2 Best Hotels in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

The choice of lodging properties within the park is as diverse as the landscape itself. You'll find simple campgrounds, cabins, and standard motel rooms, but you can also settle into a homey bed-and-breakfast or a luxurious suite in a full-service resort. Between June and August, rates go up and rooms are harder to get unless you make a reservation well ahead of your visit.

For information on lodging and dining in the park, contact the park's largest concessionaire, Grand Teton Lodge Company. 307/543–2811

Jackson Lake Lodge

$$$$ | 100 Jackson Lake Lodge Rd., Grand Teton National Park, WY, 83013, USA Fodor's Choice

This sprawling resort with its distinctive mid-century modern features was designed by renowned architect Gilbert Stanley Underwood and stands on a bluff with spectacular views across Jackson Lake to the Tetons. The upper lobby has enormous picture windows and a collection of Native American artifacts and Western art. Not all guest rooms have spectacular lake and mountain views, so ask for one when you book. The marble floors and polished brass accents add a timeless, classic style to the Western decor.


  • In center of Grand Teton
  • Heated outdoor pool
  • Great restaurants


  • Some rooms don't have great views
  • Very pricey
  • Spotty Wi-Fi
100 Jackson Lake Lodge Rd., Grand Teton National Park, WY, 83013, USA
hotel Details
385 rooms
Rate Includes: Closed early Oct.–mid-May, No Meals, Credit cards accepted

Quick Facts

Jenny Lake Lodge

$$$$ | Jenny Lake Rd., Grand Teton National Park, WY, 83012, USA Fodor's Choice

This 1920s lodge resort, the most expensive and arguably the most elegant in any national park, is nestled off the scenic Jenny Lake Loop Road and bordering a wildflower meadow. Its guest cabins are well spaced in lodgepole-pine groves. Rooms with sturdy pine beds and handmade quilts live up to the plush rustic theme; suites also have fireplaces. Bathrooms feature intricate stonework and rain-dome showerheads.


  • Ultracushy digs in a pristine setting
  • Easy stroll from Jenny Lake trails
  • Homey touches, like hand-made furniture and quilts


  • Very expensive
  • Not suitable for kids
  • Often booked up months in advance
Jenny Lake Rd., Grand Teton National Park, WY, 83012, USA
hotel Details
37 cabins
Rate Includes: Closed early Oct.–May, No Meals, Credit cards accepted

Quick Facts