14 Best Sights in Nha Trang, The South-Central Coasts and Highlands

Vinh Hy Bay

Fodor's choice

Located 90 km (55 miles) south of Nha Trang, along a seldom-used stretch of astonishing coastline between Cam Ranh and Phan Rang, Vinh Hy Bay is a real crown jewel of the South-Central Coast. The entire road, named DT702, loops around the fringes of Nui Chua National Park on the west, and the East Sea on the east. There's not much to do around Vinh Hy except appreciate its beauty, but its beauty alone is worth the trip. Along the way, there are quite a few places to stop and grab a cool drink, as well as many tiny, unspoiled beaches. Only two resorts of note have taken up residence here so far: the eponymous Vinh Hy resort, which offers very comfortable and clean bungalows at low prices, and the opulent Amanoi Resort, which is nestled among the surrounding forest with great subtlety—were it not for the gate by the road, you might not notice it.

100 Egg Mud Bath

These egg-shape private bathing capsules each accommodate two to three people, and are a 15-minute taxi ride away from the main tourist area. There are larger tubs for groups and a range of hot- and cold-water pools, as well as saunas and steam rooms and also a dining area. The purported youth-bestowing quality of the mud baths may or may not be a gimmick, but it's still worth spending a few hours here for a fun, albeit strange and messy, pampering session.

Ba Ho Waterfalls and Cliff Jumping

A stop often included in countryside motorbike tours, Ba Ho Waterfalls aren't the most impressive around, but the beautiful one-hour journey there can be quite an adventure. The entrance to the waterfalls is at the end of a long and bumpy dirt track, and the waterfalls themselves are at the end of long hike and short climb over large rocks (that requires sturdy shoes). You'll be hot, dusty, and perhaps a little tired after the journey and hike, so take a dip under the waterfalls to get reinvigorated. If you're in search of more of a thrill, you'll no doubt encounter tour groups flinging themselves from rock ledges into the deeper waters. To avoid injury, don't jump into areas not marshaled by tour guides.

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Bai Dai Beach

Bai Dai Beach
06photo / Shutterstock

Located 20 km (13 miles) south of Nha Trang center, Bai Dai Beach has fantastic sand and sea, but a deluge of luxury resort developments and bare-bones seafood shacks have damaged the aesthetic appeal. Another challenge is finding beach access without entering a seafood spot or resort, where you'll be expected to purchase food or leave. Some resorts might claim to own certain stretches of the beach, but they're actually open to the public (just don't enter through the resort itself). The best way to enjoy Bai Dai Beach is to go to one of the shacks and see what live seafood they have on offer, or indeed just have a few cold drinks between dips in the cool shallows. Jet Skis, surfboards, rafts, and kayaks are available for rent, and nearly every shack offers chairs, toilets, and showers with any food or drink purchase. This is one of the few spots where surfers can find waves through April. Bai Dai Beach continues 25 km (15½ miles) south to Cam Ranh Airport.

The best section is on the north end at the protected bay.


food and drink; showers; toilets; water sports.

Best for:

surfing; swimming; walking.

Cam Hai Dong, Nha Trang, Vietnam

Doc Let Beach

About 45 km (25 miles) north of Nha Trang is the picture-postcard Doc Let Beach, a beautiful 10-km (6-mile) stretch of casuarina-lined fine white sand and azure water that welcomes few tourists. Like most beachfronts in Vietnam, it's seen a rise in development in recent years but fortunately, it's very low key, even the resorts themselves are much more humble and quaint than in many parts. Many of them are glad to welcome day guests for a very small fee. Overall, it's a great location for a laid-back beachy day trip from Nha Trang. It will take about an hour to get here from Nha Trang by taxi, which will cost around 500,000d. A much cheaper alternative is the local bus (No. 3), which will only set you back around 25,000d. Amenities: food and drink; water sports. Best for: walking; swimming; sunsets.

Bai Doc Let, Ninh Hoa, Vietnam

Hon Chong Promontory

Just like the Po Nagar Cham Towers, this headland is on the north side of the Cai River. The promontory provides good views of the coastline and the surrounding islands and is a great spot to watch the sunset. Climb up for a view of Nha Trang and its islands. If you look northwest you can see Fairy Mountain (Nui Co Tien), said to resemble a reclining fairy. To get here from the Po Nagar ruins, head north on 2 Thang 4 Street and take a right on Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street.

Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Sights Details
Rate Includes: 22,000d


While the mud baths are the main attraction at I-Resort, there are also warm mineral pools, mineral water spas, waterfalls, and a kids' play area, all set within landscaped grounds 20 minutes northwest of the main tourist area of Nha Trang. Some of the massages and mud bath package deals offer good value and include a "light bite" that's really a full meal.


No visit to Nha Trang is complete without a boat trip to the surrounding scenic islands, such as Mieu Island (Tri Nguyen Island), Mun Island, and Tam Island. Boat trips can be arranged through local hotels and travel agencies or directly at the port on the south end of town, but note that there might be a language barrier this way.

Long Son Pagoda

Climb the 150 steps, breaking halfway to view the 262-foot-long white statue of sleeping Buddha. At the top of the hill, visit the Long Son Pagoda and sitting Buddha. This site is free to the public—watch out for the hecklers and scammers asking for miscellaneous fees, and pushy vendors. The panoramic views of rice fields and the city below are absolutely breathtaking.

Nha Trang Beach

Because of its downtown location, the 5-km (3-mile) long Nha Trang beach is where the vast majority of visitors gather. The beach itself is free and open to the public, and sun loungers can be rented for around 70,000d. Plenty of amenities are available at the trendy Sailing Club, or you can simply bask in the sun on an open patch of sand and buy snacks from a passing vendor. A fine place to chill and soak up the sun during the day, the cooler hours between 4 pm and sunset are often a sight to behold, as droves of locals arrive to frolic in the milder conditions. Divers and snorkelers won't find much marine life here. To see clown fish, scorpionfish, and moray eels, it is better to organize a dive at the Sailing Club to the protected island of Hon Mun. The beach is not patrolled but authorities do raise red flags when conditions are unsafe. Do not ignore the red flags as the water can become very rough at certain times of the year.


food and drink; showers; toilets.

Best for:

partiers; swimming; walking.

Tran Phu, Nha Trang, Vietnam

North Beach

Starting at Hon Chong beach just north of the Tran Phu Bridge and running 30 km (18 miles) north beyond Nha Trang city are several beautiful beaches that together are commonly referred to as "North Beach." This area mostly draws in college students who attend one of the five nearby universities. The most picturesque stretch of beach can be found past Ninh Hoa City, where shallow waters and powdery sand beckon swimmers and sunbathers alike. A handful of surfers paddle to the point break that whips up decent waves between October and April. Amenities are offered to those who buy food or drinks at neighboring properties such as Paradise Resort or White Sand Doclet Resort. Amenities: food and drink; toilets. Best for: surfing, swimming; walking.

Pham Van Dong, Nha Trang, Vietnam

Po Nagar Cham Towers

Po Nagar Cham Towers
Alan64 | Dreamstime.com

Perched on Cu Lao hillside overlooking the Cai River, the four remaining towers of an original seven or eight are reminiscent of those found at Angkor Wat and offer a glimpse of the Kingdom of Champa, who built the complex in the 8th century to praise their deity. It doesn't look like much from the main road outside, but up close it is a humbling site. The largest tower of the four stretches 75 feet high and contains a statue in honor of Goddess Ponagar, praised for her knowledge of agriculture and civilization. The center tower was built for Cri Cambhu, the god of fertility, and the south tower commemorates the god of success, Ganesh, recognizable by the human body and elephant head. The northwest tower is of the god Shiva. Visitors must cover knees and shoulders to enter the temple. If you happen to be in Nha Trang on the 20th to 23rd day of the third lunar month, you can catch the Po Nagar Festival that takes place near the ancient towers.

2 Thang 4, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Sights Details
Rate Includes: 22,000d

Thap Ba Hot Spring Center

If your idea of relaxation involves soaking in a mineral mud bath, head to Thap Ba Hot Spring Center, on the northern outskirts of Nha Trang, 7 km (4½ miles) from the tourist area. In addition to mud baths there are hot mineral pools and a mineral swimming pool. You can choose to soak solo, with a partner, or in a group.

Vinpearl Land

This amusement park on Hon Tre Island can be seen from almost anywhere along the Nha Trang coastline, due in large part to the huge Hollywood-style sign on the island's hillside. The park is accessed by cable cars which offer up striking views back over Nha Trang. Allow a full day to explore the amusement park, and take your swimsuit, because the complex is vast and includes a water park, rides, an electronic games arcade, dolphin and seal shows, an aquarium, and many shopping and dining options (the most varied food options are close to the water park). This is an excellent value for money and a truly fun day out for all ages.

Depart the island well in advance of closing time, as the vast crowds lead to very long waiting times for the cable car.

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