3 Best Bars in The Northwest, Argentina

El Bodegón

This popular peña with hundreds of vinyl records on the walls calls itself "the cathedral of Jujuy folklore." It's predominantly filled with a young crowd of locals who have no qualms about taking to the small stage, and is a great space to see up-and-coming musicians.

Sarverri, at José Peres, San Salvador de Jujuy, 4600, Argentina

La Casona del Molino

Twenty-odd blocks down Caseros Street from the main plaza, La Casona del Molino is an authentic gem renowned for nightly folk performances; join in by clapping or dancing. It also serves great regional food at extremely decent prices.

Luis Burela 1, Salta, 4400, Argentina

La Peña de Carlitos

This restaurant on the main plaza doubles up as a spot for live regional music and local bands.
Lavalle 397, at Rivadavia, Tilcara, Argentina

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