2 Best Sights in Zurrieq and Qrendi, Malta

Blue Grotto

The turnoff for the Blue Grotto, a dazzling series of sea caves off Qrendi's coast, is 1 km (½ mile) beyond the lookout on Triq Wied Iz-Zurrieq road, which offers parking and fine views. From there, a steep road takes you down to a rocky inlet and harbor where noisy boats (€8) leave for the grottoes and the stained-glass-blue waters that splash their walls.

Ħaġar Qim and Mnajdra

A pair of UNESCO-listed megalithic sites that predate even the U.K.'s Stonehenge, the 4,800-year-old Ħaġar Qim ("ha-jar eem") gives a clear picture of the massive scale of Malta's ancient limestone temples. Along the external wall you'll find the largest megaliths, some weighing close to 20 tons. The altars are well preserved, though some are reproductions. Just a short walk away lies Mnajdra, a series of three temples encircled by hard coralline limestone walls. Built between 3600 BC and 2500 BC, what survives is thought to be the remains of a much larger complex. Visitor centers for both sites offer as many answers as fascinating mysteries about their use.