San Francisco, Fighter Jets and more!

Old Oct 19th, 2012, 08:20 PM
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San Francisco, Fighter Jets and more!

This has been our 7th trip in 4 years and all I can say is that I feel happy and comfortable in northern California. The purpose of the trip was to see both sons, one of whom lives in SF.

Flights – chosen for lowest fares. NY to SF was on Virgin, the same flight that they thought a terrorist was hiding in the wheel well at JFK the previous week. SF to NY was on American and all I can say is that I’m glad our seats remained stationery.

Places we visited – SF, Sausalito, Point Reyes, Pacific Grove, Carmel, Monterey, Big Sur and Cupertino.

Hotels – the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero – we’ve stayed here a number of times; rooms could use some freshening, but we love the location. Seven Gables Inn in Pacific Grove - wonderful.

First day – Thursday - our flight landed a bit early, we had carry on and headed to the taxi line. We hit some traffic, but we were at the hotel by about 3. The same Hyatt employee who checked us in last trip, checked us in again upgrading us to a room with a balcony and Bay view. I had known that there were a lot of things going on in the city, but I had forgotten. As soon as we were in our room, I heard the unmistakable roar of fighter jets overhead. From our window, I could see them – so very close to the buildings – too close - and not in any formation. Being a NYer, I was really alarmed – what could they be protecting us from? The sound was deafening! Yes, I forgot it was Fleet Week and the Blue Angels were practicing for their weekend air shows. I was so relieved when a hotel employee told us what they were doing. It was a beautiful afternoon and we went out for a walk along Market Street and then through Union Square stopping in some stores, but not buying anything except my beloved See’s Caffe Latte Little Pops. It’s embarrassing how many boxes I bought. Back to the hotel to freshen up and then an early dinner at one of our favorite go-to places, Barbacco. We especially like it for our first night. It is comfortable, casual, priced well and the food is delicious. Not knowing exactly when our Ca son would arrive, we started on wine, ascolane (fried stuffed olives), antipasti of seasonal veggies and a beet salad. After he showed up, he started on that and we ordered a braised chicken thigh dish, polpette (Sicilian meatballs), a pasta (Maccheroni I think) and an order of brussel sprouts. The dishes aren’t very large and perfect to share. We were really full, but got some house made gelato to share anyway. We walked ds to his bus, some hugs and end of a good, but short first day.

Day 2 – Friday – Second son’s flight was early am and he was at the hotel by Bart at 8:30. And hungry. We walked over to Perry’s in the Hotel Griffon on Steuart St. It was pretty empty. I’m not a big breakfast eater, but all the food was very fresh and carefully prepared. After eating and catching up, we walked along the water for a while and then headed to the Ferry Building where we caught a ferry to Sausalito. The original plan was to walk over the bridge to Sausalito and take a ferry back, but the concierge discouraged us – not from walking over the bridge – but walking to Sausalito. She said there really wasn’t a place for pedestrians. Although we’ve driven it several times, we couldn’t remember if that was so. We opted for the ferry. In all our trips, the only time we had been in a boat on the bay was when we went to Alcatraz. This was a good experience with some beautiful views. In Sausalito, we walked a lot – through parks, near marinas, along shops although I find most unimpressive. We had lunch in Sushi Ran, a very high quality Japanese restaurant (on Michael Bauer’s 100 Best list). It was very good, but not the amazing lunch we remembered a few years back. It was time to head back to the ferry. During the ride back, my friends, the Blue Angels, were rehearsing and I got some incredible photos. In most shots, the planes look gray or black, but I got one photo where they are so close – six of them – that you can see that they are blue and yellow. It was amazing to watch them while out in the bay – the highlight of the day! There also were some boats from the America's Cup out there - just great to watch. (I do regret not walking over the bridge to Sausalito).

