1 Best Restaurant in Hokkaido, Japan


$ | Susukino

This ordinary-looking 10-stools-at-the-plastic-counter joint in Susukino has had lines of faithful slurpers outside since the year 2000 (a lifetime for a ramen shop) and is still chopping, boiling, and serving its succinct seven-item ramen menu. Order from the vending machine at the door then wait on the bench or stand around the corner; once seated wait for the cook to hand down a steaming bowl topped generously with vegetables from the raised and hidden kitchen.

If you want to keep your clothes clean, don't avoid slurping, just accept the paper bib they offer.

Minami 6 Nishi 3, Sapporo, 064-0806, Japan
Known For
  • corn and butter ramen
  • garlic (ninniku) ramen
  • cha-shu (seasoned pork) ramen