2 Best Sights in Ceann Tra (Ventry), The Southwest

Dunbeg Fort

Perched on the very edge of a Dingle Bay cliff, and set in the small district of Fahan (which is part of the larger township of Ventry), this small, well-weathered fort was an important Iron Age defensive promontory site, inhabited from about AD 800 until around 1200. It was badly damaged by storms in the winter of 2017-18, and it is unlikely full access will be restored, but you can still view it from above. Its drystone mound was defended against cattle raiders by four earthen rings—note the souterraine (underground) escape route, by the entrance. In addition, there are a number of archaeological artifacts here to interest the time traveler.

There is a 10-minute audiovisual show in the adjacent visitor center, but just as fascinating is the building itself, a modern replica of the drystone construction of the clocháns (pronounced "cluk-awns"), the famous prehistoric "beehive" cells first used by hermit monks in the early Christian period. Beside it is a typical naomhóg (pronounced "na-vogue"), a tarred canvas canoe, resting upside down.

About 1 km (½ mile) farther on is another parking lot, and an interesting group of clocháns can be visited (€3 fee to resident farmer), built of drystone and set on the southern slopes of Mt. Eagle looking out directly across the sea to Skellig Michael. Far from being only prehistoric relics, as the signposts claim, clocháns were being built until a century ago; wood was scarce and stone abounded, so you'll find more than 400 of them between Ceann Sléibhe and Dún Chaoin.

Ventry Beach

Ventry Beach (or Ventry Strand) is just southwest of the village of Ceann Trá (Ventry). This lovely stretch of golden sand, said by many to be one of Ireland's most beautiful beaches, runs for 8 km (5 miles) and is part of the Dingle Way walking route. There is a dune system with a small lake, wetlands, and a reed swamp, and abundant wildlife. In July and August it attracts families and swimmers. Amenities: food and drink; lifeguards; parking (no fee); toilets; water sports. Best for: surfing; swimming; walking; windsurfing.