2 Best Sights in Humacao, El Yunque and the Northeast

Plaza de Recreo de Humacao

Downtown's broad square is anchored by Concatedral Dulce Nombre de Jesús (Sweet Name of Jesus Cathedral), which dates from 1869. It has a castlelike facade, and even when its grille door is locked, you get a peek at the sleek altar, polished floors, and stained-glass windows dominated by blues. Across the plaza, four fountains splash under the shade of old trees. People pass through feeding the pigeons, children race down the promenade, and retirees congregate on benches to chat.

Calle Font Martelo at Calle Ulises Martinez, Humacao, 00791, Puerto Rico

Reserva Natural de Humacao

As you travel from Naguabo to Humacao, you'll pass stretches of beach and swaths of undeveloped land, including the swamps, lagoons, and forested areas of the Reserva Natural de Humacao. Walk along the trail to discover abandoned military bunkers and murals amidst the wilderness. This nature reserve has an information office, restrooms, and campsites. No pets are allowed.