2 Best Restaurants in The Caribbean Coast, Colombia

La Frontera Restaurante Pizzeria

There are no frills here---candleholders are empty wine bottles and food is served on a smoothed slice of a tree trunk---but the pizza comes out thin, crispy, and delicious every time and the beers are cold. It's exactly what you need after a day at the beach.

Sua Palomino Restaurant

An unassuming restaurant located just off the main road, Sua goes the extra mile to serve fresh, healthy food that's responsibly and locally sourced, an admirable mission in an area where sustainability is rarely considered. The interior is bright and cheerful with colorful murals and simple wood tables. Service is slow, but the menu is a delight, with splendid fish dishes including ceviche and grilled fish in coconut-and-ginger sauce, and plenty of light, tasty salads. Excellent juices are just the thing to take the edge of the heat.