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Gettin Lost with lostgirl..trip report..


Gettin Lost with lostgirl..trip report..

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Old Mar 19th, 2008, 08:55 AM
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Despite being a child of the 60's, I have never "vaporized a bud". However, I am enjoying your trip report and looking forward to more.
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Old Mar 19th, 2008, 10:27 AM
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I am really enjoying your report as well! Please keep it up.

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Old Mar 19th, 2008, 01:08 PM
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*phew* glad someone's reading this!

Reading everyone's trip reports and posts prior to my trip really really helped me out with planning and what to look forward to.
I really wanted to write an honest report of everything I did because I felt like its the only way I can give back to other travellers and fellow fodorites.
Even though some people on this board may not be on the same page as I am. I know that there are a few who understand my heart..

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Old Mar 19th, 2008, 01:22 PM
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More more more please. Loving it.
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Old Mar 19th, 2008, 01:26 PM
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<Is it because she's a party girl who smokes pot?>

heck no, that's why I WANT to go with her... I'd just lost track of this thread.
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Old Mar 20th, 2008, 02:25 PM
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Very entertaining! Keep the post coming. I love reading about your trip!

I fly through LAX a lot and I'm still SHOCKED that you made it through LAX the way you did. AMAZING!
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Old Mar 25th, 2008, 08:47 AM
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I've been traveling for the past week. Happy to find new postings of your trip upon my return. Keep them coming!
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Old Mar 25th, 2008, 09:34 AM
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Definitely enjoying this! Can't wait to hear more...
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Old Mar 29th, 2008, 01:39 PM
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Day 3 ..Feb 17, 2008

It's noon and the sun is brightly shining into our room.
Damn. It's so freakin beautiful here.
Everyone gets washed up and we hit a small restaurant around the corner to eat an english breakfast.
Sausage. Toast. Egg sunny side up. Cold beans.
Beans? Okay. Not what I'm used to. But..Sure.

After breakfast we make our way to Central Station. Today we decided to break away from The Dam for the day and make our way to a small town called Leiden. Pronounced "LEEE-DEN" not "LIE-DEN"
Thanks to a very friendly local we meet on the train he promptly corrects me on the right way to say the name.

We finally arrive and its very different than where we were. It's like time was standing still. The hectic buzz of the Dam disappears and I am surrounded by quiet canals and the ever so often rattle of a bike. *I grew a fetish for the sounds of those bikes*

We visit a neighborhood coffeeshop and we just start wandering again. Walking through the Leiden University I try to peak through drawn windows and absorb this fabulous Sunday afternoon.

Honestly, we did absolutely nothing here but walk around and soak in the scene.
While the sun sets we stumble upon a Dutch Pancake Restaurant.

I order the apple cinnamon, Bf orders the Banana pancake, and our friend orders the apple cinnamon with ice cream and whip cream. OH MY GOD.
I've never had this kind of pancake before.
Dusted with powdered sugar and sprinkled with cinnamon. It's absolute heaven.
After an hour of oOOohs..and Mmmmms..and Ahhhhs..
Our friend needs to catch his train. He's on his way to Belgium to continue on his own adventure and the bf and I are headed back to Amsterdam.
This is the end of the road for us. We say our good byes and get to our different platforms.

Of course, I am again, 1 minute late for the train thats going back to Central. These trains really mean business! 15 minutes later we hop the next and get on our way.

We get to Central Station and stop by the ticket office to buy a 10:15pm Thalys ticket to Paris for the next day.
We stop by a tourist trap pizza spot to grub and take another 20 minute stroll back to the hotel.

By this time, I am super tired and decide to turn in for the night.

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Old Mar 31st, 2008, 07:15 PM
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Waiting for Paris....
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Old Apr 9th, 2008, 01:38 PM
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OH MY GOSH! It's been so long since I've posted~!

Day 4 Feb 18th

Today we go to Paris!
But of course we wake up late!
Our train leaves in 1 hour!@*&%!

No time for a shower, no time for breakfast - we'll just pick something up at the Albert Heinz.

We finish packing up everything and take a cab to Centraal.
Time is ticking..
the train leaves in 10 minutes and once again we're running...btw..my blister from day 2 is getting quite large..and is very painful..*ouch*
so running isn't helping.

