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Jessycat Apr 4th, 2001 07:27 AM

Buono Sera Ursula,<BR><BR>Sometimes, I just love my Fodor friends.<BR>I always have alot of difficulty adjusting to my life back in the US. It always seems as Italy was a dream and then I am lapsed back into reality. I envy you living in Florence. What did you do there? If nothing else, I would love to go study Italian in Rome for a bit. I have a small boy (5) and am not at a point in my life that I can follow all of my dream. I would love to live in Italy and I will at some juncture in my life. I may have an Italian woman come stay at my house for one month. It wwill be great to learn more about the culture. <BR><BR>Barbara,<BR>I will be glad to help you with train connections and how to take the metro. It's much cheaper than taking a taxi. Email me... at the above address and I can help you with planning. I traveled solo as well. learn how to say " leave me alone" in Italian. Tee hee. J<BR><BR>Rex,<BR><BR>How the hotel finding going? You can find Anglo Americano on the web. Think it was $260,000 per night but, I got it much cheaper through my travel agent. I also stayed at the Kraft in Florence. Very nice but I didn't like the location as well as the one in Rome. <BR><BR>Kisses to you all... Jcat<BR>

Ursula Apr 4th, 2001 07:49 AM

Ciao Bella!<BR>Jessycat: I studied Italian in Florence (very difficult, especially i verbi italiani, huuh!). Unfortunately, I forgot a lot meanwhile. It has been a while already. Maybe I should go to an Italian forum. This one is soo good for my English, I can almost be mean again..;-). But that's difficult in a foreign language, if you do not want to hurt other people (which I nver intend to do, incidentally).<BR>But besides that, I did a lot of other nice things too, like eating pasta and visiting all the museums and some other things too .... BG<BR><BR>Ciao, cara. Bella giornata a te!

Gerry Apr 4th, 2001 09:37 AM

Jesseycat,Ursula et al:<BR><BR>I too studied in Italy but it was, alas!, many years ago. Back in the '60s (Gasp!). Best experience of my life! I spent a school year at Loyola University of Chicago Rome Center. They're still there and going stong. I amazed myself that after all these years of not using Italian, that I remembered enough to actually talk to people. Never learned it well though. The verb forms and such are so hard for us Americans to learn well.<BR>This time(see above dates and location) we hit all the usual sites plus Scavi tour, Borgese gallery, Papal Audience etc. And walked and walked and walked and then walked some more. Whatever I was doing at the time was "the best". Spent overnight in Florence. Then ran out of time and had to come home. Wished there was more time. Our flight home to San Francisco on Lufthansa was very comfortable but I guess you had an extra leg to get to Eugene.<BR>No nightclubs this time. But way back then in ancient times we nightclubed. I drank with Jack Palance and danced with Brigit Bardot(when they were young). I'll never forget it!<BR><BR> Barbara:<BR><BR>You can take train-cab or train-Metro to Spanish Steps. It's easy. You'll figure it out. However, I would not recommend the Metro if you have more than just 1 small bag. It gets very crowded and is full of thieves. But, try this. When you get to the airport go to the Hotel Reservation desk(at least 2 locations at airport). They have a shuttle bus that will take you to and pick you up at your hotel. Cost was, as I remember, about $16 per person each way. This is only a few dollars more that train-Metro route ($9) and cheaper than cab and much more convienient than either.. Don't know though if they service all hotels or your hotel. But definately worth a try. PS. You can also e-mail me.

Jessycat Apr 4th, 2001 09:54 AM

Hi Gerry. I was down the street from you in Rome at the same time. Did you see me? Hee hee The night clubbing was wonderful. My friend has a friend in Rome and she told him I was coming so..this very attractive man, picked me up and drove me around Rome in his silver Mercedes. Wow! I went to diner and nightclubbing with him and stayed out on the town until 5am! Fabulous experience. He then escorted me safely to my hotel. <BR><BR>If the hotel will pick you up that sounds like the best deal. I was ripped off by my Roman taxi driver.He was a real city driver, too. I had a 10 hour jet lag and hadn't slept in about 30 hours) Good target. Ciao! jcat

Gerry Apr 4th, 2001 10:04 AM

Barbara:<BR><BR>I checked the price of the shuttle. 18500lire($9) per person each way. Less than train-Metro. A absolute bargain! The shuttle is a van. Just like a cab but more comfortable and maybe other passengers. Unfortunately, I don't know if they service all hotels or just member hotels.<BR><BR>Where is Rex???

