Yoo Hoo! Oahu?

Old Oct 23rd, 2005, 06:13 PM
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Yoo Hoo! Oahu?

My boyfriend and I will be visiting Hawaii for the very first time from January 7-14th. Specifically, we will be staying at the Ohana Island Waikiki.

We are taking a direct flight on American Airlines from Chicago (paid a bit a more for direct, but hopefully worth it).

I have reviewed this site (can't wait to make the Hawaiian Banana Bread!!), reviewed travel books by Fodors and Frommers, and purchased the book "Oahu Revealed". This weekend I received the information I had requested from the Oahu Visitors Burea.

Needless to say, at this point I am a bit overwhelmed at the idea of planning the fine points of this trip. (Not that I have to have each day scheduled to the nth degree, but I like to have some ideas about what we are going to do).

I'd like to hear from other travelers about must-see/do destinations or experiences during one's first trip to Oahu. I'd also like to read any reviews of the Ohana Islander Waikiki (mixed reviews on Tripadvisor).

I've been very lucky to travel a bit in the past few years but this will probably be my last vacation for a while, so I need to make it a good one!!
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Old Oct 23rd, 2005, 06:27 PM
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We have been to Oahu, Maui, and the Big Island, and think Oahu is absolutely fantastic! The island is so diverse, and so beautiful. We love Waikiki, and the energy of it, but it is BUSY! Lots of tourists and people everywhere. But that's what we like about it, the energy, and the endless options of things to do. The North Shore of Oahu is also spectacular, much more quiet and laid back, with lots of open spaces and wide beaches.

Some of the things we've enjoyed on Oahu:

Eating and enjoying Lava Flows at Duke's, Hula Grill, and Cheeseburger in Paradise (all in Waikiki)

Visting Pearl Harbor

Snorkeling Hanauma Bay (get there before 7 a.m. -- no fee and no crowds)

Swimming at Lanikai Beach, the most beautiful beach I've ever seen

Driving to the North Shore, past all the pineapple fields and gorgeous surfing beaches

Shopping at the Aloha Swap Meet and International Marketplace

Seeing all the turtles on the shore and in the water at Turtle Beach on the North Shore

Hope this helps!
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Old Oct 23rd, 2005, 07:07 PM
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I have copied/pasted our July'05 TR here. Pictures are posted at worldisround.com if you are interested.

Oahu Trip Report

Arrive: 10:54 AM in Oahu.

Pick up Rental Car: Thrifty Sebring Convertible..had hoped for a Mustang but none available.
3:00PM Check in HHV (Hilton Hawaiian Village). Arrived early, so they checked our bags to deliver later while we went for lunch and came back later for the actual check in. We breezed thru check in, since I had signed up for the Hilton Honors Club (separate line), while aquaintances of ours had to wait for over an hour! RM 2907 Rainbow Tower Ocean View. Dbl Beds. Another TO DIE FOR VIEW (Thanks Auntie Maria for the tip!). The beds/ pillows are the best I've ever experienced in a hotel!

The Atlantis boat (for the Sub Tour) is anchored just outside our lanai! surfers abound! as many as 40 in a wad, and several groups around! DH spotted a sea turtle near our shore as well!

Lunch: A HHV concierge we happened upon actually walked us over to the grounds of Hale Koa! He was curious as to how I knew about it, he did not know it was on Fort Derussy grounds...the term 'fort' seemed to throw him...he also wanted to see if we got in, but DH shooed him off before we got to the restaurant.

Koko Cafe @ Hale Koa...we walked up they started to check, but then said naw (I didn't know Hawaiians spoke Lower Alabamian!), and seated us w/o checking...they weren't busy, so maybe this is why? On another day, DH went for BF but saw they were checking, so went elsewhere. A delicious Avacado sandwich $6, DH got the Pastrami. Nice view.

