1 Best Hotel in Milan, Italy

We've compiled the best of the best in Milan - browse our top choices for the top things to see or do during your stay.

Antica Locanda Leonardo

$$ | Corso Magenta 78, Milan, 20123, Italy

A feeling of relaxation prevails in this 19th-century building, and the neighborhood—the church that houses The Last Supper is a block away—is one of Milan's most desired and historic. Half the rooms face a courtyard and the others a back garden; many have balconies, and one ground-floor room has a private garden with table and chairs. Though the buffet breakfast is not included in the lowest rates, it's available for just a small extra charge and earns high praise from guests.


  • Very quiet and homey
  • Breakfast is ample
  • Friendly, helpful staff


  • More like a bed-and-breakfast than a hotel
  • Old-fashioned decor
  • Breakfast is an extra fee
Corso Magenta 78, Milan, 20123, Italy
hotel Details
24 rooms
Rate Includes: Closed 1st wk in Jan. and 3 wks in Aug., No Meals

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