2 Best Sights in Quicavi, Chiloé

Iglesia de San Pedro

In an effort to win converts, the Jesuits constructed this enormous church on the Plaza de Armas. The original structure survives from colonial times, though it underwent extensive remodeling in the early 20th century. It's open for services on the first Sunday of every month at 11 am, which is your best bet for getting a look inside.

Iglesia de Tenaún

The small fishing village of Tenaún, 7 km (4 miles) south of Quicaví, is notable for its 1845 neoclassical Iglesia de Tenaún, which replaced the original 1734 structure built by the Jesuits. The style differs markedly from that of other Chilote churches, as the two towers flanking the usual hexagonal central bell tower are painted a striking deep blue. You can see the interior during services on Sunday at 9:30 am and the rest of the week at 5 pm.