For some reason we think we have enough time to pop into the AH and pick up some sandwiches. BF runs in and starts picking out some food.
Time is ticking and the line is moving slowly.hurry hurry..
One thing I did notice is that after you pay for your food, they don't give you a plastic bag to put it in!
So you have to carry all of your food with your hands!
tick tock tick tock..

2 minutes left! &*$%!!
We stuff the sandwiches in my backpack and haul ass up the steps..
just in time to see..the train go by..choo choo..

My heart sinks.

This is the 3rd or 4th time I missed a train~!!!
I really feel so defeated..
and BF has no words to say.
The thing that really gets me is that I had a whole day planned for Paris..and now its been cut short.
We make the walk back down the stairs..and the next step is to find a ticket agent to see if we can exchange our tickets for the next train.

The whole ticket office is packed and buzzing with travelers.
I take a seat and wait for my number to be called..very reminiscent of the DMV back her in the states.

After a sandwich, fanta, and chips my number gets called. Luckily we are able to get on the next train which leaves for Paris at 4:16pm.

That's about 4.5 hours from now.
Okay fine.
This time we'll be at the station an hour in advance.
This is definite downer but a lesson in traveling for us. Be EARLY and when things don't go as planned go with Plan B..even if you don't have a Plan B..improvise!

We take our luggage and store them in the locker. Our feelings of sadness are now gone because it is what it is. So let's just enjoy the rest of the day. We decide to go surprise our friend who's working that day.

She works in a cute boutique that specializes in graffiti and urban art by the Van Gogh Museum. After hanging out with her we hop on the tram and get to Dam Square. Its about 2:45 and we decide to get our last smoke before getting back to the train station.

Around 3:30 we leave the coffeeshop and stop by that one famous french fry stand. I'm totally blanking on the name at the moment but they have a picture of a little boy peeing. We order some frittes and we keep walking.

Pick up our luggage and get to the platform. We have about 30 minutes until the train leaves...
We finally board and we're on our way.


Train ride was uneventful.
4 hours of darkness outside and me dozing in and out of sleep.

We get to Paris and its close to 9pm. Thanks to the lovely advice from fodorites, We decide to buy 1 carnet of tickets to share.

Time to find our hotel.
Honestly, this process of figuring out what to take..RER or METRO..
took about a 45 minutes. Running from one platform to another..
We finally find the right train to take!
This place is totally different than Amsterdam!!

We finally arrive at our 2nd hotel..
I really wanted to get the room with an Eiffel Tower view but of course we get there too late so we take a standard double

This hotel is really clean and such a great value. Located directly in front of a metro stop and a 15 minute walk to the Eiffel Tower, they even have snacks and meals available 24 hours a day. *this comes in handy later on*
Plus I booked this hotel 30 days in advance and got a great rate for 49Euros a night!!

We settle in and decide to go for a stroll. We get to the Eiffel Tower and I'm am smiling from ear to ear..
I was really looking forward to Paris and all of bullcrap that I went through earlier that day melted away.

Around 12:30 we head back in search of food. Everything is closed! We stop by a corner store and pick up some beer and water.
But thank god for IBIS!
We order the lasagna and chicken with rice and take it up to our room.

We map out what we're going to do and decide on checking out Versailles in the morning.

Oh my god what a day.
I'm so pooped but so excited to face the day tomorrow.

Lights out.

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Old Apr 9th, 2008, 01:59 PM
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I'm loving this report! Keep it coming!
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Old Apr 11th, 2008, 11:20 PM
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day 5..
FEB 19

*hak hak hak*
It's 9am and I wake up with this crazy cough and sore throat..I really was hoping I wouldn't get sick on this trip..but maybe that was wishful thinking..

We get dressed and make our way towards the train that will take up to Versailles. While strolling along we stop by a bakery to pick up a quick munch. We're really not breakfast eaters but i am today. I get a ham and swiss quiche and bf gets the ham and swiss panini (1 of many paninis to be consumed during this trip)
and eat while walking. I'm not sure if this is frowned upon but I can't help it..I just love the feeling of walking down a city street, feeling the cool breeze, eating, while life is just wizzing by!

We find the train and it takes about 40 minutes, from what I recall, to get to Versailles.
Just a short walk before the entrance gates, there's a tourist office that we pop into and of course we end up buying our 2 day museum pass there. How handy these turn out to be!!
The general admission line is so long it snakes around the front and looks absolutely dreadful!!
Luckily for our passes, we just walk right in..NO WAIT!

