3 Best Sights in Copenhagen, Denmark


Frederiksstaden Fodor's choice

Officially the Frederiks Kirke, this ponderous Baroque sanctuary of precious Norwegian marble was begun in 1749 and remained untouched from 1770 to 1874 due to budget constraints. It was finally completed and consecrated in 1894. Around the exterior are 16 statues of various religious leaders from Moses to Luther, and below them stand sculptures of outstanding Danish ministers and bishops. You can can scale 273 steps to the outdoor balcony on the top of the church for great views of the queen's palace and the Opera, across the canal. Afterward, continue along Bredgade to the exotic gilded onion domes of the Russisk Ortodoks Kirke (Russian Orthodox Church).

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Frederiksgade 4, off Bredgade, Copenhagen, 1256, Denmark
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Church free, dome DKr 35, Church sanctuary closed weekends

Vor Frue Kirke

Indre By Fodor's choice

The site of Denmark's main cathedral, the Church of Our Lady, has drawn worshippers since the 13th century, when Bishop Absalon built a chapel here. The previous church, consecrated in 1738, was burned to the ground in 1807 during the Napoleonic Wars. Despite the country's poverty after the defeat, the city built a new place of worship, in the then-modern neoclassical style. Inside you can see sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen's marble sculptures depicting Christ and the 12 apostles, and Moses and David cast in bronze. The funerals of both Søren Kierkegaard and Hans Christian Andersen were held here.

Vor Frelsers Kirke

With one of the most beautiful spires puncturing the sky over Copenhagen, Our Savior Church is one of the city’s most beloved landmarks. It’s possible to scale the 398 steps leading up to the top of the spire, which has stunning views over Copenhagen’s harbor and Christiania.

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