3 Best Sights in Betanzos, Galicia and Asturias

Igrexa de San Francisco de Betanzos

The 1292 monastery of San Francisco was converted into a church in 1387 by nobleman Fernán Pérez de Andrade. His magnificent tomb, to the left of the west door, has him lying on the backs of a stone bear and boar, with hunting dogs at his feet and an angel receiving his soul by his head.

Pl. de Fernán Pérez Andrade, Betanzos, 15300, Spain
Sights Details
Rate Includes: €2

Igrexa de Santa María do Azogue de Betanzos

This 15th-century church, a few steps uphill from the church of San Francisco, is a national monument. It has Renaissance statues that were stolen in 1981 but subsequently recovered.

Pl. de Fernán Pérez Andrade, Betanzos, 15300, Spain
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free

Igrexa de Santiago de Betanzos

The tailors' guild put up the Gothic-style church of Santiago, which includes a Pórtico de la Gloria inspired by that of Santiago's cathedral. Above the door is a carving of St. James as the Slayer of the Moors—a title that hasn't aged particularly well.

Rúa. de Lanzós 16, Betanzos, 15300, Spain
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free

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