5 Best Sights in Andalusia, Spain

Torre Tavira

Fodor's choice

At 150 feet tall, this watchtower is the highest point in the old city. More than a hundred such structures were used by Cádiz ship owners to spot their arriving fleets. A camera obscura gives a good overview of the city and its monuments. The last show is held 30 minutes before closing time.

Ayuntamiento Antiguo

Begun in the early 16th century but restored as a beautiful arcaded baroque palace in 1680, the former town hall is now a conservatory of music. From the hall's upper balcony, the town council watched celebrations and autos-da-fé ("acts of faith"—executions of heretics sentenced by the Inquisition) in the square below. You can't enter the town hall, but on the north side you can visit the 13th-century Iglesia de San Pablo, with its Isabelline south portal.

Pl. Primero de Mayo s/n, Úbeda, 23400, Spain
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Church €1, Closed Mon.

El Cuarto Real

Realejo-San Matías

Just a block away from Casa de los Tiros is the beautifully restored El Cuarto Real, a 13th-century Nasrid palace which has decorations almost identical to the Alhambra. Only the fortified tower remains standing with its exquisite qubba (reception room) with stunning walls and ceiling motifs. The adjoining modern extension houses temporary art exhibitions, and the formal gardens make a peaceful place to rest.

Pl. de los Campos 6, Granada, 18009, Spain
Sights Details
Rate Includes: €2, Closed Sun. afternoon and Mon.

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Hospital de Santiago

Sometimes jokingly called the Escorial of Andalusia (in allusion to Felipe II's monolithic palace and monastery outside Madrid), this huge angular building in the modern section of town is yet another of Vandelvira's masterpieces in Úbeda. The plain facade is adorned with ceramic medallions, and over the main entrance is a carving of Santiago Matamoros (St. James the Moorslayer) in his traditional horseback pose. Inside are an arcaded patio and a grand staircase. Now a cultural center, it holds many of the events at the Festival de Úbeda, celebrating music and dance in May and June ( www.festivaldeubeda.com).

Av. Cristo Rey s/n, Úbeda, 23400, Spain
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free, Closed Sun. in July and weekends in Aug.

Torre Calahorra

Sector Sur

The tower on the far side of the Puente Romano (Roman Bridge), which was restored in 2008, was built in 1369 to guard the entrance to Córdoba. It now houses the Museo Vivo de Al-Andalus (Arabic for "Land of the West"), with films and audiovisual guides (in English) on Córdoba's history. Climb the narrow staircase to the top of the tower for the view of the Roman bridge and city on the other side of the Guadalquivir.

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