3 Best Performing Arts Venues in Sorrento and the Sorrentine Peninsula, Italy

Incontri Musicali Sorrentini

Incontri Musicali Sorrentini is the main cultural event of the year, offering a bevy of concerts and theatrical entertainments from the last week of August to the end of September, many held in the famous Moorish-style cloister of the church of San Francesco. There are several outdoor venues in Sant'Agnello nearby. Check with your hotel or the Sorrento tourist office () for schedules and information.

Teatro Armida

Opened in 1957, the Armida stages folk and traditional Neapolitan musical-performance dinners, including the Tarantella Show and Sorrento Show. It also has a cinema featuring family-friendly movies in Italian.

Villa Fiorentino

A 1930s villa, once the base for the Fiorentino family's embroidered-handkerchief enterprise, is now the base for a foundation that organizes frequent art exhibitions, musical performances, readings, and other cultural events.

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