We explore the palace and make our way outside to the garden. I'm taken aback by how grand the whole place really is. I start to daydream as if this place is really my home and I take the bf on a tour of MY BACKYARD. haha..
We make it down to the bottom of the garden where all the cafes are and sit down by the lake for some more paninis.
There are ducks to feed, people to watch, sun to absorb, its a Parisian dream come true minus the sore throat.

After our lunch, we decide to rent a couple bikes for to really explore the grounds. Breaking away from the public..we start pedaling around the lake..exploring Marie Antoinette's house..and it dawns on me..this place is REALLY BIG!! 5 hours in and I've barely just scratched the surface of this place!

around 4:30pm we decide to leave Versailles and make our way back to the center of the city. We decide to get to Sacre Coeur and catch the sunset.

At the bottom of the steps, I decide I want to walk up the stairs to really get the whole experience. But before that I stop by the self cleaning restroom which in my opinion, doesn't seem so clean. While waiting for the bf to get out I observe some poor tourists falling for the friendship bracelet trick. Thanks to fodors, I wasn't one of them!

We start our trek up the steps and maybe I was way in over my head but holy crap that was really really hard to do. Out of breath and my legs hurting from all the walking and biking I am knocked off my seat when I finally see the view that I've only read about and seen on TV. It's just magical. We sit on the steps, overlooking the city, as the sun sets. I get goosebumps.

Finally we start walking up and down the cobblestone streets, wandering aimlessly while the night "lights" up. It's getting really chilly out and its making my throat worse. I didn't bring any cough drops with me on this trip so we decide to find a pharmacy. I heard the medicine's different here..
but I figure they should have some cough drops right?

So, my pharmacy experience was pretty eventful I must say. Back at home the only cough drops I've ever had were mentholated ones and rarely ever did the trick. The drops that the pharmacist hands to me has this strange but soothing warming sensation instead of the cold eventually making my throat go numb.

We make our way to where all the artists and shops are and start admiring some great portraits and other beautiful pieces of art.

take the last look at this view..

traveling has really changed my life.
i'm hooked.

After leaving Sacre Coeur we take the scenic route and walk to Moulin Rouge. Then we hop on the metro to visit The Latin Square, we end up eating at a great little restaurant here.
This part of Paris makes me feel as if I'm in Amsterdam again.

By now my sprit wants to go on but my body is telling me to rest. My throat is acting up pretty bad and I start feeling really ill. Plus not to mention, this is the most walking I've done in my life since high school and my blister is growing day by day.

When we get back to the hotel I pop some Sudafed Cold that I brought from home and knock out.

Please please let this cold be just a one day thing..

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Old Apr 12th, 2008, 01:26 AM
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Your report is filled with suspense. Will she make the train? Does she know how to get where she's going? But also filled with the joy and discovery of travel. It's a good thing you're young.

And this paragraph really applies to all of us who post here: "Even though some people on this board may not be on the same page as I am. I know that there are a few who understand my heart.."
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Old Apr 12th, 2008, 05:02 AM
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lostgirl -- what a lovely day! I love that you imagined it as your own backyard ~ why not? Never hurts to dream

I usually get sick when I travel. That feeling of doom at the first painful swallow...
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Old Apr 12th, 2008, 03:46 PM
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This is a great adventure! I am hanging on every word . . . please continue . . . and I hope this is a long trip!

Thanks for posting,
Sandy (in Denton)
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Old Apr 12th, 2008, 04:03 PM
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great report! Johanna
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Old Apr 14th, 2008, 01:58 PM
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Lucky you at Versailles, even with our pass we had a LONG line to stand in!

Love the trip report.
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Old Apr 14th, 2008, 03:45 PM
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I am enjoying your report! I was just wondering if my husband and I could do Versailles and Montmartre in one day. You answered my question. Thanks!

p.s. I'm just slightly older than you (29), but I think I took care of all my coffee shop days when I went to Amsterdam when I was 20. Lots of fun!
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Old Apr 14th, 2008, 04:53 PM
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Such a great report lostgirl....You are a hoot and I am enjoying all your experiences. Keep it coming!
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