We took a rest at the hotel and then met Ca son after work for dinner. This was a fairly new restaurant, Claudine, on Claude Lane. I chose it because of Michael Bauer’s review. Although the staff was very nice, the food was nothing special and some dishes not good (tough, flavorless roast chicken). I usually find his recommendations right on the mark, but not this time. We firmed up our plans for the next day, the guys went off to a concert and we went off to sleep.
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Old Oct 19th, 2012, 10:25 PM
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Looking forward to reading all of this report! We were there last yer during same time period and had a grand time. We loved watching the Blue Angels buzz us, but we knew what was going on so it wasn't so scary, but they did sneak up on you on the first pass!
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 04:29 AM
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Deb, waiting for your TR oo la la!
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 05:17 AM
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Enjoying! Always good too "see" you cpg!
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 06:42 AM
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Day 3 – Saturday – This was our outdoor family day and the weather did not disappoint. We drove over the bridge and headed north to Point Reyes. We passed through the small town of Point Reyes Station and decided to stop to walk through their Farmer’s Market – as expected, lots of gorgeous produce, baked goods, some crafts, etc. We bought some simple biscotti and sesame cookies from a local baker (the name escapes me) that were so good that we regretted not buying more. Point Reyes is large and we decided to visit the Lighthouse. (dh and I had been up here 4 years ago, but ran out of time and never got there). The landscape is such that when you leave Highway 1 and head west, the Lighthouse is a 20 mile drive. After you park, there is a hike downward (steps and slopes) to reach it. A sign says that it’s the equivalent of walking 30 stories. It was worth the walk. The Lighthouse, as you would expect, is right out over the water and the views north and south are spectacular. You can also walk around it – if you don’t have a fear of heights! Inside, there were some historic displays – quite interesting with some very revealing old journal entries by the men assigned to the watch so many ages ago – what difficult and solitary work. The climb back up was something else. Sad to say, I needed advil two days later. So glad I visited there.

We then drove another 30 minutes north on Highway 1 to Nick’s Cove on Tomales Bay. Nick’s Cove is a small, casual restaurant overlooking the bay with the best food. We had lunch there 4 years prior and it is still every bit as wonderful – oysters, great chowder, fried mixed seafood, steamed clams, etc. – all fresh out of the sea and very well prepared – served by a young, caring staff. I highly recommend this place if you’re in the area. They also have lodging, but we've never stayed here. (stopped last time on our way to Healdsburg)

After lunch, we headed south back to the city stopping at two of our favorite places. Muir Overlook is rugged, windy and gorgeous. There is a path to the sea with drops on both sides and fabulous views north and south of rocks, ocean and coast. You can see Muir Beach a bit north and down below, but we didn’t stop this time. The Overlook is one of my favorite places anywhere! And our photos are a riot. Because of the wind, some of us have hair that looks like we just placed a finger in an electric socket. But we're smiling.
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 06:43 AM
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Ditto dear momdd!
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 01:34 PM
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Lovely! I'm looking forward to the rest of your report.

Lee Ann
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 02:56 PM
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Thanks Lee Ann.

The second and last stop we made before going back over the bridge was at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (a Stu Dudley rec years ago). It’s another of my favorites with great views of the Bay, the city and of course, the star is the bridge. It was quite clear and the Bay was full of sailboats and other boats. We stopped at two of the lookout areas to ooh and aah and take more pictures – a fun and beautiful day.