Dinner: Duke's, NOT!! We walked up there from HHV along the beach, kept thinking it's the next one...longer than we thought and we're hungry, tired, but most importantly, w/o reservations! 1 3/4Hr. wait!! OK, I have a secret I read on fodor's..go upstairs to Hula Grill....NOISY!! I couldn't take it!!, so off we go streetside now, looking for a place to eat...stood in another line at Cheesecake Factory just to find out...1-3/4Hr. wait (this is at 8:15PM!)! Well, we are getting testy, feeling lost, when I look up and see Nick's Fishmarket. I have the trusty E-book in the purse, and there's a $27 coupon for Nick's. We approach the Host sheepishly inquiring..."can you seat us?" We were not dressed for the occassion, thinking we were to dine in a more casual atmosphere, but they seated us Immediately!!!! YEAH!!!

Had a good meal and a great drink, Hawaiian Iced Tea, the best one of all the ones I tried on Maui/Oahu and could not duplicate it the other places we went!
It was dark, but the waiter saw me straining to read and increased the intensity of the light over our table (momentarily), so if you want it lighter, I'm sure you can request it. Also, and live entertainment. Very good service!


We enjoyed Jerry & Sharon's Circle Island Tour (IND). Began on Diamondhead Rd. and stopped to view the Japanese Shrine, Halona Blowhole (fizzling today), Lanika/Kailua Beaches (Gorgeous white sand!!), in addition to all their specified stops! Earney at the Pier stop was entertaining! Told me a story about making ice cream in the islands during WWI (or II?) out of sweetened condensed milk (which I had unknowingly purchased...it was good!)

The Waiahole Poi Factory had nice people (customer and workers), but I really found that I'm not a fan of Poke, nor haupia, and the lomi lomi salad was better at the luau IMHO (too fishy here). I Loved the tomatoes and Onions grown on these islands, esp. Maui.

We somehow missed the hot dog sushi place in Waikane ... on to the Mac Nut Store....it was great! Lots of free samples...bought some souvenirs to share.
Breezed passed Laie Point since we'll have another chance tomorrow when we return for the PCC.

Sampled both Giovanni's and Romey's (They had a coupon for a free drink in the magazine right by their ordering window and no one but me grabbed it while we were there!). Prefer the garlicky Giovanni's.

Difficulty locating Turtle Beach...everyone looking down at the edge should have been a tip off! Ha! But kept looking for that little loop of a road...don't bother with THAT. No sign. It's just the next beach after Chun's (which I believe had a sign!).
As we were leaving one of the many turtles climbed ashore for a photo op! As if to say good bye!

Matsumoto's too long line sent us on to Aoki's....good, but not as fine as Auntie U's on Maui.

Skipped Dole Plantation...got a Pineapple whip at the Internat'l Marketplace another day (which is all I wanted out of that anyway!).

Saw a major fire in some fields being put out by helicopter and they had a road blocked off as a result of it. Got a couple pics.

7:00PM HHV fireworks/Torch Lighting Ceremony. I found these ceremonies pretty similar, and after the 1st one, nice,not enticing. Meanwhile, we had been having difficulty locating a camera shop to make a CD, ended up going off the HHV grounds to do so and later learned they have a place on the grounds! Their concierges were not well versed at all on their offerings....I threatened to come back and take one of their jobs...I seemed to know more at times, than they did about HHV and the area!
The Ceremony costs $12.50 (two drink minimum/pp). But we could have watched from above, as our lanai looked down on the pool/show area.

Dinner: 6:30PM Bali-by-the-Sea ...Had a coupon for free entree'. (free volcano dessert). This waiter was the only one on either island that I felt put out by. Seemed to have an attitude the entire time (and we had dressed appropriately this time!). He appeared of Scandinavian descent, not Hawaiian (although we did run into an occassional HA with a 'tude, they were mostly friendly, helpful).

Some people were doing what appeared to be television interviews on the beach the entire mealtime...no one could tell me what it was about.


Snorkled Hanauma was afraid we wouldn't make the parking, but we did (8:30AM)....did the center....not much and had to work at it, then went to the left side (where it says: Danger, rip currents) and saw the most fish and huge, colorful ones bigger than platter size rainbow fish and Angel fish! Just a few feet from shore....MUCH easier!!

