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HappyTrvlr Jul 16th, 2023 07:46 AM

We had in depth nature experiences from our Lindblad ships in Baja Mexico and Alaska. The ships are small,90 passengers, and go to remote areas. We saw so many whales with their babies, brown bears and grizzlies, so many wonderful experiences.

zebec Jul 16th, 2023 10:36 AM

It turned out that Jack Lemmon and wife had just been on the same Galapagos cruise boat's previous journey as ourselves back in '92. In the Guest Book, he'd signed and left a phone number and address, which obviously must've been that of his agent. Also apparently on that same cruise had been the late-teen daughters of Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner.
Our guide, Jimmy Iglesias, would never have won the award for 'Most Happy Cheery Wildlife Guide'. He was decidedly cool, as he blew us all off whenever any passenger tried to engage him in a longer chat.

I suspected that maybe the cause for that was some labour issue, but who knows?
I am done. the iguana

Elizabeth_S Jul 23rd, 2023 04:16 AM

We're in Newfoundland right now and about to go whale watching and puffin/tern spotting. Have been here before - it's a wonderful marine watching location.

Also Cape Cross in Namibia - a quarter of a million seals ............. oh my does it smell!!!!

Antarctica for penguins!!! and Leopard seals and whales - oh my

And do polar bears count as marine animals (well they eat them). We had a fabulous trip to Churchill Manitoba to see the polar bears.
No telephoto here! the next breech soaked all of us in the Zodiac. Trinity Newfoundland
Miles and miles of seals - Namibia
Actual picture of polar bear face as he reached up to say hi to us in the tundra buggy! Churchill Manitoba
Tundra Buggy - we stayed on it for two nights - glamping.
Richard's fab penguin shot - Antarctica

Christina Jul 23rd, 2023 10:05 AM

I haven't done one like that but my boss took one to the Galapagos also and thought it was really good. The company was Road Scholar. They have several including the Galapagos.

Johncalven Jul 24th, 2023 10:31 PM

Wow, those trips sound amazing! I’m glad you enjoyed them.😊

I’m also a nature lover and I enjoy wildlife adventures. For instance, I had a great time in Antarctica in December. It was one of the best experiences of my life. We saw icy landscapes, icebergs, islands and beautiful glaciers. We also encountered different animals, such as seals, whales, birds and penguins. I think penguins are adorable. Do you agree?

Another memorable trip was in Kigali, Rwanda. We stayed in a lodge near the forest for two days. It was fascinating to visit a local village and learn about their culture and history. The highlight of the trip was trekking through the jungle and spending time with gorillas. We found a mountain gorilla family and observed them for an hour. They were so gentle and amazing.

By the way I don’t mind the spaces after a colon either, but I guess they have their reasons. Maybe it’s for consistency or readability.

umretdd Jul 26th, 2023 01:59 AM

wow, those are some great trips, all the photos look beautiful and the animals look so cute. I am a nature lover myself and I love exploring nature during my trips. Thank you all for sharing your experiences, I'll definitely try to visit the places you recommended.

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