2 Best Sights in Arnhem, Netherlands


Dutch hellfire-and-brimstone painter Hieronymus Bosch could have had a field day with this one: lurking around one side of the Grote Kerk is the 16th-century Stadhuis, or Duivelshuis, which, strangely enough, suffered no damage whatsoever during World War II. The demonic sculptures on the building's facade were carved by order of General Maarten van Rossum, allegedly as payback for the city fathers' refusal to allow him to pave the front steps of his town hall with gold. The building has been part of the city hall since 1830—the remainder of that establishment is the ugly concrete monstrosity right behind.

Grote Kerk

A weekly market is held in the shadows of Arnhem's Grote Kerk (Great Church), or Eusebiuskerk, as it is properly called. This three-aisle cross-basilica dates back to the 15th century. The reconstructed tower, accessible by a glass-enclosed elevator that passes one of the largest carillons in Europe, offers a panoramic view of the town and its famous bridge. Added in 2019, glass-enclosed balconies—including a glass floor—allow you to step out of the tower and feel like you are floating, almost 200 feet above the ground.

Kerkplein 1, Arnhem, 6811 EB, Netherlands
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Church €2.50; church and tower combination ticket €9, Apr.–Oct., Tues.–Sat. 10–5, Sun. noon–5; Nov.–Mar., Tues.–Sat. 11–4, Sun. noon–4, Closed Mon. Jan.–Mar.