Stayed alittle long at Hanauma, then stopped by Laie Point, so were late arriving at PCC. Caught the 2:30 Canoe Pagent, 3:00PM Samoa and 4:00PM Tonga shows as well as the luau and the Horizions' shows....All GREAT!! Purchased a nice HA ring at Naku, a good saleslady! My first significant purchase (if you don't count Joann on Maui, where I loaded up!). Also, went for a canoe ride between the luau and the Horizons shows.

During and between the shows, they are constantly pushing ice cream with fruit, carried out on huge trays. Well, coming down the stairs during intermission of the Horizions show, one of the freshly loaded trays went flying when the guy carrying it went face down KABOOM! And stayed spread out face down for a good 10 seconds or so. Other workers came over to help him off and clean up. I hope he was OK! Appeared it could have been a petite mal!??

Long drive back arriving late 11PM, even with the Likelike shortcut....am amazed the the town is still hopping!! These people stay up late!!


Canceled out on Pearl Harbor & Swap Meet....we were in much need of some down time and took it here!

DH went to his workshops @ Convention Center, while I went with friend (DH's bosses wife) to Duke's for lunch (yes, we had reservations!) then the International Marketplace. Shopping frenzy!!

Dinner was the Naco luau on top of the Convention Center...by this point, we're about luaued out! The lines were long, people eating while in line, they were so long, then it rained. not a really enjoyable experience! I had felt duped into this (bait and switch), and DH was non-plused as well. There was entertainment, but you felt it was a choice between stand in line to get something to eat or sit w/o food and be entertained!
All in all poor planning.


DH's at the convention, meanwhile:

It's my 1st opportunity to drive the convertible! I'm to pick up the ladies from the Sheraton and drive to Chinatown. I leave on schedule, but find that I can't DRIVE to the Sheraton like I had WALKED to the Sheraton! Kalia St. has construction....I remember them telling me they were on Lewers St., so I try that....wrong! Had to cirlcle back to Royal Hawaiian Ave. to finally get them! I'm now 15 minutes late! We make assignments, Vickie (shotgun) is given the job of reading st. signs and NOT allowing me to turn down a one way st.(the wrong waY!). Tami, in back is given the Chinatown detail map and instructions, which she is to remind me of when we get THERE!

Well, between the 4 of us, we end up parking in the wrong parking garage...left and found the correct one. Still, could not find the elevator to the fountain (our predetermined meeting area with Pake), so phoned on Tami's cell...he pokes his grinning face from around the corner! The beginning of a wonderful morning in Chinatown! We were all very impressed with our guide's knowledge and the history of the area! Sampled several new things (No, iceeu2, no chicken paws!), and purchased some goodies to ship home!

Lunch at Little Village, very good and plentiful! Actually, since we had sampled so much that AM, we all only ordered appetizers, but they were so generous that we all sampled each other's and then had a doggy bag for Tami's DH! Spring Rolls, Lettuce Wraps and ?some other wrap that Flynn ordered. It was funny, when the server placed Flynn's order on the table (two plates: one with the wrap shell/one with the filling), Flynn dragged the plate closer to herse;f,preparing to roll the wraps. Well, the Chinese mistress would have non of THAT! She promptly dragged the plate BACK and began the wrappping herself, placing each wrap onto Flynn's plate! She did so very skillfully with three spoons, no hands touching the wraps!

We cut our trip short to be back by 1PM so that Vickie could meet up with her Hanauma Bay snorkle tour group, only to learn later, they never showed....when called they said they had her down for Wednesday (the day they were leaving!)...she wasn't too upset though, as it's not her 1st trip...she's done Hanauma before. This tour was gotten out of the Gold Book...I'll try to find out the name of the group.

Dinner 6PM: at the Ocean House @ the Outrigger Reef , in celebration of one of the commissioners' BD! He has a good philosophy: When he gets to 70, he's going to start subtracting a year instead of adding one each year! He says he's now 69...you figure it out!!

