77 Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt

Bab Zuweila

Islamic Cairo South Fodor's choice

The last remaining southern gate of Fatimid Cairo was built in 1092 and is named after members of the Fatimid army who hailed from a North African Berber tribe called the Zuwayla. The gate features a pair of minaret-topped semicircular towers. The lobed-arch decoration on the inner flanks of the towers in the entrance were used earlier in North African architecture and were introduced here following the Fatimid conquest of Egypt. They are seen in later Fatimid and Mamluk buildings.

The street level here has risen dramatically—what you see as you pass through the massive doorway would have been at eye level for a traveler entering the city on a camel. According to the architectural historian K.A.C. Creswell, the loggia between the two towers on the wall's exterior once housed an orchestra that announced royal comings and goings. The views from the towers themselves are some of the best in Cairo.

Bab Zuweila wasn't always such a lighthearted spot, however. Public executions once took place here. Indeed, the conquering Turks hanged the last independent Mamluk sultan, Tuman bay II, from this gate in 1517. The unlucky man's agony was prolonged because the rope broke three times. Finally, fed up, the Ottomans had him beheaded.

Coptic Museum

Old Cairo Fodor's choice

Opened in 1910 and home to the world's largest collection of Coptic antiquities, this museum traces Coptic history from its beginnings to its full rise, providing a link between ancient and Islamic Egypt, as most of the city's population remained Christian until the 11th century, a half millennium after the Arabs brought Islam to the country.

The insightful displays are more or less arranged by medium. The first floor has carved stone and stucco, frescoes, and woodwork. The second floor includes textiles, manuscripts, icons, and metalwork. In some cases, chronological divisions are made within each grouping to show the evolution of the art form.

The collections also demonstrate how eras can beautifully overlap to produce exceptional artistry, as is evident through the slight Pharaonic, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman influences detected across the museum. Many carvings and paintings, for instance, help to trace the transformations of the ancient key of life, the ankh, to the cross. Depictions of the baby Jesus suckling at his mother's breast are also striking in their resemblance to pharaonic suckling representations.

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Giza Plateau

Giza Fodor's choice

You've seen Giza's iconic superstructures in books or films, but nothing prepares you for the breathtaking, in-real-life magnetism of the pyramids. The 4th-Dynasty tombs of three Old Kingdom (2687–2181 BC) rulers that dominate the skyline of the desert plateau to the southwest of Cairo simultaneously inspire humility and awe. The largest and most perfect of them is that of King Khufu (Greek name: Cheops), referred to as the Great Pyramid, followed by those of Khafre (Greek name: Chephren) and Menkaure (Greek name: Mycerinus), his son and grandson respectively.

There is more than meets the eye at the Giza Plateau: each pyramid was built within a complex consisting of causeways, temples, a subsidiary queen’s pyramid, and a smaller, more symbolic "satellite" pyramid for the king. You can also visit some of the smaller pyramids belonging to female dependents, as well as the mastabas (large trapezoidal tombs) of the kings’ lesser relatives and courtiers—just ask for details when buying your ticket.

Preparation is key to visiting the Giza Plateau. The walks are long, and the sun is strong year-round, so wear comfortable shoes, a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Be prepared for numerous encounters with souvenir sellers and animal tenders, some of whom overcharge for their products and services—to them, a firm and repetitive "la shukran" ("no, thank you") will get the message across. Exploring the interior of one of the pyramids should also be part of your once-in-a-lifetime experience, but brace yourself for a bent back and for tackling some very narrow and sloped corridors.

There's a general admission ticket to the area as well as individual fees for entering the structures that are open to the public and for accessing the Great Sphinx. The evening Great Sphinx and Pyramids sound-and-light show is on the pricey side, and some say it's not worth the money. Still, seeing the monuments lit up at night would be yet another once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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Giza Plateau, Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: General site admission: LE200. Great Pyramid: LE400. Khafre\'s Pyramid: LE100. Menkaure\'s Pyramid: LE100. Sound-and-light show: LE375.

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Great Sphinx Of Giza

Giza Fodor's choice

Carved from an outcropping of limestone bedrock on the Giza Plateau during the 4th Dynasty, this colossal statue of a recumbent Sphinx—a mythological creature generally having the body of a lion and the face of a human—wears a nemes (traditional headdress of the pharaoh). It also once had the so-called beard of divinity, as can be seen in royal statues in museums, although that has broken off, as has the Sphinx's nose. Egyptologists suggest that its facial features are those of Khafre’s disguised as Ra-Harakhty, a manifestation of the Sun God.

Between the Great Sphinx's paws is the Dream Stele erected by the New Kingdom ruler Thutmose IV. It narrates the story of a young Thutmose, who dreamed about an exchange with the Sphinx whereby, in return for the throne of Egypt, he was asked to clear the sand surrounding the statue. Thutmose happily obliged and became a successful ruler of the 18th Dynasty.

The interior of the Great Sphinx, which consists of small corridors, is off-limits to visitors. Nevertheless, it's hard to resist the opportunity to examine this enigmatic guardian of the necropolis up close—as well as to snap a selfie with it in the background. Note that although there is an evening Sphinx and Pyramids sound-and-light show, it's on the pricey side and some have reported that, for the money, it's underwhelming. Still, if you want a night-time experience at the monuments, it's something to consider.

