2 Best Restaurants in Svalbard, Norway



While the rough-hewn beams, stone fireplaces, and wooden-barrel seating are reminscent of a trapper’s cabin, any trapper would have been green with envy at the food that’s being served at this cozy eatery in downtown Longyearbyen. You can find classic pizza and burgers on the menu of pub favorites, but also Norwegian specialties like moose and clipfish.


Honoring the young and ambitious Norwegian polar explorer Eivind Astrup---the name means "Polar Explorer"---this eatery sets its sights just as high. Expect a fusion of classic French, traditional Japanese, and New Nordic cuisine in a simple, tasteful setting of walnut tables and leather benches. The ingredients are high quality and sourced from small, independent farms, meaning the menus (changing monthly) focus on seasonal ingredients and may include dishes such as whale carpaccio, ramen soup, and miso black cod.