Food good, nice but warm environment. Had heard ravings by a couple at PCC about this place! Suprised to find no soap in the bathroom here....more about that later.


Discovered a misplaced AL girl, concierge is from Gadsden, AL!

Hiked Diamond Head early. Really enjoyed the shave ice at the top!! YUM!!

On the way down, on one of the switch backs full of people, I called out to DH "Would you go back up and get me another shave ice, please!" That got a wave of chuckles!

DH, forever thinking business, actually ran into a co-worker and had a meeting there at the top!! I've got the pics to prove it!!

Caught the Halone blow hole doing it's thing today!!!

Lunch Sweet Chicken Child's Plate at Ken's @ Mananilo Shopping Center (obviously a locals spot)...Mark ordered at Subway next door. I had a really nice compliment paid to me at Ken's! He has a website I plan to check out. I like the lo-cal juice canned drinks! Passionfruit and Lili....?

Doubled back On Pali drive extremely windy at the lookout! Not as cold as I expected. Truck selling kabobs and fresh sliced pineapple/papaya, looks delish! (we resisted)& then to Kapena Falls and Punchbowl(they are set up with chairs at the monument like something big is about to take place, news casters there doing a piece, otherwise, few visitors (just before closing).

Also finally found Leonard's! The custard Maslada's were heavenly!

Dinner: Chai's. Good food and great service Kenon was the greatest of the trip! Really a professional! DH did his steak thing while I had lambchops again, this time with mixed veggies and potatoes! Mai Tai good!


DH insisted on making a dry run to the airport 1st.

Tantalus/Round Top to Pu'uUalka'a State Wayside Park beautiful drive/views, top down!!

Hiked Manoa Falls...more challedging than I had anticipated, but loved it! One Asian fellow slipped and almost took a dive off the edge of the path/cliff! What a scare! The parking attendant was the most stressed out resident I'd seen on HA! We pulled in and he came up, breathless, repeating, this is not a free parking lot, you have to PAY! (We knew that!).

Check Out HHV by 3PM (Hospitality room...hold bags/shower?--yes they did! If they charge for this, I don't know it, but it was a great help).

9:15PM – 9:55AM Flight #CO72 HNL to IAH (Houston). (Breakfast).

10:40AM – 12:26PM Flight IAH to BHM.

Drive back home, last fav stop in AL: PEACH PARK @ Clanton Exit #205, great BBQ, Yogurt and Fresh Fruit Cup (although, this time I was in the mood for a southern fix, had the peach cobbler with the yogurt! There was a senior citizens tour group (local) there, which DH took note of their speech/dress/manner and we knew we were 'back home'!

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Old Oct 23rd, 2005, 07:10 PM
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List of things to do on Oahu

These are some hints/suggestions for things to do and see on Oahu. Many of the websites listed are good for all islands.

Arizona Memorial: (free) get there early, preferably by 8am. Opens at 7:30am. If you get there after 10am the lines can get long and you may spend 1-2 hours in line. Battleship USS Missouri and Submarine USS Bowfin are in the same area. These are about $15 each so you can go or skip them. Look for coupons in brochures for two for one. You can take pictures of them from Arizona Visitors Center and the Arizona tour ferry. Go on the lawn behind the Visitors Center (Circle of Remembrance) for great pictures. You can also walk around the Bowfin Memorial area for free without taking the tour. Its worth the time. The Swap Meet is only a couple blocks from here at Aloha Stadium.

Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC):


General Admission about $50 or the luau buffet package ($80). The evening 'Horizon' show is the best Polynesian show in all of Hawaii. It comes with all ticket price options. The higher priced ticket packages get the better seating for 'Horizons'. Also the earlier you get there, the better the seating is for 'Horizons'. The Ali'i Luau Show that is part of the luau package is also a good Polynesian show. IMAX, Canoe Pageant, Samoa and Tonga villages and Canoe ride are the best other attractions (these are included with any type ticket). Plan on this as an all day event. Get there by
1 pm (earlier if possible), leave around 9:30pm. When I take visitors, I try to keep on this schedule: IMAX 1:30, Canoe Pageant 2:30, Samoa 3:00, Tonga 4:00, Canoe Ride around 4:30, regular buffet or Ali'i luau buffet 5pm and 'Horizons' at 7:30. The other villages are nice also, but there is not enough time for all of them. You will have time to do some shopping or looking around between the buffet or luau and 'Horizons'. Closed on Sundays. You can go back for free for two days. Check with PCC employees for instructions before leaving the Center if you want the extra days.
Coupon in Entertainment Book to save $27.

Diamond Head Summit: Drive right into the crater and hike to the top. ($5 per carload or $1 each if you walk into the crater). I prefer to drive in. Awesome 360 degree view from the summit. Best time is around 8am or around 4pm. In between it can get hot walking to the top. Takes about 1 - 1 1/2 hours roundtrip.

Punchbowl (National Cemetery of the Pacific): (free) While you are there, drive to the overlook area. Short walk to the summit that overlooks the entire city. If you have time, take the Mt. Tantalus/Round Top drive through a rain forest. Stop at the Puu Ualakaa State Wayside about 2/3 of the way to the top of the mountain. It has an awesome view of the city from Waikiki to Pearl Harbor. Punchbowl is near the bottom of Mt. Tantalus.

Hanauma Bay: Snorkel. Its for any age. You can rent snorkeling equipment there or some places in Waikiki or bring your own. Closed on Tuesdays. Try to get there as early as possible. If you drive, the parking lot gets filled up by 9:00 or 10:00. ($1 for parking, $5 for each person). You can reserve snorkel tours with several companies. They provide equipment, transportation, etc. They seem to have better equipment than the park does. You can also take the city bus. But the first city bus doesn't leave Waikiki until 8:30 am. Website:


Byodo-In-Temple (Valley of the Temples): $2 each. Just past Kaneohe. Haiku Gardens in Kaneohe is close by.

Chinaman's Hat: (free) Kualoa Regional Park is just past Byodo-In-Temple. Nice for pictures, picnic, swimming. Also nearby is Macadamia Nut Factory. Kualoa Ranch is across the street.

Swap Meet: You can buy almost any souvenirs here much cheaper than anywhere else. All items are new. Vendors wrap around the stadium twice. Located at Aloha Stadium near Arizona Memorial. Open Wed, Sat, Sun.

Hilo Hattie's: Nice place to shop. Higher prices than swap meet, but not too much more on many items. Has good selection of clothing, candies and souvenirs. Check brochures for coupons. Can take free Hilo Hattie's shuttle from Waikiki.

Ala Moana Beach Park: (free) Nice beach. Great sunset location in the winter. Walk all the way out to the end of Magic Island. Great view of Waikiki, Diamond Head, Ala Wai Boat Harbor (shown in opening scene of Gilligan's Island).

Hike to Manoa Falls: $5 for parking at Treetops. One mile one way. Short hike through a rain forest. Also small bamboo forest there. Treetops restaurant there (at the previous Paradise Park site) has a good Chinese buffet. Lyon Arboretum is nearby. It is a nice botanical garden. You can park there and walk a short distance to Manoa Falls trail.

Hike to Makapuu Point Lighthouse: (free) Great view from here. Easy one mile hike. In winter months (mid-November to mid-April) it's great for whale watching.

Other Hiking on Oahu:

http://www.hawaiitrails.org/ (good for all islands)




North Shore Beaches: Haleiwa, Banzai Pipeline (Ehukai Beach), Waimea Beach, Sunset Beach, Shark's Cove (Pupukea), Laniakea Beach. Laniakea Beach has sea turtles. Other nice stops for pictures in the area. Can be huge waves in winter. Good snorkeling at Shark's Cove in the summer. Laniakea Beach is located about 1/2 way between Waimea Bay and Haleiwa.

