2 Best Restaurants in Nepal

Délices de France

$$ | Thamel

Many decades ago, Kathmandu carved itself a reputation among those on the Asian overland trail for having the best European food on the Subcontinent. And it's a tradition this French run and influenced restaurant is proud to maintain. If you're after coq au vin or quiche, this is the place to seek them out. Other dishes such as the vegetable curry are a nod to more local tastes, whilst others—try the apple momos—represent a half-way meeting of cultures.

Thamel House Restaurant


This large restaurant sprawls over several floors of a 100-year-old house, boasting intricately carved wooden window frames and doors, and brick walls and brick-tiled ceilings. It offers a chance to sample traditional Nepalese cuisine at reasonable prices. As well as serving up a tasty version of Nepal's hearty national dish, Dal Bhat Tarkari (rice, lentils and vegetables—the staple daily fuel of a thousand sherpas), it also offers more elaborate creations such as spiced wild boar. The classical dancing some nights is either an atmospheric enhancement or a tacky touristy intrusion, depending on your personal viewpoint.