Jessycat Apr 4th, 2001 10:13 AM

He usually shows up about now... about noon my time. Aspetta....

Gerry Apr 4th, 2001 11:22 AM

Jessycat,<BR><BR>I'm sure I must have seen you. There were soooo many people but I'm sure you must have stood out! I'll search my memory. Let's see beautiful girl in Mercedes Humm. Did you see me?<BR>We had our share of bad experiences also. First time on the subway I had my front pocket picked. Lost my wallet with $80 cash and my pen(!). No cards lost thanks to the money belt. Didn't even know it was gone until I got to the Vatican. Two days later while my wife was fighting off a gypsy boy who had his hand in her purse(subway again), I caught a gypsy girl's hand in the same pocket. I was so mad, I almost broke her arm. You can't do that to a San Francisco cop after all. I think she got the message! After that my wife was totaly paranoid on the subway and we spent a lot of time lost on busses instead. I just told her not to worry since we didn't have anything left to steal.<BR>All in all we did not let these minor events detract from our really great and enjoyable trip. Hope we can all do it again soon.<BR><BR>Caio,<BR><BR>Gerry<BR>

Ursula Apr 4th, 2001 01:07 PM

Jessycat and Jerry:<BR><BR>Rex might be drinking a nice Kir Royal somewhere and forget about us!

Gerry Apr 4th, 2001 01:19 PM

Ursula,<BR><BR>I think so! But I know we're having more fun.

Jessycat Apr 4th, 2001 01:46 PM

Hey- I don't know about you two but, I'm trying to sell advertising after 9 days in Italy. Let's say.. a little uninspired. I am surprised that Rex hasn't popped up... Hmm... Did you see all of the "When to Reserve"? and the one about "awful Italy.. very amusing.<BR><BR>Rex?? Where are you? I feel like a groupie! Jcat

Rex Apr 4th, 2001 01:56 PM

Sorry, Jessyca!!<BR><BR>I'm here!<BR><BR>Tell me more about what you have in mind for December. Make this a Fodorites trip?<BR>

Gerry Apr 4th, 2001 02:12 PM

Jessycat,<BR><BR>Couldn't agree more about awful Italy. It's way too crowded with giggly tourists. I wish they'd all stay home. More for us! By the way they don't "dump" their garbage on the street. They put it on the sidewalk in bags at night for morning garbage collection. They have garbage pick-up everyday not once a week like at home.<BR><BR>Rex,<BR><BR>Did you book your hotel of what? Are you keeping secrets? Tell us about YOUR upcomming trip.<BR><BR>Ciao,<BR><BR>Gerry<BR><BR>PS. I'm getting lots of error messages while trying to post.

Rex Apr 4th, 2001 02:24 PM

Gerry,<BR><BR>I have actualy not done very well in getting narrowed down. In Rome, it might be the Grand Hotel Plaza or the Pantheon. Both seem expensive, but might be the best answer I can come up with. And the rest of the trip is even less settled. My father-in-law asked if Monte Carlo could fit in. A flight from Rome to Nice is not so ut of the question, price-wise, but I plan to talk to them again this week and I want to dissuade them from it. They are just as interested in Venice, and I think I will try to pick one other place.<BR><BR>I have only done two other trips on short notice before; one for kids where I just went for cheap and didn't worry too much about "niceness", and one last September where it was all very easy once we got the Lake Como nights settled. It was during Monza (Grand Prix weekend), and I ultimately went through an agency that specializes iin the Milan/lakes region (they are local to there); I honestly do not think I would have found a place as satisfactory on short notice without her (and even then, one couple was rather upset to not have rooms with a view facing the lake). It ain't easy, sometimes!<BR>