Other beaches: There are close to 100 beaches on Oahu. Besides North Shore and Waikiki beaches these are some of the better ones: Makaha Beach (west shore), Waimanalo Beach, Waimanalo Bay Recreation Area, Lanikai Beach, Sandy Beach, Hanauma Bay and Kailua Beach (east/Windward side), Ala Moana Beach Park (south shore). All public beaches are free except Haunama Bay.

Dole Pineapple Plantation: On H-2 just past Wahiawa. Can visit on the way to or back from the North Shore. Nice gift shop to browse, but expensive. Go behind the center for pineapple exhibits, gardens and carp feeding pond.

Kualoa Ranch: Several movies have been set here: (Jurassic Park, Mighty Joe Young and others), ATV rides, horseback riding, tours. Located across from Kualoa Regional Park.

Waikiki: Beaches, shopping, dining, nightclubs, shows, some museums. Wide range in dining prices. $3-4 breakfasts, $6-10 lunch buffets, $20-$25 fine dining and anywhere in between. Best Waikiki shows: Creation: A Polynesian Journey, John Hirokawa's Magic of Polynesia, Society of Seven, Blue Hawaii (Elvis impersonator), many more to chose from. Many Waikiki shows offer cocktail show along with the dinner show. They seat you after everyone else has eaten. Regular price of shows around $40-$60. Cocktail show about $25-$35. There are several other short free hula shows and other demonstrations in Waikiki daily. Check the brochures for location, days and times. Check brochures &Entertainment Book for coupons for shows/dining/shopping, etc.

Downtown Area: Aloha Tower (take elevator to the top, nice view), Chinatown, Hawaii Maritime Center, Iolani Palace, Bishop Museum, other museums.

Botanical Gardens: Oahu has many botanical gardens. Most are free, the others charge a few bucks. Haiku Garden in Kaneohe is nice and is a nice stop if you are taking an island driving tour. Located near Byodo-In-Temple (Valley of the Temples).
Here is a nice site for gardens in the state:

http://www.hawaii.edu/sciref/botgarden.html (all islands)

Check brochures or get info on-line for others. Search: oahu botanical gardens

Other: Sea Life Park, Zoo, Aquarium, dinner cruise, whale watching cruise, submarine tours, parasailing, helicopter tours, horseback riding, Hawaiian Waters Adventure Park, scuba, surfing lessons, other luau shows (Germaine's, Paradise Cove). Many other attractions, things to do. Check the brochures.

Brochures: (free) Can be found in the airport baggage claim area or at hundreds of news stands throughout Waikiki, in hotels, in stores, and at some attractions. These are excellent "things to do and see" guide books (maps, attractions, beaches, dining, night clubs, etc.). There are a lot of coupons in these for dining, shopping, etc. The best brochures are: 'This Week on Oahu', 'Oahu Gold', '101 Things Oahu', 'The BEST of Oahu'. Some of these brochures can also be found for other islands (Maui, Kauai, Big Island) unique to that island. Most of these brochures also have on-line versions.


www.thisweek.com 'This Week On Oahu' They will send up-to-date brochures for a few bucks. Also This Week Maui, Kauai, Big Island.

www.spotlighthawaii.com 'Oahu Gold' They will send up-to-date brochures for a few bucks. Also Maui Gold, Big Island Gold, Kauai Gold.

www.gohawaii.com This is the official site for Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau. They will send a free brochure.


www.visit-oahu.com Oahu Visitors Bureau, for free brochure 1-877-525-6248 (toll free)

www.hawaii.com Good site for comparing hotel locations, prices, etc.


www.alternative-hawaii.com Has good narrative driving tours.



www.honolulu.hawaii.edu/tours (driving and walking tours)

www.driveguidemagazines.com (good island maps including many detailed maps). Also good restaurant guide.

www.discoveringhawaii.com You can download a free circle island map and also a free Oahu movie location map.

www.hawaii-hotels.com Compare hotels

www.bookit.com Compare hotels



www.honoluluadvertiser.com one of two main Honolulu newspapers, has dining & entertainment guides, TGIF calendar

www.starbulletin.com one of two main Honolulu newspapers, also has dining &entertainment guides

