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Why Use a Travel Agent?


Why Use a Travel Agent?

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Old Jul 17th, 2001, 12:55 PM
Posts: n/a
Why Use a Travel Agent?

No offense to those in the business, but with the wealth of information in forums such as these, and the ability to shop and compare prices on the Web, why go through the bother of dealing with a travel agent?
Old Jul 17th, 2001, 01:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Also read some of the horror stories of what happens when people book on their own. With a travel agent most times you can get better deals as they deal with wholesalers/consolidators. If you are not getting good service and rates from your agent then you are not using a good agent...!
Old Jul 17th, 2001, 01:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Why is everyone so down on travel agents? Why don't you feel they are able to help you and are just there to rip you off? Who do you call with passport questions even though you booked with the internet. Who do you call for help when your flight is delayed due to weather and they tell you they can't get you on another flight until next Tuesday? If you book over the internet please do not call a travel agent to help you then!
Old Jul 17th, 2001, 01:27 PM
Posts: n/a
Unless of course you book with an internet-based travel agent
Old Jul 17th, 2001, 01:31 PM
Posts: n/a
Maybe it's me -- maybe I've used the wrong agents. But the one time I could have used the agent (airline strike) she was nowhere to be found. Plus I heard they mark everything up 10%.
Old Jul 17th, 2001, 01:43 PM
Posts: n/a
I rue the day my agent retired leaving me on my own! One call and it was done - no hunting down the "best" fares, no looking for the specials. She did it all! Got jammed up with a strike - she got us out on the same day as originally scheduled. Lousy accomodations - she changed us instantly! And, believe it or not, agents do have bargains and specials come across their desks that are never on the web. She used to call me when a particularly interesting one popped! But, this was when travel agents didn't just call a wholesaler and sell <BR> you their prepackaged plans. They actually made travel itineraries and did all the leg work themselves if nothing fit the "standard packages." Sure for the easy 7-nite typical stay, maybe it is easy to do the web but for a custom trip, you need custom service! And it is not easy trying to coordinate things all the time!
Old Jul 17th, 2001, 02:49 PM
Posts: n/a
I feel the same way, I hope my travel agent never retires. She provides me with the best information and accomodations my $ can buy. She always spends weeks with us to find out just what we are looking for in a vacation, so ours will be perfect. Yes, you can find out alot of information on the web but if you have never visited the place then who's to say if the pictures dont lie? I guess her experience with travel and the research she does is well worth the money I pay for my trips "just to have peace of mind". Just my opinion!
Old Jul 17th, 2001, 02:59 PM
Posts: n/a
I would like help in finding those "wonderful" travel agents. I mean, I always use an agent for travel and I've used one on the internet, but I've been trying to hook up with someone local to help me with travel on a not so regular basis and no one will look at me twice. I don't travel often, maybe once a year. But if I could find a reputable agent who would help me once a year, I'd stick to them for all my travel plans. I have my major trip plans at least 2 years in advance (kids, jobs, ect)to the point of at least picking the destination, price range and tenative dates of travel. I want someone help me do the research for the accommodations then show me what I can get. As the date draws near, I want the agent to work on the final deal including air. The last few trips, I've done the majority of research and then called the agent just to do the booking. I know they get paid a commission and don't want to waste a lot of time on me for a once a year trip, but maybe I'd funnel more business their way. How can I find someone who wants to work for me?
Old Jul 17th, 2001, 03:55 PM
Posts: n/a
This debate has been going on forever and there is good and bad on both sides of the issue. For Brandy, my suggestion would be to check with your friends, relatives, employer, etc. to get a name or two of a reputable agent in your area. Most of the time, I think you can judge from your first conversation if they are the right one for you and your needs. Personally, I use both the internet and my agent. It's good to do some of your own homework, but I don't always have time to plan the entire vacation. If it's just a flight once and a while, I have just, in the past year and a half, booked those myself on the internet with excellent results. But, we use at least one frequent flyer ticket per vacation and although it's not a lot of work, it's more than I can spend time on with work, etc. My agent knows me well but still asks what I'm looking for in accommodations, dates, location and $$ to spend. Then, I turn her loose and it has been a wonderful relationship. In one episode, our Caribbean vacation was interrupted by a hurricane and she handled the entire cancellation and re-booking of accommodations and air. It would have taken me a lot of extra work to pull it off as quickly as she did. As for those who say an agent charges a lot of extra $$, mine tells me that she is making next to nothing on the airfares now so I feel that what little she does make from the rest of my vacation more than makes up for all the leg-work she does on my behalf. It's a win-win situation. I do enjoy the "hunt" for the perfect spot to vacation and for that I will spend time surfing the internet and have found some real gems. I think I've even turned her onto some real "finds". All in all, forums such as Fodors is a wonderful source of learning about your impending trip or to get some ideas for that perfect spot. I have used a lot of info learned from this site. I think that anyone who has a computer and can find a reliable agent has the best chance of having a wonderful trip!
