4 Best Sights in Ibiza and the Balearic Islands, Spain

Banys Arabs


One of Palma's oldest monuments, the 10th-century public bathhouse has a wonderful walled garden of palms and lemon trees. In its day, it was not merely a place to bathe but a social institution where you could soak, relax, and gossip with your neighbors.

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Carrer Can Serra 7, Palma, 07001, Spain
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Rate Includes: €3

Ciutat Romana de Pol·lèntia

Archaeological remains of the ancient city of Pollentia, which dates to about 100 BC, include La Portella residential area, the Forum, and the 1st-century-AD Roman theater. The Museu Monogràfic de Pollentia has a small collection of statues and artifacts from the nearby excavations of the Roman capital of the island.

Av. dels Prínceps d'Espanya s/n, Alcúdia, 07400, Spain
Sights Details
Rate Includes: €4, includes museum and archaeological site, Closed Sun. Oct.–Apr.; Closed Mon. May–Sept.

Torralba d’en Salort

Puzzle over Menorca's prehistoric past at this megalithic site with a number of stone constructions, including a massive taula. Behind it, from the top of a stone wall, you can see the monolith Fus de Sa Geganta (the Giantess's Spindle) in a nearby field.

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Torre d'en Galmés

This Talaiotic site between Alaior and Son Bou comprises a complex set of stone constructions—fortifications, monuments, deep pits of ruined dwellings, huge vertical slabs, and taulas.

Alaior, Spain
Sights Details
Rate Includes: €3 (Free Mondays)