11 Best Sights in Turks and Caicos Islands

Chalk Sound National Park

Fodor's choice

As you drive out to the end of South Dock Road, on your right you will catch glimpses of the beautiful Chalk Sound; the water here is luminescent. The best places to stop for pictures are on Chalk Sound Drive. You can enjoy lunch overlooking the park at Las Brisas Restaurant or drive to the very end of the road and take a walk along the shoreline where there are few homes. No matter how many times you see it, it will always manage to take your breath away.

Conch Bar Caves

Fodor's choice

These limestone caves make up one of the largest cave systems in the Caribbean, with good examples of stalactites and stalagmites, as well as small—and slightly eerie—underground bodies of water. Archaeologists have discovered Lucayan artifacts in the caves and the surrounding area; these natives to the island would have used the caves to weather the storm season. Currently, the caves are inhabited by five species of bats—some of which are endangered and bring scientists here annually to study them—but they don't bother visitors. Half-hour tours are available through TCI's National Trust. Guides provide flashlights and a sense of humor. It's best to wear sturdy shoes, as the ground is rocky and damp in places. If you don’t have much time, Indian Cave is a smaller version that's worth exploring. Watch for the sign on your left after leaving the causeway. It’s only a few steps off the road, parallel with Dragon Cay Resort.

Flamingo Pond

Fodor's choice

The pond is home to approximately 2,000 resident flamingos. These spectacular pink birds come and go during the day, so if you miss them on your drive down the island, be sure to double-check at the end of the day. Bring binoculars to get a better look; they feed quite a ways out, and you're not allowed to hike closer.

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Grace Bay Beach

Fodor's choice
Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos, Caribbean
Jo Ann Snover / Shutterstock

The world-famous sweeping stretch of ivory-white, powder-soft sand on Provo's north shore is simply breathtaking. Protected within the Princess Alexandra National Park, it's home to migrating starfish, as well as many schools of tiny fishes. The majority of Provo's beachfront resorts are along this shore, and it's the primary reason Turks and Caicos is a world-class destination. Amenities: food and drink; parking (free); water sports. Best for: sunset; swimming; walking.

Half Moon Bay

Fodor's choice
Dunes, Half Moon Bay, Turks and Caicos, Caribbean
Jo Ann Snover / Shutterstock

Only minutes from Provo's eastern tip, Half Moon Bay is one of the most gorgeous beaches in the country. This natural ribbon of sand linking two uninhabited cays is only inches above the sparkling turquoise waters. There are small limestone cliffs to explore on either end where rock iguanas sun themselves, as well as small, sandy coves. Most of the island's tour companies run excursions here or simply offer a beach drop-off. As an alternative, rent a kayak from Big Blue Collective and venture over independently. Amenities: none. Best for: solitude; swimming; walking.

Mudjin Harbour Beach

Fodor's choice

You can hike the trails on the cliffs overlooking Mudjin Harbour and then dip down a hidden staircase to your own private cove if you're looking for total privacy. The main beach, accessible from Dragon Cay Resort, is the beginning of miles that you can stroll. The point of land that joins it to Dragon Cay at low tide is often littered with sea glass. Shallow tidepools between the cay and beach also provide endless entertainment when the wave action is minimal. But as this is Mudjin Harbour, a bit of bodysurfing can be had, because a break in the reef allows larger waves to make it to shore. Kids love it, and it's relatively safe, as there is little rip on most days. Just remember that there's no lifeguard on duty. Shade can be found in the giant, cavelike overhang at the base of the path down to the water, perfect for getting out of the sun. Of course, there’s always the possibility of spending a bit of time in the spectacularly placed restaurant overlooking the harbor; great food, drinks, and viewing are provided. Amenities: food and drink. Best for: swimming; walking.

North Beach

Fodor's choice

This beach is the best reason to visit Salt Cay; it might be the finest beach in the Turks and Caicos. Part of the beauty lies not just in the soft, powdery sand and beautiful blue waters, but also in its isolation; it's very likely that you will have this lovely beach all to yourself. Amenities: none. Best for: snorkeling; solitude; swimming; walking.

Pillory Beach

Fodor's choice

It's said that Columbus made his New World landfall here, just north of Cockburn Town on the protected west shore. And why not? This is the prettiest beach on Grand Turk; it also has great off-the-beach snorkeling. As you enjoy the powdery white sand, you may be visited by one of the many donkeys that pass by. Amenities: parking (free); toilets. Best for: snorkeling; swimming; walking.

The Bight Beach

Fodor's choice

The Bight Beach blends right into Grace Bay Beach as the western extension of Provo's Princess Alexandra National Park; visitors generally think of the two beaches as one and the same. Unlike its world-famous counterpart, Bight Beach has off-the-beach snorkeling where the fringing reef comes in to touch the shore. The Provo Sailing Academy gives lessons to residents some Sundays. The beach also holds the Annual Fools Regatta in June, which everyone can enjoy. Both are held at the far western end in the Children's Park. Amenities: food and drink; parking (free). Best for: snorkeling; swimming; walking.

Turks and Caicos National Museum

Fodor's choice

In one of the island's oldest stone buildings, the National Museum houses several interactive exhibits, as well as a super little gift shop with books and local handicrafts. The complete collection of preserved artifacts raised from the noteworthy Molasses Reef Wreck is here. Dating back to the early 1500s, it's the earliest European shipwreck yet excavated in the New World. There is also a natural-history exhibit including artifacts left by the Taíno (or Lucayans), the earliest migrants to settle in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The museum also has a 3D coral reef exhibit that complements its presentation on the history of diving. Another gallery is dedicated to Grand Turk's involvement in the Space Race. John Glenn made landfall here after being the first American to orbit Earth. Locals are quite put out that the movie Hidden Figures inaccurately portrayed the landing as having taken place in the Bahamas just north of Turks and Caicos. A fascinating display is a collection of “messages in a bottle” that have washed ashore from all over the world. This is the perfect spot to start your walking tour of the historic waterfront.

Wades Green

Fodor's choice

You wander down the shaded laneway, bordered by walls made from the rocks once found in the fields of this cotton plantation established by Loyalist Wade Stubbs in 1789. The walls of the great house still stand, albeit with foliage now growing on the inside. Giant iron cauldrons, once used to prepare meals for enslaved people, rest in the yard. There are also partial remains of the kitchen, the overseer’s house, slave quarters, and several storage buildings. A lookout tower provides views for miles. TCI National Trust offers visits and 30-minute tours from Monday to Saturday, 10:30–3:30.