2 Best Places to Shop in Sabang, Indonesia


For the best shopping experience, stick with the locals by shopping at one of the many markets in town—other than a sprinkling of shops catering to tourists, you won't find much in the way of international shopping in Sabang. Go in the morning, when the locals do, and look for an island specialty called dodol, a sweet composed of palm sugar, flour, and fruit.

Toko Sabang

This is the place to look for the Pulau Weh specialty—souvenirs made from coconut shells, such as necklaces and earrings, often adorned with seashells. It also sells hand-sewn embroidered items and other local products. Like many others in Sabang, the shop, next to PUM Losman, usually closes between noon and 4 or 5 pm.

Jalan Perdagangan, Sabang, Indonesia