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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 08:33 AM
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Desperate for help


>I am a 28 year-old guy living in Kentucky and I have never even been out of the >United States . My dream is to live abroad for a year or so in
> Germany or any other place in Europe would be ok. I do not have a degree and this presents a very daunting task if not impossible altogether to find work in Germany by
> myself. I have no contacts in Germany and was wondering if someone
> like yourself could help me out. I am getting frustrated as ever
> avenue I have ventured ends in a dead end. I have sent out hundreds
> of emails to various hotels,pubs,,etc with no success. I think I could teach English to >adults who already know a little bit of English too. It seems
> that the only way I will succeed in achieving my dream of living
> abroad in Germany would be if someone just "gave" me a job to help
> me out because I realize there wouldnt be a need for a foreigner
> without a degree. I am getting ever so close to resorting to
> gravelling. Any help you could provide would be greatly
> appreciated. Keep in mind I would be willing to do any type of jobs
> like sweeping floors,washing dishes,whatever. I am beginning to
> think that only the rich get to see the world while the have-nots
> see the world through
> others' blogs and movies/t.v. While I never expect to be rich, it
> would be nice to to see the world through my own two eyes and
> accumulate my own memories rather than reading about others'
> memories online. Sorry for the lengthy post....easy to get long-
> winded when desperate for help. Thanks for your time.
> -Brian Trent-
> [email protected]
> My yahoo messenger id is afstallion
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 08:52 AM
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Trent, you aren't qualified to be a teacher, are you? They may know English better than you, forget that.

I know someone with an environmental engineering degree who is married to someone German, and HE can't get a job in Germany (he isn't fluent but knows some German) even with all her contacts and relatives. Germany has a pretty high unemployment rate and a lot of bureaucracy regarding jobs and hiring.

It sounds like you want to compete with undocumented workers for labor jobs or something (I'll admit I don't know German's laws regarding foreigners, but since I think anyone in the EU can now go there to work, you really can't compete as there are many of them who are poor from other countries).

Believe it or not, I went to Europe for the first time when I was a little older than you, and I wasn't remotely rich. How did I do it? The old-fashioned way. I worked and saved money, but at home where I lived. I also didn't have unrealistic ideas or fantasies about living abroad with no money and no skills. There are some people who do that, just wander around with little money, you have to be willing to expect possible hardship, hunger, discomfort, danger and sickness. But some people do it if you are willing to take the risk. I just read a book about a woman who did that, only she wandered around Bulgaria and places like that, not Western Europe.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 09:12 AM
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Well, as a US citizen you can't just show up in a foreign contry and expect to take up residence and work in that country. Much like the USA, foreign countries have immigration laws and regulations. Your best bet is to contact the Foreign Embassey or Consulate's office for the country or countries you are considering. They will be able to give information on the immigration requirements for their particular country. Many countries have website where you can find out this information.

You should also know that in most foreign countries (much like in the USa) a non-citizen cannot work without being granted a Work Visa or Work Permit. These are often difficult to come by as you must possess a unique skill and your potential employer must often prove that there are no citizens of that country qualified to fill that position. While it would help to have a specialized degree there are plenty of skilled workers who have talents that are in demand overseas. You have to determine what "marketable skills" you possess and are those necessary skills in demand. If not, you may have to change careers in order to gain the necessary experience.

One suggestion is that you find a job with a US company that has international operations. Many times these companies send transfer their employees to long term overseas assignments. There are literraly thousands of US based companies in almost every industry that have overseas operations so it all boils down to the skills that you can bring to the business.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 09:19 AM
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There is also the problem of staying in a Schengen country for more than 90 days.

One possibility would be to travel to Germany as a tourist, then apply for a job in the Post Exchange or Morale, Welfare & Recreation on one of the US military bases. Once hired, you would then be able to stay as long as you are working on the base.

One problem, though. The jobs are mostly low paying US$ positions (ie Burger King hamburger flipper), and hardly a living wage in these days of the strong euro.

Higher paid specialized positions are either filled from the US or with qualified spouses of military personnel (who have job preference). The positions that can't be filled from those sources (food services, child care, janitorial, etc) are opened to US passport holders on tourist status.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 09:21 AM
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Trent, this is probably not what you want to hear, but I'll say it anyway...Your approach is all wrong. Instead of focussing on going to Europe to work, focus on increasing your job skills here, obtaining a degree, and raising your income. This will not only help you get to Europe so that you can actually enjoy your time there but it will improve the quality of your life in a hundred other ways. My guess is that part of your reason for wanting to escape to Europe and live the romantic life there is that you're unfulfilled here. Believe me, being in Europe is not going to fulfill you if you're working minimum wage jobs (illegaly) and struggling to make ends meet. I think your head is filled with unrealistic dreams. Not unrealistic in the sense that they can't happen, but unrealistic in the sense that they're not as great as you may think.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 09:36 AM
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I will be the outlaw here. If it is your dream, buy a ticket (one way or with an open return) and do it. You will not be thrown in prison if you overstay, but you may be obliged to leave the country quickly, and you will be officially banned from returning for several years (which would not really prevent you from returning if you really wanted to -- there are always ways to do it).

It is unlikely that you could find a legal job, but illegal work is poorly paid and plentiful. If you get sick, tough luck.

