1 Best Sight in The Northern Highlands and the Western Isles, Scotland

Calum's Road

An extraordinary feat of human endeavor, this single-track, 2-mile road was conceived and constructed by one man—local crofter Calum MacLeod. Following several failed petitions to the local council, requesting them to improve access to northern Raasay by transforming a narrow footpath into a usable road, MacLeod decided to take matters into his own hands. Using only a pick-axe, shovel, and wheelbarrow, he began laying the road in 1964. Ten years later it was finally complete. The road would later be officially adopted and surfaced by the council and named "Calum's Road" in MacLeod's honor. It begins just beyond the atmospheric, 16th-century ruins of Brochel Castle on the northeast coast of Raasay, and it ends at Arnish.

Near Brochel, Isle of Raasay, IV40 8PF, Scotland