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Old Dec 31st, 2012, 01:03 PM
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Annhig, don't let your imagination run away with you!>>

oh, can't I? it'd be more fun than dobby appears to be having. if he truly isn't doing more than he posts here, it's really sad!
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Old Dec 31st, 2012, 01:43 PM
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well, you gotta hand it to him, he has 135 replies...
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Old Dec 31st, 2012, 01:46 PM
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and that's not counting the thread that was deleted and the planning thread.

not bad for a t [no, i won't say it!]
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Old Jan 1st, 2013, 12:38 AM
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I suspect Dobby is having his fun with us. ;-)
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Old Jan 1st, 2013, 05:56 AM
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of course he is - i wish i knew what his previous screen names have been. i'm sure it is someone we would recognize.
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 06:20 AM
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I went to London for 2 days and ending up spending like 400 dollars When I was on the platform I was helped by 3 different ticket workers who said I could buy a ticket on the train. Since my train was leaving in 7 minutes I didn't want to risk missing it, and ended up waiting for the ticket person on the train, instead of the counter upstairs. The ticket woman came out and asked for mine, I said I didn't have one and wanted to buy one off her, and gave her my credit card. She got an attitude and said ''ya caun't cum on tha train wit outta tickeeettt, you'll git fined''. And I thought this woman was just being rude just for the sake of being rude because if that was the case then why are people given the option to buy tickets on the train?? It was embarrassing cause now people nearby thought I was just sneaking on. Plus the 3 male workers said to me that I can just buy one on the train. Maybe she was on her period. The ticket was 38 but then she charged me extra cause I was buying on the train. I'm still fuming over it, sorry -___- That kicked my mood that early morning. Plus the train was like an hour late. I'm pretty sure I deserve a discount.
Also there was this huge lady with red hair and horrible black glasses who sat behind/across from me, and was talking all loud with a guy she was with, and all through the train ride she kept making these nasty loud coughs. They were so loud and sudden, the sound went right through me. I wanted to tell her to shut up or cover her mouth but I didn't want to start an argument and get kicked out.

You know for a 15 minute train ride on the underground it's like 5.50?? Really? Why is it so expensive? Also the trains are very tight compared to ones in NYC. When I went on the underground there was this blonde girl in a fur coat who sat right across from me. She kept crossing and uncrossing her legs aggressively, over and over again. I kept ignoring her and made sure not to look in her direction. I thought maybe I creeped her out or something, so I just ignored. But she kept doing it. From the corner of my eye she kept flipping and fingering her hair. What does this mean? Or am I being paranoid?

But anyway I stopped at Euston and walked about and noticed how much of a litter problem England has. Like don't people care enough to pick up their own trash? There are plenty of bins around and inside the train station. And the fact that it rained a few days ago and everything still seemed wet, made it look worse.

I bumped into a gym and checked it out. I was given a tour by some guy with an Italian accent, and he wasn't very nice. When I said something he would roll his eyes. I was thinking of talking to the manager to get them to fire him but I thought it in the end it wasn't worth it cause I didn't want to go there anyway.

And don't even get me started on the two real estate men I had to deal with when looking for apartments to rent. (yes I might come back next year). The funny thing about this is that after the ''situation'' I had with them, I asked for their full names and wrote them down before leaving. As I was leaving one of the men opened the door for me. Funny how just when you think I'm going to report you you treat me like a human being. HA! -.- Too late I'm still contacting your boss!

I have a serious question. What is with the fake coughing that people do in this country? I usually have fat women, average weight middle aged/old women, or middle aged/old men who do this. Cute/pretty/average young skinny/chubby girls, and young men under 35 don't do this to me. Is it how I look? I had a grey hoodie, a hat and black jeans. I didn't think I had to look like a famous person or anything >___>

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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 06:25 AM
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Sorry for rambling, I'm just really upset :'/ x
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 06:28 AM
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Hi Dobby! Sounds like you had a marvelous time in London. I do think it was an odd choice to take a tour of a gym, but to each their own. Are you thinking of returning next year and living in London?
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 06:35 AM
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What a rude person you are, do you not have anything nice to say about anyone or anything on your travels?

"Maybe she was on her period? ". I am so over this.
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 06:48 AM
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Ah, Dobby is a just a little light-hearted fun, IMO. I assumed he threw that particular line in to get your specific reaction, socal. Dobby may be a twenty-something in England, and there may be a factual basis to his posts, but their purpose is to wind us up. If you are in the right mood, they can be a bit of fun.
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 06:51 AM
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I'm 18
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 06:54 AM
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Thanks for reporting back on London. I will be going for a third visit next summer do can't comment on the price of things yet. I do know I can buy a train ticket on the train when I go to NYC but have to pay a little extra. When I go to Philly, I have to pay on the train as there are no machines or counters. I think those guys just didn't think of the extra fee. London is a big city and with any city, you do have nice and standoffish people. Not sure I would go to a gym if I was only there for two days but maybe you are looking for when you return to England. You don't sound like you were dressed strangely and I am over 35. I doubt you had anything written on your hat or hoodie that would offend anyone. So I can't say why they would act that way. I hope your next time to London goes better.
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 07:01 AM
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I'm actually not a rude person. I've been called quiet and ''reserved'' whatever that means. Unless I go out to a club or something. And yes I have something nice to say. There were a few people who helped me when I was having trouble on the train (I got lost), and also the doors wouldn't open and I ended up missing my stop twice. Took forever to get back home >.< And the underground is fast, don't have to wait long for the next one to arrive

