1 Best Sight in Toggenburg Valley, Eastern Switzerland


If you're interested in the Reformation, you may want to make a pilgrimage to Wildhaus's Zwinglihaus, the farmhouse where Huldrych Zwingli was born in 1484. His father was president of the village's political commune, and the house was used as a meeting place for its council. A small museum within displays some restored furniture from his time, though not from his family, and an impressive collection of period Bibles. The fire-and-brimstone preacher celebrated his first mass in the town's now-Protestant church and went on to lead the Protestant Reformation in Zürich.
Vodere Schwendistr., 9658, Switzerland
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free, The house is a 2-min walk from Wildhaus bus stop \"Lisighaus\", Closed Mon.