5 Best Sights in North Iceland, Iceland


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A unique and unusually large church by Icelandic standards, Húsavíkurkirkja is the town’s most iconic landmark attraction and focal point of postcards and images. It was built to accommodate the entire community at the time it was built in 1907 and still serves the public with regular services and ceremonies. Some residents modeled for the large altar painting depicting the resurrection of Lazurus, but not everyone was happy with the result.


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A 6.3-km (4-mile) detour off the Ring Road on Route 721 leads to Þingeyrakirkja, a unique 1877 church constructed of basalt and limestone and located in a picturesque setting next to the lovely Lake Hóp. Make sure you visit this attraction when it's open so you can marvel at the interior, which features a 15th-century altarpiece and an extraordinary dome-shaped, midnight-blue ceiling, covered with countless golden stars. Next to the church is a visitor center offering light refreshments.


For a quick fix of turf-topped delight visit Grafakirkja (also known as Gröf), a tiny yet fetching chapel dating from around the late 1600s. Maintained by the National Museum of Iceland since 1939, Gröf is the oldest church in Iceland.

Northwest, Hofsós, Iceland

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Iceland’s oldest stone cathedral, Hóladómkirkja, was constructed in 1763 using local basalt and red sandstone. The striking steeple was added in 1950 as a memorial to the last Catholic bishop of Hólar, Jón Árnason. Apart from its impressive cherrywood and oak altarpiece dating from 1520, the cathedral contains several unique treasures, including a 1584 Bible, a 1620 portrait of Hólar bishop, a 16th-century crucifix, and a 17th-century baptismal font made of soapstone.

Víðimýri Turf Church

Set in a peaceful meadow with pastures for grazing horses, Víðimýri Church (off Route 1) is one of only six preserved turf churches in Iceland. The beautiful building constructed of thick sod and driftwood is still used as a parish church, but also opens its doors to visitors daily (between 9 am and 6 pm) during the summer.

Víðimýrarkirkja, Varmahlíð, Iceland
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Interior closed Sept.-May