The ''British are polite'' sterotype is untrue. Women here are way more rude than the ones in the U.S. The young men/boys are the same though, so it's easier to interact with them.
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 07:05 AM
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Perhaps Suki, but I raised 3 teens and this one reads like a proper little snot. You may enjoy it, but his so-called travel exploits are embarrassing to parents everywhere. Two of mine studied abroad and their posts home were wonderful, not full of encounters with odd people 'prejudiced' against Americans. Part of me actually thinks the Dobby tales are faux, but if so, why write so meanly? Guess I'm just not amused.
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 07:20 AM
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I'm a parent whose daughters have lived in Europe (including London)and they loved every minute of it. I still find Dobby amusing and think there is no doubt that many of his tales are fake.

"The young men/boys are the same though, so it's easier to interact with them." Why does this not surprise me?
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 07:24 AM
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I enjoy the travels of DTT. We're experiencing the youth learning process. Me thinks we should be a bit kinder and gentler to DTT, and guide him? in the learning process.

How courageous of you to travel and live on your own in a foreign country. I commend you. Part of the fun of being in another country is to live (and respect) how the locals live. Sit on a park bench for a little while and "people watch". You may enjoy the simple things and see what others are up to.

Dobby, some of us have learned that we get back from people what we give to them. (i.e., if everyone is always mean to you, what do you think might possibly cause that? Better yet, how do you think you could get a kinder response from people?) Just saying.

Keep us posted on your adventures. Some of us are enjoying it. (But we do roll our eyes when you make comments about, say...women and their periods?)
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 08:32 AM
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Sounds like you had a marvelous time in London.>>

suki - were you and i reading the same post? virtually everyone s/he met ticked him/her off - and probably vice versa. and who are all those coughing people? - i never meet them.

dobby - if you had used your time planning your trip to london instead of upsetting the neighbours, you might have bought your train ticket in advance, which would have been cheaper than buying it on the day and you could have added a travel card to it to cover the cost of the tube.

just saying.
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 09:06 AM
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Hi Dobby, thanks for reporting in. Apart from the hoody and the hat (how does that work, hat on top of hood or the other way around?) I can't see much wrong there.

My view on train tickets is 1) buy them on line 2) buy them before you get on and 3) you may well get fined for no ticket (there are signs up about this) but be very nice and clear about the instructions you go from her fellow workers and the problem goes away, I've done it and if you allow the clerk their dignity they feel comfortable about not fining you. "you get back what you put in"

The underground was built when London was a lot smaller than now and even people were smaller. It now carries more people than the rest of the UK train system put together. It does not stop for long so it can keep going and keep enough trains on the system moving to keep the masses moving. (think about it, as long as it is stopped the line is not being used). Don't worry the first time I used it I went passed my stop too.

The British are polite but if you ruffle them up the wrong way they can either "too polite" or push back. I guess the estate agent was being too polite by opening the door for you. To the British this would be a significant insult that is even more amusing as "Johnny Foreigner does not even understand the insult." And yes Brits really will stop what they are doing to help you, especially if you ask.

Yes the litter drives me mad too. As those of us who live outside London say "they are dense in London" and we don't mean the area per person.

I think the whole reporting workers for behaviour you feel is incorrect is just a waste of time (and suggests you cannot develop a conversation with the individual without running to an adult figure) . A very famous consultant was in a queue at the airport to check in his luggage in the States. The guy ahead of him took umbrage at something that was said and blew up. After he had gone the consultant asked the staff member if he was ok, "Sure, he is just flying to New York, but his luggage is going to Moscow now"

Now the fake coughing question. There are three likely explanations
1) There is a cough going around that hangs on and on at the moment (I've had it for 2 1/2 weeks) it sounds fake, it isn't.
2) There is a smell the person does not like
3) They are trying to attract the attention of someone.

I don't know which, I was not there. Keep coming back to us, relax, breath and smile. The person dealing with you has to deal with loads of other people all the time, why not be the one who makes their day?
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 09:07 AM
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I'd like to see a DTT/JW pairing on The Amazing Race.
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Old Jan 13th, 2013, 09:09 AM
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Dobby, Ann has a good point. I never turn up and buy my ticket on the spot.

Advance tickets online from or, or in my case are much cheaper. And you can include your underground travel if you want although I have an oyster card.

You seem to have had a rotten time in London - maybe you are spending too much time alone.
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