2 Best Places to Shop in Cairo, Egypt



Taking the record store experience a step beyond, Retrograde sells art (including pieces by local artists), used books, and vintage goods—from typewriters to turntables—in addition to vinyl. Note the table in the middle of the shop: many patrons have marked it with messages of love and appreciation.

33 Ahmed Heshmat St., Cairo, Cairo, Egypt

Sherry's Vinyl


Vintage English and Arabic records feature greatly here, with some French, Russian, and other recordings occasionally finding their way into the mix. Don’t know what to look for? Ask the store manager, who has been a collector himself since 1997.  You’ll also find yourself taken in by the vintage items on display, from gramophones and turntables to off-brand but collectible comic books. Just leave the action figures alone—they’re not for sale no matter how hard you try. And be sure to ask for the soup of the day (hint: it’s coffee).