Gerry Apr 4th, 2001 02:53 PM

Rex,<BR><BR>I'm having trouble posting replys so I hope this makes it.<BR>I booked 6 weeks in advance for March but even then my first 3 choices were booked. But was very happy that we got the Domus Julia. Be advised that the piazza in front of the Pantheon is always crowded and noisey. I would forget about a view in downtown Rome. Highly recommended Santa Chiara and more expensive Crown Plaza Minerva are around the corner on a much quieter piazza. We were quoted $192 per night for a double at the Santa Chiara. Also as you probably know, you can check many hotels on Just hit the Rome button and they all come up. For each hotel they show availability for 1 month ahead. But this "availability" is a few days behind real time and you won't know for sure until the hotel answers you. Also when you contact the hotel directly you often get a better price.<BR>Hope I havn't told you all stuff you already know, but maybe it will help someone. About your France stops, I don't have a clue.<BR><BR>Good Hunting,<BR><BR>Gerry

Jessycat Apr 4th, 2001 04:31 PM

Hey fellas.... Okay December.. I don't have the plans yet.. (That's the fun part right?). I would like to travel over my birthday..Dec. 31 and so maybe the 26th through Jan. 3. Probably Rome because I can't get it out of my blood. I feel silly for not venturing to Paris, or Prague, but.. I simply have not experienced enough of Italy. I love the culture, the people, food and landscape. What type of "fodorite" trip do you have in mind? Me and the Infamous "REX" in the same town at the same time? What a scandal!!! Jcat.<BR><BR>Ursuala, Gerry...What about you two. Like a said before.. We'll all go visit Ursula. ;-) Jcat

Rex Apr 4th, 2001 05:27 PM

Hmmm... not that time of year for me. not with kids in college - - they're not home enough as it is, and I don't think I would choose to be away then.<BR><BR>Sorry. No chance of interesting you in October or November?<BR>

Ursula Apr 4th, 2001 11:52 PM

Buon giorno Jessycat!<BR><BR>Well, you and Rex in the same town at the same time, hmm?! I guess I'll have to join you to have all that under control! (tutto sotto controllo?)<BR><BR>I hope you had a good night with lots of dreams about Italy and this attractive man driving a silver Mercedes. Well, to be honest, I prefer black ones... it's more sophisticated.<BR> <BR>I stayed up rather late and am longing for the weekend (oh, BTW, I won't be around to chat with you).<BR>But I have to go "When to Reserve?" and "Awful Italy" as suggested by you. I could need some entertainment, because my work is not really entertainment right now.. ;-)<BR><BR>If you have some spare time and ready for entertainment, pop to "Please tell me about the drinks kir and pastis". Although we switched to the spaghettis now. You, having been to Italy, should have an answer to the serious problem with one spaghetto.... BG<BR><BR>Gerry:<BR>So sorry for misspelling your name last night. It was kind of late. Have a good day as well.<BR><BR>OK, back to work. <BR>Buona giornata a tutti!<BR>

Jessycat Apr 5th, 2001 07:35 AM

Good Morning Fodor friends.. <BR><BR>Ursula, <BR>Thanks for the nice note. Did you find the post from the guy that hates Italy? He must be an absolute Joy.<BR><BR>Gerry.. I think I DID see you.. Did you have a camera and a map???? <BR><BR>The infamous REX.... such a privledge to have a private talk with a "internet Pirate"... I could be persuaded to change my plans.. Maybe Dec. isn't the best month to go. I have a problem with waiting another year.<BR><BR>What do you all think of the"stuck in a Italy Rut"?<BR><BR>Sending kisses.... Jcat

Ursula Apr 5th, 2001 07:43 AM

Buon giorno Jcat! <BR>Oh, what a day at the office today! :-( Look, I did not have time to see whatsoever. Just wanted to be clear that I spoke about black Mercedes and NOT men!<BR>OK, I've got things to do. Maybe sometime later today!

Gerry Apr 5th, 2001 10:09 AM

Jessycat,<BR><BR>That was me. Camera and map. But no wallet! I'll check my photos for your picture! Unfortunately the shutter on my very old 35mm reflex camera broke after 3 days. I had to use my wife's new one. I can't take pictures of pretty women with that one! White Mercedes maybe. But I think it censors out the pretty women! I don't yet understand these new high tech cameras.<BR><BR>Ursula,<BR><BR>Not to worry. I'm used to that spelling. As for me, I can't seem to spell anything right on the forum. I wish they had a spell check so I wouldn't be constantly embarrassing myself. I'm too lazy to check the dictionary.<BR>Love Florence but I'm afraid my next trip will have to wait for awhile. My stocks have not been doing well.<BR><BR>Ciao,<BR><BR>Gerry

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