2 Best Sights in Bordeaux and the Wine Country, France

Cathédrale St-André

This may not be one of France's finer Gothic cathedrals, but the intricate 14th-century chancel makes an interesting contrast with the earlier nave. Excellent stone carvings adorn the facade of the hefty edifice. You can also climb the 15th-century, 160-foot Tour Pey-Berland for a stunning view of the city.

Pl. Pey-Berland, Bordeaux, 33000, France
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Tower €6, Tower closed Mon. Oct.–May

Église Monolithe

One of Europe's largest underground churches, the Église Monolithe was hewn out of the rock face between the 9th and 12th centuries by monks faithful to the memory of St-Émilion, an 8th-century hermit and miracle worker. Its spire-top clocher (bell tower) rises out of the bedrock, dominating the center of town. The church can only be visited on a guided tour reserved online in advance via the tourist office website. The visit includes the catacombs and the underground cell of St-Émilion.

Pl. du Marché, St-Émilion, 33330, France
Sights Details
Rate Includes: €15