1 Best Hotel in Vieques and Culebra, Puerto Rico

Sea Gate Hotel

$ | Barrio Fuerte, 00765, Puerto Rico

This hilltop hotel—the oldest on Vieques—overlooks the island's picturesque, historic fort and is about 10 minutes by foot (downhill) from Isabel Segunda. The homey property is tucked into its own leafy compound, a haven of peace and relaxation with grandstand views over the ocean and town. Charming rooms in a white three-story structure boast lively Caribbean decor and pastels. Each is an individually themed mini-museum of sea corals, old prints, and modern art. Families should opt for one of two freestanding villas, while backpackers can check into the dorm. An animal lover, the owner offers horseback rides and rescues injured horses, stray dogs, and other animals; be prepared to see these formerly orphaned creatures in common areas.


  • Friendly and helpful owner-manager
  • Complimentary pickup at ferry or airport
  • Continental breakfast included


  • Small rooms
  • No restaurant
  • Presence of farm animals and dogs might be problematic for some
Barrio Fuerte, 00765, Puerto Rico
hotel Details
15 rooms
Rate Includes: Free Breakfast

Quick Facts

  • $