The car belongs to my son. We dropped the boys off and drove back to the Hyatt where we scored a parking spot across the street, good for the next 36 hours. Being city people, nothing feels like a victory for the little guy as finding a good spot! Of course, we read the signs 12 times because we couldn’t believe our good fortune and wouldn’t risk having him towed. We all met up later in the evening at Delfina in the Mission district (we took a cab). It’s been on my list a long time and we finally dined there. It’s a lively place and we all enjoyed the meal. Another cab back to the hotel and the end of a long, great day.
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 04:43 PM
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Sounds like a great trip so far to a great city. My parents were walking over the Golden Gate one year when the Blue Angels came over from behind them. Scared them as my mom was already on eggshells due to fear of heights.
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 07:05 PM
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CPG, I always enjoy your trip reports! My mouth is watering now even though I'm still stuffed from dinner tonight. Looking forward to read the rest!
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 07:43 PM
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Were you in SF for their wonderful Columbus Day Parade?
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 08:43 PM
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Day 4 – Sunday – last day in SF. I decided to give my sons a break and not make it too early a day. We all met up for brunch at noon at AQ on Mission St in SOMA. It’s a small place with a nice vibe. After brunch, we headed over to nearby MOMA to see the Cindy Sherman exhibit. I had missed it in NY. It wasn’t that big and when we finished, we realized that my friends, the Blue Angels, were going to perform soon. We found a cab that got us pretty close to Pier 39 quickly. We hopped out and walked the rest. As expected, there were tons of people, but it was not an oppressive crowd. It was already 3:30. Fortunately, the show was delayed an hour, started at 4:00 and we didn’t miss any of the action. It was a beautiful day and the show was terrific. For some reason, I couldn’t point and shoot fast enough to get photos anywhere near the ones I got on the Bay two days before. Those guys are so fast that I have a number of shots that are just sky! After the show, the boys went off and we walked back to the hotel.

We met again for dinner at SPQR (recommended a few years ago by iamq) on Fillmore Street. Can you guess that we love Italian food? It was a delicious meal that started off wrong. It is very small and when our table was not ready, we were directed to wait near the kitchen at an area where employees are filling water pitchers and staging dishes to be delivered – a very tight space and very hectic. The wait was not comfortable, becoming too long and became unpleasant when a staff member suggested we order a bottle of wine for $120 and start our evening standing there. At this point, it was time to talk to the manager who seemed disinterested at first, but surprised by my bluntness. When we were finally seated, we had a very nice waitress who took good care of us and the meal was quite good. The manager did send over sparkling drinks and later dessert which was the right thing to do.

We had driven there and I expected to turn the car keys over to my son. We had a rental reservation for the morning to go to Pacific Grove. He ‘urged’ us to take his car for the next few days, something we weren’t anxious to do because it meant returning it to him on our way to the airport on Thursday. He ‘urged’ us because he didn’t want to look for an hour or more for a parking spot in his neighborhood. I know we could have found cheaper parking near Union Square, but it was late and we were tired. Valet parking at the Hyatt, $50. Doing your son a favor, priceless!
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Old Oct 20th, 2012, 08:53 PM
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HappyTrlvr - we left SF on Monday the 8th, but I think there was a parade over the weekend, a street fair in the Castro and concerts in GG Park, all of which we didn't attend.

Thanks yk. Your dining details in your postings leave nothing to the imagination!

tchoiniere - I can relate. My husband has a fear of heights and did not walk to the lighthouse or to the end of Muir Overlook, but he did do well in Point Lobos.
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Old Oct 21st, 2012, 02:16 AM
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Great report!!! It has been a few years since I have been to sf - really enjoying this!
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Old Oct 21st, 2012, 07:01 AM
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Momdd - was that the trip where you did the walking tour in the rain?
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Old Oct 21st, 2012, 09:11 AM
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Is Muir Overlook the hill that's right at Muir Beach -- or is it something different? I love Muir Beach; it's one of my special "magic" places -- and I'll be there in a week and a half!

Thanks for the report!
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Old Oct 21st, 2012, 03:05 PM
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Songdoc - I know the hill you mean. I once climbed it looking for the overlook. The Overlook is separate and further north from the beach and high up. Although when you park at the Overlook, you don't have to hike up. You just walk on the railed path straight out above the water. You'll already be up on the cliff. You will see a sign on Highway 1 to turn off that says Muir Overlook. Have a great time!
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Old Oct 21st, 2012, 03:09 PM
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I just reread my post from Oct 20th. I wrote that Muir Beach is north of Muir Overlook. I am 99% sure that the beach is south of the Overlook. Songdoc, please see a map. They are definitely separate and each has a sign on Highway 1 to turn off.
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Old Oct 23rd, 2012, 08:41 AM
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Thanks so much!
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Old Oct 24th, 2012, 01:13 PM
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AQ is fantastic for dinner--next time give that a try.

Sounds like a fun trip. Thanks for writing this.
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