1 Best Sight in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

Gaelic College of Celtic Arts and Crafts

Being home to direct descendants of the Gaelic pioneers, St. Ann's Bay is a logical site for this college, established in 1938 with a mission to promote and preserve the settlers' heritage. And mission accomplished, because today the campus provides a crash course in Gaelic culture. For instance, after learning about Scottish history in the Great Hall of Clans (particularly the Highland Clearances that sparked a mass exodus of Scots to the New World during the 18th century), you can view a short Gaelic-language film, then discover traditional disciplines like weaving and dancing at interactive stations. Not surprisingly, music at the college is especially noteworthy. Weeklong summer-school courses—as well as occasional weekend workshops—focus on topics such as bagpiping and fiddling. The college hosts lunchtime and Wednesday-evening ceilidhs in summer and in fall it’s a key site for the Celtic Colours Festival.

51779 Cabot Trail Rd., St. Anns, NS, B0C 1H0, Canada
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Great Hall of the Clans C$10; ceilidhs from C$15, Closed early Oct.–mid-May