the Summer series in the Churchs every year .

And so many more .
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 01:50 AM
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1. looking down from Victoria peak
2. My first sight of the Trevi Fountain in Rome
3. Watching the sunset with the locals on a Bali beach
4. Sunset in Barbados
5. The Grand Palace
6. The Bridge over the River Kwai and the visit to the war cemetary
7 and my favourite one- standing right next to Christ the Redeemer and not seeing a thing for the clouds. Then all of a sudden the clouds cleared.....it was a magical moment!
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 01:54 AM
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1. Hopping on the river ferry on our first morning ever in Bangkok and going to the Grand Palace.

2. Watching molten lava pour into the sea on the big island, Hawaii from a helicopter

3. Following a tiger for 1/2 hour at Ranthabore Nat'l Park, India
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 02:44 AM
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The beautiful lagoon at Aitutaki Cook Islands!

The Berner Oberland in southern Switzerland, around Interlaken and Zermatt.

Waking up and looking at Lake Lucerne from my hotel balcony at the Grand National.

The inside of the Dome in Orvieto Italy.

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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 02:48 AM
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Sipping a glass of white wine, on the banks of the rive Rhine, absolutely beautiful, one of those take a photo in your mind moments to treasure.

The Galapagos Islands, the whole trip was a fantastic experience being so close to wild life was amazing, an experience which will always remain with me.

Going for a meal with an African chief (Dad lived in African) and getting my head round that I had to eat with my left hand from a shared pan……

My first ever trip to Asia (Bangkok), what an assault on my senses – fell in love.

Flying into Venice and travelling on the canals to our hotel on a cold crisp February late afternoon – so beautiful……….

Getting the keys to our apartment in Valencia, realising we have a very minuscule slice of Spain…… Oh visiting Las Fallas in Valencia – Europe’s largest party and an experience not to be missed.

I could go on and on, each trip holds a special memory and I intend adding to that collection………

Great post, I must get to see the pyramids and I’d love to visit Jordan and Morocca is a must for next year.
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 03:17 AM
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These are not in order but in how they popped into my head. There are many more but here's a start.

1. 1985- the present: Sitting on the Verandah of the Oriental Hotel having breakfast and watching the river come to life on my first morning in Bangkok. I fell in love with Thailand at that moment.

2. 1994-Being invited to a village festival in the central highlands of Vietnam and pretending to drink their homemade liquor.

3. 1992-Having a Vietnam vet ask me to take a photo of him with his arm around a former Viet Cong soldier outside of Saigon.

4. 1985-First view of temple of the Emerald Buddha/Grand Palace

5. 1993-Spending the day with Dr. Richter at the hospital he founded in Cambodia.

6. 1968-the present:Walking the streets of London and other places in England and knowing that so many of my favorite authors and playwrights had walked those same streets.

7. 1968: Giving Laurence Oliver a standing ovation and having him come out,stop the applause and announce that Bobby Kennedy had just died and would we all stand for the American national anthem. Going that night to sign a condolence book and waiting in line for 3 hours -- at 2AM I remember everyone in the line started singing Where Have all the Flowers Gone.

8. 1987-Spending the day with my foster child and her family in a village in the Issan area of thailand. I remember how young they thought my friend looked for her age and how they could not comprehend the concept of high rise apartments. I still have the bracelet they made me out of fabric.

9. 1999- Spending the day in a village in the shan state with people who had never seen people from America. Having the head man ask if it had cost a lot of money for us to get there. When we said that since it was far away the airfare cost a lot he looked at us, looked at his home with a dirt floor and no electricity and said "If you spent a lot of money to come here, you're stupid."

10. 1994-Teaching English in a school near Nha trang. Having teenagers haunt our hotel in the central highlands because they heare americans were staying there and they wanted to practice english with us.

11.1974-present: Walking the streets of Florence.

12. 1983-My first encounter with the Medina in Marrakesh. Finding myself talking to someone who was selling spices. He turned out to also be a rabbi and he invited me back to his home for lunch.

13. 1987- Seeing John Shaw's private ceramic collection in Chiang Mai.

