1 Best Sight in Rabat and Casablanca, Morocco

Place Mohammed V

Casablanca's version of London's Trafalgar Square has illuminated fountains, plenty of pigeons, and a series of grand buildings. This is the center of downtown and has some imposing Mauresque and Art Deco buildings. Coming from the port, you'll pass the main post office on your right, and on your left as you enter the square is its most impressive building, the courthouse, built in the 1920s. On the other side of Avenue Hassan II from the post office is the ornate Bank Al Maghrib; the structure opposite, with the clock tower, is the Wilaya, the governor's office. The more modest buildings on the right side of the square house the notorious customs directorate (where importers appeal punitive taxes). Now that the tram serves this area, it's easy to get here from nearly anywhere else in the city.