Old Jul 18th, 2001, 05:35 AM
Posts: n/a
THe answer to your question is to look for information about your destination on line, then try and locate a local who lives where you will visit. There are plenty of international chat rooms, get their opinions on what the places are like, travel agents do not always know by personal experience of what they say about all destinations,local events, customs etc. Also, it is best to call the vacation destination yourself, they will have the info you need better than anyone, as for airfare, search the webs,,,www.airtran.com has cyberspecials on weekends with great deals to get you to Freeport. Best advice, DO YOUR RESEARCH and finalize plans with an agent if you need to. Good Luck.
Old Jul 18th, 2001, 05:54 AM
Posts: n/a
Generally I prefer to book travel myself, with the Internet tools that are now available. <BR>HOWEVER - I have found that travel agents can sometimes get me a better deal on an air/land package, through such tour companies as Apple, GoGo Tours, etc., than I can book on my own. <BR>Some of these tour companies book only through travel agents. <BR>On the other hand, our next trip will be Christmas week, and all the agents I talked to told me they couldn't get me any package deals for those dates. So I booked it myself. <BR> <BR>
Old Jul 18th, 2001, 01:06 PM
Posts: n/a
I've read many,many messages on this board that totally trash travel agents and their job. A good answer to Clyde's question is this one: " I know how to change the oil in my car (or vacuum my house, or whatever), but I choose to have someone else do it for me. " There are many people in the world who do not want to spend hours at the computer researching and checking their travel arrangements. I am a travel agent but I do not wish to put my email address in this post because I've seen the vicious responses some people make to and about travel agents. I have a full roster of clients , most of whom I've worked with for over 10 years and are very loyal to me (I regularly get referrals from my regular clients)Not only do I arrange their air, hotel, transfer, cruise or tour, I also recommend travel insurance, make dinner reservations, get driving directions, order theater tickets, help with local tours and sightseeing, assist with passports and visas along with countless other things that many trips require. Just as in any other profession, there are good and bad travel agents (just as there are good and bad plumbers, doctors, car mechanics, etc.) I recommend asking around and getting names from someone whose judgement you trust and has worked with a travel agent for an extended period of time.
Old Jul 18th, 2001, 04:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Those that replied then you haven't found the right TA are correct. Agents/Agencies that do not provide comprehensive, friendly, and all around good service are the ones that are failing and suffering these days. The ones that are surviving and even thriving are the ones who are providing the "Service". BTW, there are no mark ups by using an agent. The benefits are numerous....they serach out the avenue to get you the best available pricing, various destinations and properties all in one quick swoop - instead of the many hours it takes online, catagories and options, airlines and routing. And when there's ever is an issue, be it weather, equipment, documentation, unexpected circumstances, you can't call on your cyber site to help remedy the issue, but you can call your agent. Find the right agent.....one who shares your excitement for your trip, when they don't know the answer they are happy to research it for you. Use the internet as a research tool. Need a suggestion on a great agency??? I know one!! Ask me......or ask a friend.
Old Jul 18th, 2001, 09:00 PM
Posts: n/a
I have been in the travel industry longer than I care to mention and several things have occured now that we have the internet...Many agencies are closing...but some of those agencies maybe were in the business for the wrong reasons...their empolyees werent as qualified and maybe all they wanted to do was travel. I am in this business because I LOVE it. Certainly not for the $, and i am real good at what I do. There will always be some people who thrive on doing their own reasearh, I am one of those myself (thats why I am good in this business) and there are those who just cant be bothered. So be it...yes we have lost a few clients...but they were the ones who flited from agent to agent and would book somewhere else for $1.00. Who needs them...they usually require the most work and are not loyal..We have gained clients who value what we do for them. They cant be bothered spending hrs in chat rooms they have other things to do like making money so they can travel 3-4 X per yr. Thats the client I want. Contrary to popular belief we do not raise the prices on our clients vacation pkgs...we spend hrs, days searching for the lowest price, even pulling coupons out of papers to save a little more only to check and recheck that package til the clients departure date to make sure that a lower price hasnt come out cuz if it has we want our clients to have it. So we rebook it again. You pay no more to Funjet, Apple, Sandals, Carnival than you do to us. Its just that they are paying us a 10 - 13% for doing it. They arent giving that amount back to you if you dont book with an agent they are keeping it as additional reveune for the company. Why wouldnt you want somebody to benifit from the comm? We are a service business and we need to be paid for that service. My agency charges a $20.00 ser fee per trip. Now If my clients dont feel that what I do for them is not worth $20.00, they shouldnt be booking w me! We send our people out the door with photo albums, beach bags, beach towels, key chains, wine...where do you think that comes from..someone has to pay for it..people expect these things, but dont want their agent to make $$. I have worked on Xmas Eve for clients who had emergency. When there is a delay, my clients call me and I put them at the front of the line by rebooking them on another flight, thus by passing the long lines...internet cant do that. Oh well enough said expect one thing...If I leave my hair salon w a cut, color, manicure etc...I tip at least $20.00...Everytime I buy a ticket to a play or sports event I get charged a service fee. It amazes me that people dont feel that the person they have entrusted their hard earned $$ to, whether they take 1 or 6 trips per year, dont feel their agent desearves at least that much. Go Figure <BR>P.S. We can sit here and buy our clothes, travel, stock, groceries, cars, furniture, carpet etc etc etc over the internet...what we are doing to our job force is frightening! I think alot of the day traders and those who bought stocks over the internet, might wish they had paid a few bucks to a qualifed broker. Maybe they wouldnt be in the financial situtrion the market has left alot of people in.