But frankly, if I had a 'dream,' I would never let the law stop me from trying.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 09:43 AM
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If you are 28, you must have some kind of employment at home. Maybe you should start with a smaller goal. Save some money and backpack for a month or so. You may hate it in Europe (something I can't imagine, but there must be some folks who can't adjust); why commit yourself, even mentally, to an entire year. And yes, sometimes it is the rich who travel, but sometimes it is others like myself who work for decades, support their kids through college, and then it's time for ourselves. I work to travel now that I have no family obligations. I could retire, but I get paid vacation at the office so why would I leave? There are quite a few large American law firms with offices in European cities; perhaps you could see if there are copy clerk jobs or something that wouldn't require foreign language skills. Or go work for one of them here in the US and ask to be transferred once you have proven yourself.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 09:52 AM
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Trent..just look around you and see how the people that do in the States what you are planning to do in Europe live and the problems they have.
After realize that..if you still want to do it..go ahead.
But if you "want to see the world" , the States and Europe are just a tiny part of it...maybe if you join an NGO and go somewhere with them you will see a greater part of it.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 09:53 AM
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How about working as an aupair? I have a friend who lived in Germany for a year as aupair and had wonderful time there. In fact, she is now married w/ a German and has been living in Germany since 1997. While working as aupair she got to live w/ German Family and took some German classes as part of her salary on top of spending money. I believe that some agencies have increased the age limit.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 10:06 AM
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Sounds like you have given up before you start. No education, You never plan on getting rich and you mention only the rich can travel to Europe. As an old guy, listen up, suck it up and stop taking the easy way out. At 28 you are an adult and you need to behave and work like one. So, get two full time jobs here. Don't spend money on anything you can do without Save, save and save some more. In a few months you can do your trip with your head up. Please don't take the easy path, do it right.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 10:13 AM
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And I'll add that many of us who post here are NOT rich. I am a teacher, and my co-workers can't understand how I travel as much as I do. Well, I was in Costa Rica this summer paying $10 a night at a hostel. Same for Mexico. Europe's a little more expensive, but lots of people camp or sleep in barns. It's not bad at all. Better than spending a year washing dishes during the day and bussing out to some bleak, scary suburb at night (which may be all you'll be able to afford.) Are we starting to make sense?
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 10:15 AM
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Help yourself first...get an education. It will open a million doors, trust me. Time is going to go by anyway, might as well be invested.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 10:27 AM
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Does it have to be Europe? If you have some work experience and/or education and are willing to do any type of job, maybe you would consider this...

How about applying for work with a cruise line? Depending on where crew members are assigned, it gives you the opportunity to see parts of the world, although sometimes just for a day. It's no vacation for crew though! The work day is long and you may go a week or more with out a day off or enough time to go in to port. However, while your salary won't be great, you won't have living expenses (housing, food, etc) either and hopefully can bank most of it for future travels.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 10:34 AM
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No one is rich at my house. My car is 9 years old, my house is 45 years old, my refrigerator is 30 years old, my furniture is probably 20 years old, my clothes are at least 2 years old. We didn't go to Europe until I was 44 and hubby was 50. So.. you work and you save and you don't spend unnecessarily.

p.s. it helps if you don't raise any kids,LOL
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 01:32 PM
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Does anyone else notice that Trent registered here and copied this post and posted it here as he's probably done on a number of sites. He then listed his email address for replies. Am I the only one to suspect he will never return here to see what the replies were and any posted responses here are generally going to go unnoticed?
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 01:41 PM
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Google "afstallion" and you'll find him in various sites. Here's one excerpt:

TRENT13Jul 6 2007, 01:56 AM
I am looking to join a baseball and basketball keeper. Deep league preferably. Standard 5 x 5 categories. Preferably Live online draft but I am flexible. My email address is [email protected].

I was in a 3 sport keeper league for 5 years that recently disbanded. So I bring experience and if a fair league you would have an owner for the duration of the keeper league. I may be interested in a dynasty league. I would have to read the leagues rules/settings first.

-Brian Trent-
A reply:
TenaciousD-StoreJul 6 2007, 04:33 PM
I would think the fact that he posted his e-mail addy, proves he doesn't intend to come back. The spammers will appriciate his gesture though.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 01:41 PM
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I lived in Germany for a year, but had a college degree, but that didn't help as I don't speak German. But what I did was secretarial work for the Army PX in Munchen. That was many years ago, and I'm not sure if the U.S. Army still has bases there, but you might check and see if your work experience might lend to their needs.

Otherwise, as others have suggested, put aside money for travel and travel and be on the lookout for good values--they're out there.

Another possibility might be to try a homeswitch--I don't know where you live, but it might be a possibility. Also, check out slowtravel.com and other websites that are more student oriented.

Good luck.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 01:49 PM
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I had that same feeling, Neo, that this was a "begging" letter. He talks about "gravelling" (groveling?) and people "just giving him a job".

The whole thing made me uncomfortable, that feeling you get when someone on a subway hands you a card saying "I'm deaf. Can you help?". The PC thing is to smile and cough up a buck, while inside you want to write, "Get a Job!" on the card, and give him a swift kick.

End of non-PC rant.

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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 01:59 PM
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For some reason, that never occurred to me, but I thought maybe he'd written it first elsewhere and just copied it.

I wondered why Mr. Trent was so intent on going to Germany if he had never been outside the US and wondered if he had some internet romance with a girl in Germany or something. Otherwise, odd desire.

In any case, some of these ideas are just really not going to work -- a 28 yr old guy with no college degree living in Kentucky is not going to be doing home exchanges or going to work for some multinational corporation.
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Old Sep 14th, 2007, 02:05 PM
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I agree with Neo & nukesafe. Before I got thru the post, my "alert" button popped! May sound silly, but maybe he hopes for lots of emails for a spamming list???

Lordy, I hope it's fishy. If this 28 yo is for real, he's got a lot, lot, & more lot to learn about life!

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