14. 1990-Cappadocia in Turkey

15. 1977-Lake Antitlan in Guatemala

16. 1989-Borobodour

17. 1987-New Year Day in Bangkok. Being at the Grand Palace at dawn to watch people give food to hundreds of monks. Then getting in line to sign the king's new year greeting book and having someone come running to us saying "you are our honored guests please come to the front of the line."

18.1980 and 82- Going to Trooping the Colour and then to a garden party at Buckingham Palace. Having Happy Birthday played to me at Windsor Castle with the royal family in attendance. Being in the royal box at Wimbledon.

19. 1999-Meeting "the lady" in Burma

20. 2001-Attending the 125th anniversary celebration of the Oriental Hotel including their gala party which was absolutely incredible.

21.1987 and 1990 Having dinner with Connie Monksau and hearing her talk about Jim Thompson's disappearance -- she was his close friend and was with him the weekend he disappeared.

22. 2003- spending the afternoon with a monk who made noh masks and another afternoon with a caligrapher in Kyoto.

22. The jain temples in Rajasthan

23. The killing fields

24. The terraced rice fields in Bali

25. Returning to the Orientalin Bangkok and being welcomed with "welcome home" and feeling that I am indeed home.
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 04:19 AM
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My list continues:
4. 1999-Hiking the Inca trail and arriving in Macchu Picchu. It's one of those places that is even better than you imagine.
5. 2000-Arriving in Venice by boat. IMHO-the best way to see this magnificent city
6. 2000-The Blue Mosque in Instanbul. When I walked inside it literally took my breath away. Such beauty...
7. 1998-My first trip to BKK. Midnight arrival, I stepped off the plane and was hit with that combination of humidity and exotic smells-truly intoxicating!!
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 04:27 AM
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Kathie-- I also spent a Christmas Eve in Erfoud! What year were you there?
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 04:38 AM
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1. Watching chicken carcasses being ridden down the road on the backs of bicycles in Hong Kong.

2. Seeing the Acropolis every day and thinking "Look at that Acropolis...how lucky can I be to be here."

3. Seeing the Neville Brothers live at the Acropolis, topped only by seeing Bob Dylan there later the same year.

3. The smell of the airport in Bali.

4. Landing at Hong Kong's old airport...seemed like straight down, and I swear I could see into the living rooms.

5. Hitchhiking in Cappadocia, getting a ride from a truck driver with a huge red truck, and having that same truck driver kiss me good-bye in a quite lewd way, right in front of my boyfriend

6. Sleeping in a cave in Cappadocia.

7. Eating the most disgusting chocolate pudding in a university cafeteria in Valeko Turnovo, Bulgaria, because our homestay hosts, who rescued us from staying in the local brothel cum youth hostel, didn't have enough food to feed us dinner so they took us to the uni to eat.

8. Feeling completely and totally relaxed for the first time in maybe years...Thai massage.

9. In a housing compound of the local Brahmin priest in Keliki, Bali, standing around, having a chat, and very casually one of the women picks up one of the many chickens and slits it throat, puts it back down, leaving it to bleed out, then makes it into satay...all without missing a beat in the conversation.

10. Buying a huge container of take out sushi, only to learn after getting home that 1/2 of it was natto...natto is fermented soybeans that stretch like elastic and taste like fermented gym socks. Definitely and acquired taste that requires training from birth, as our daugher loves the stuff, but niether my husband nor I can get it past our lips thanks to the absolutely rank smell...can't believe our daughter eats the stuff. To each his own.
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 05:08 AM
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One more for me -- being invited to a wedding in Vietnam. We were driving from Dalat to Saigon and it was 8:30AM. Since Americans were still unknown as tourists in the early 90s they invited us to the wedding and to the reception at the bride's home. We stayed for about 3 hours.

Have you noticed that the vast majority of our most memorable moments are those that are NOT written about in guide books and can't be planned for?
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 05:20 AM
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These are very inspiring. I've always wanted to hike in Peru and go to Macchu Picu, and seeing it on laurieco's and dperry's lists has clinched it- I'm going take my son w/me and GO.
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Old Sep 24th, 2005, 05:21 AM
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and one more
Having a monkey steal my glasses in Flores (near Tikal) Guatemala. Chasing the money with several children and finally getting my glasses back -- it was after that experience that I started travelling with multiple pairs of glasses.
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