Old Jul 19th, 2001, 03:29 AM
Occassional Traveler
Posts: n/a
In response to the above poster. You commented you want clients who travel 3-4 x's a year. Who is to take care of people like me? Our family travels on one "big" vacation per year. We spend at least $4000 per trip and last year we paid $7000 total for a trip out of the country. There are times I need an agent to help me book smaller trips, i.e. travel within my state or other personal business outside my state. I know I can call American, the Holiday Inn national booking line, ect and book myself, but life would be some much simplier if I could call an agent to make all the arrangements. I don't mind paying a fee for someone to take care of my needs and in my best interest who will be there when things go wrong. I wouldn't hesitate to give out their name to all my friends, family and co workers. Heck, I'd post it on message boards. But everytime I try to talk to local agents, they just shove brochures at me with a card, saying, "call me when you're ready to book". This is not what I had in mind. So, again I ask, who will take care of me?
Old Jul 19th, 2001, 09:07 AM
Posts: n/a
Occ Trav has it right! I agree completely with the above post. And the two times I did use a Travel Agent, the flight and/or accommodations were messed up!!!! I am the "travel agent" for my family, and it works out immensely better for us. Just wish I could get some of those free trips the professionals do! <BR>
Old Jul 19th, 2001, 09:46 AM
Posts: n/a
To the above poster Carol...You say the 2X you have used an agent things have been messed up...ask the agent how long they have been in the business, maybe they are new, or unfortunately just human and made a mistake! Now that you are the family TA I sure hope this doesnt happen to you and you do everything perfect. In response to Occ Traveler, I am sorry I didnt mean that I only want those who travel 3 - 4 x per year. I was running too many thoughts together, I meant I want clients who are loyal. It didnt matter if it was around the world or to Wisconsin Dells, everyones vacation is valuable because they have worked, saved and earned it and as agents we need to put as much enthusiam and effort into everyone regardless if someone is spending 100 or 10,000. I guess i mean its a reciproal thing, you put your vacation in my hands and in return I will go the extra mile whatever is humanly possible to make sure it is a success. Hopefully some loyalty will come out of it in the long run. Thats a good working relationship. I know there are bad agents out there. They are the ones who are always traveling (cuz they think its fun, but not taking care of their clients) or have gained their expeirence on the internet. You just need to find the good ones by asking them the right questions. Everyone makes mistakes its what you do to correct it and how you go about it. We agents depend on lots of people to make our clients trips a success. Everyone from the gate agent, car rental clerk, skycap, taxi driver , yes even the weather. If one element goes array it can ruin someones trip. I would never put a brochure in someones hand and show them the door because I know I will never see them again. I want them to sit down, and discuss what their needs are so I can find the right vacation fit for them and I know they will book with me. Good Luck and sorry I am rambling again. Cindy
Old Jul 19th, 2001, 06:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Good Job Cindy!
Old Jul 20th, 2001, 11:29 AM
Posts: n/a
Kudos Cindy! The travel agent industry is alive and well. 98% of my clientle are from referrals. I have a passion for my business. <BR> <BR>Painful experience: a potential client called my agency in a frantic seeking help for air tix she bouoght off the web, 4 of them @ $350 each and her mother was having emergency surgery, she <BR>was not using the tix, she called American they said no refund, no exchange. I called American and got the scoop, they were bought on-line/discounted if you don't use them you lose them! She lost $1400! I felt very sorry that I could not help her. She did call me 3 months later and I booked 6 people to the Caribbean on a great package, good hotel, etc. and she has been my client ever since!!! <BR>
Old Jul 20th, 2001, 03:28 PM
novice traveler
Posts: n/a
I have always traveled via car and very limited experience making reservations. Now that I've been able to save some money, I think I will be able to travel more and by air. Cindy says to ask questions to find the right travel agent. What are those questions? Are there certifications I need to look for? Are there people who specialize in just the Caribbean? I'm afraid the only experience I've had with an agency came this week when I stopped by the one on the corner to ask about booking a Carribean vacation. The guy seemed nice, gave me several books and his card, but that was it. In a case like this what should I have said or done? Thank you for your help.

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