Automobiles: Oahu is the only island that you can get around by bus. Oahu has a good bus system, but a rental vehicle gets around a lot better. Parking in Waikiki can be a problem at times. If you plan on renting a car, make sure your hotel allows parking at the hotel or in a nearby lot or garage. Get the parking pass at the hotel registration area. Probably $8-$14/day to park at the hotel. You can get city bus passes at any ABC store in Waikiki for $20 for 4 days ($40/month). Or you can pay $2.00 per trip. There are also many shuttles, tour buses and vans and trolleys that go to many places (some are free). Also 1 or 4 day Waikiki Trolley passes available.



Internet Search Engines: Use Yahoo, Google, Dogpile or any other search engine to find information on any thing else on Oahu (or other island) that may interest you. Type in: hiking hawaii, hiking oahu, bed and breakfast oahu, condominiums oahu, botanical gardens oahu, oahu hotels or any other terms that will get you information.

Hotels: Most hotels (or hotel chains) have their own 800 numbers and/or websites:




, etc. Or you can use a search engine to find the website or use the search engine's yellow pages for the phone number.

Also try www.vrbo.com for more options

Entertainment Book
Entertainment books for Hawaii and many other locations can be purchased online at:


They cost around $35-$40 plus shipping or if you wait until mid-March, the price is reduced to about $25 (or less) with free shipping, $15 after mid-May. Expires November 1.

Coupons include half price tickets for John Hirokawa's Magic Show. Hundreds of other coupons for reduce price luaus, shopping, dining, movies, attractions, etc. The Hawaii book also has many mainland coupons for hotels, car rentals, Universal Studios, Sea World, etc.

Phone Cards: If you don't have a cell phone, the best phone cards right now can be found at Costco or Sam's Club. Right now they are only $.03/m, 24 hours a day, seven days a week with no monthly charge. Can be used from pay phones ($.25 or eight units surcharge from pay phone), hotels, homes.
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Old Oct 23rd, 2005, 07:58 PM
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Add me ot the Oahu lovers!! Great choice!!
Ohana Islander is at the busy older side of Waikiki (the first moderately priced hotel was built there by Dr. Kelley who started Outrigger) It is on Lewers Street I think?There's re-doing/ modernizing of that area now, so it may be noisy/have construction going on, etc. It might be a good idea to call hotel directly and ask about this--their local number should be on the outrrigger.com site. A friend stayed there a few yrs back and said the rooms were clean, fine, basic.
May I add suggest one more (oh no!!) guidebook to your collection? it is called "Driving Oahu" by Richard Sullivan. What is especially neat about it, is that he has gorgeous photos of Oahu, then tells you via map and directions and hike, etc, exactly how to get there!! There is also a "circle " tour on the back page if you have less driving time. The book is available on Amazon, or at the ABC stores in Waikiki.
Be sure to have a drink on the back courtyard of the Sheraton Moana Surfrider, and maybe if you're in Waikiki on a Fri night, walk along the beach to watch the fireworks from the beach at the Hilton Hawaiian Village--you'll be maybe a ten minute walk on the broad sidewalk along the beach (going past back of Hale Koa)from your hotel. There are some decent restaurants in the Outrigger Reef (which is up at the beach end of the street from Islander) --one is a grill-it-yourself place, There are coupons for many of these n the cuopon books at the hotel lobby, Oh dear, off I go as I remember it all!!
If you love history, Oahu is IT--great museums (Bishop, Maritime, Mission House) Pearl Harbor, Iolani Palace.
Have a fantastic trip to wonderful Oahu!!
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Old Oct 23rd, 2005, 10:16 PM
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Forgot tos ay, one of the nicest places in Honolulu is the residential area of Manoa, in the hils. Drive up Manoa Road there to the arboretum at the top. Fantastic but slippery rain forest/mountain hike. Some mosquitoes, but they provide Skin So Soft Towelettes when you check in, if i recall right. Tea House on the way up Manoa Road at the Salvation Army Church. Manoa Marketplace on E. Manoa Road (double check tho)Bakery, restaurants, Safeway, Longs, and art gallery with small and affordable original paintings , as well as prints, otehr gift-y thingsit's by the post office.
Across the road is Andy's Sandwich shop, easy to miss, but it is right next to Starbucks. Delicious food, sandwiches, baked goods. Check out hte photo of one of Andy's customers, an astronaut on the shuttle, who says Andy has the best sandwiches on the PLANET . Ahhh, am i ever missing the place tonight! Enjoy, Cadgirl--you're in for a treat.
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Old Oct 23rd, 2005, 10:18 PM
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Here's a little about the construction in your hotel's area, mentioned earlier:
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Old Oct 26th, 2005, 04:42 PM
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First of all, wow!! Thanks for all of the great information!

