1 Best Sight in Zealand, Denmark

Karen Blixen Museum

Fodor's choice

This museum is in the elegant, airy manor of Baroness Karen Blixen, who wrote Out of Africa under the pen name Isak Dinesen. The manor house, to which she returned in 1931 to write her most famous works, now displays Blixen's manuscripts, sketches, photographs, and memorabilia documenting her years in Africa. Leave time to wander around the gorgeous gardens, which also function as a bird sanctuary.

Rungsted Strandvej 111, Rungsted, 2960, Denmark
Sights Details
Rate Includes: DKr 100, May–Sept., Tues.–Sun. 10–5; Oct.–Apr., Wed.–Fri. 1–4, weekends 11–4, Closed Mon. Sept.–June and Tues. Oct.–Apr.