Second, a few follow up questions-

OldSouthernBelle- what exactly is a Hawaiian iced tea?

Has anyone purchased the 2006 Entertainment book yet? Is it worth the money for a trip to Oahu? Our trip (including airfare, hotel and car) are booked through Travelocity, so those coupons wouldn't be of use to us.

Thanks again so much-- 73 days and counting!!
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Old Oct 27th, 2005, 08:48 AM
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If you like nice drives, do Tantalus/Round Top drive; it's really beautiful.
Snorkel Hanauma Bay
Climb Diamond Head
Do the circle island drive
Take a surfing lesson
Enjoy drinks at one of the many outdoor restaurants/bars on Waikiki
Take a guided tour of Iolani Palace
If you click on my screen name, it should pull up my trip report I wrote in March of my first trip to Oahu.
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Old Oct 27th, 2005, 08:51 AM
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Hawaiian iced tea, also called plantation iced tea, is iced tea with pineapple juice and a few other little magic ingredients. It's very good and very refreshing, especially if you like pineapple.
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Old Oct 27th, 2005, 09:01 AM
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Stop or even swim at Makapuu beach; take in Sea Life Park across the road.

Consider the Sunday brunch on the porch at the Moana Surfrider.
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Old Oct 27th, 2005, 09:37 AM
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If you don't get everything organized ahead of time, not to worry, there's loads of info on the streets of Waikiki, free magazines like 101 Things to Do. You can easily call to arrange most of the various tours after you arrive.

The Bus (public transportation) is a great resource to get around town.
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Old Oct 28th, 2005, 08:09 AM
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You will love it!!
WE have been several times and my sis lived there. Here are our favorites:
1. Polynesian Cultural Center (expensive but worth it! You won't get indoctrinated even though run my Mormons)
2. Snorkeling Hanuama Bay
3. Sunday Swap meet at ALoha Stadium
4. Shave Ice every day!!
5. Walk Wiakiki Beach at night and listen to singers in lounges facing beach
6. Hike inside Diamond Head and up to the top (you will need tennis shoes and a flashlight - believe me!)
7. The free navy tour and boat ride to the Pearl Harbour Memorial
8. Liae Point, Sandy Beach, Blow Hole
yes, THE BUS is an excellent way to get around the island and see some sites without fighting the traffic!
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Old Oct 28th, 2005, 09:18 PM
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Aloha Cadgrl,

Check out this fun thread...
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Old Oct 28th, 2005, 09:19 PM
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oops, forgot the link.

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Old Oct 30th, 2005, 06:36 PM
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Thank you everyone for the wonderful suggestions!
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Old Jan 5th, 2006, 06:48 AM
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ttt... for easy relocating...
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Old Jan 5th, 2006, 12:02 PM
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topping to keep things fresh for Rex
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Old Feb 11th, 2006, 01:49 PM
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Cadgirl: I guess it's too late to answer your question, but Hawaiian Iced Tea is like Long Island Iced Tea....a blend of liquors, little to no fillers, which comes out quite tasty! The ones I've attempted at home never taste right...more like kerosene!

Hope you got a chance to find out for yourself! Have you posted your trip report yet?
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