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Giza Plateau, Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: General site admission: LE200. Sphinx admission: LE100. Sound-and-light show: LE375.

Imhotep Museum

Fodor's choice

Named after the architect of the Djoser step pyramid, this relatively small but superb museum brings Saqqara to life, with well-lit artifacts and exhibits that provide background on ancient Egyptian architecture, politics, and religion. Highlights of the collection include a statue of a seated Djoser, the Old Kingdom pharaoh who reigned from approximately 2686 to 2648 BC; a bronze statuette of Imhotep; a Ptolemaic mummy discovered by Zahi Hawass, who is considered Egypt's version of Indiana Jones; the enigmatic "famine" stela; and a set of vibrant blue and turquoise faience tiles that once decorated the interior of Djoser’s Pyramid. Note, though, that this museum has experienced temporary closures; keep your fingers crossed that it's open during your visit as it's well worth your time.

Pyramid of Djoser Rd., Saqqara, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: LE180, as part of the Saqqara site\'s general admission

Mosque and Madrasa of Sultan Hassan

The Citadel Fodor's choice

Constructed between 1356 and 1363 by the Mamluk ruler Sultan Hassan, this is one of the world's largest Islamic religious buildings. Some historians believe it was partially built with stone from the Pyramids of Giza. Regardless, creating it nearly emptied the vast Mamluk treasury.

You enter the complex at an angle through a tall portal that is itself a work of art. The carving on both sides culminates in a series of stalactites above. A dark and relatively low-ceilinged passageway to the left of the entrance leads to the brightly lit main area—a standard cruciform-plan open court.

Unique to this mosque is a madrasa between each of the four liwans (halls), one for each of the four Sunni schools of jurisprudence, complete with its own courtyard and four stories of rooms for students and teachers. Also unique is the location of the mausoleum behind the qibla wall (wall in the direction of Mecca) which, in effect, forces people who are praying to bow before the tomb of the dead sultan—a fairly heretical idea to devout Muslims. Nevertheless, the mausoleum, which faces Salah al-Din Square, is quite beautiful, particularly in the morning when the rising sun filters through grilled windows.

Of the two tall minarets, only the one to the left of the qibla liwan is structurally sound. Have the custodian take you up to get a view of the city, including the Citadel. In fact, this roof was used by several armies, Bonaparte's expedition included, to shell the mountain fortress.

Salah al-Din Square, Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: LE80, includes entry to al-Rifa\'i Mosque

Mosque of Ibn Tulun

The Citadel Fodor's choice

This huge congregational mosque was built in 879 by Ahmad Ibn Tulun with the intention of accommodating his entire army during Friday prayers. He was sent to Egypt by the Abbasid caliph in Samarra to serve as its governor. Sensing weakness in Iraq, he declared his independence and began building a new city, al-Qata'i, northwest of al-Fustat and al-Askar. When the Abbasids conquered Egypt again in 970, they razed the entire city as a lesson to future rebels, sparing only the great Friday mosque, but leaving it to wither on the outskirts.

In 1293, emir Lajin hid out in the derelict building for several months while a fugitive from the Mamluk sultan, vowing to restore it if he survived. Three years later, after being appointed sultan himself, he kept his word, repairing the minaret and adding a fountain in the courtyard, the mihrab (prayer niche), and the beautiful minbar (pulpit). All of this background is secondary to the building itself—you can delight in this masterpiece without even the slightest knowledge of its history. Its grandeur and simplicity set it apart from any other Islamic monument in Cairo.

The mosque is separated from the streets around it with a ziyada (a walled-off space) in which the Friday market was once held and where the famous minaret is located. Inside, the mosque covers an area of more than 6 acres. Four arcaded aisles surround the vast courtyard, and the soffits of the arches are covered in beautifully carved stucco—the first time this medium was used in Cairo. The minaret, the only one of its kind in Egypt, is modeled after those in Samarra, with the ziggurat-like stairs spiraling on the outside of the tower.

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Museum of Islamic Art

Islamic Cairo South Fodor's choice

Often overlooked, this is one of the finest museums in Cairo, displaying a rare and comprehensive collection of Islamic art and antiquities. You can see woodwork, stucco, intarsia, ceramics, glass, metalwork, textiles, and carpets. Items are arranged according to medium, and every era—from Umayyad to Abbasid, Fatimid, Ayyubid, and Mamluk—is represented. Highlights include one of the earliest Muslim tombstones, dating from AD 652, only 31 years after the Prophet returned to Mecca victorious; a bronze ewer that has a spout in the shape of a rooster and that dates from the time of the Abbasid caliph Marwan II; a series of Abbasid stucco panels from both Egypt and Iraq; frescoes from a Fatimid bathhouse; wooden panels from the Western Palace; carved rock crystal; and an excellent brass-plated Mamluk door, which appears, at first glance, to have standard arabesque decoration but is in fact interspersed with tiny animals and foliage.

The metalwork section contains the doors from the Mosque of al-Salih Tala'i, as well as incense burners, candlesticks, and vases—some items have Christian symbols and some are inlaid with gold and silver. The armor and arms hall is still impressive even though Selim, the conquering Ottoman sultan of 1517, had much of this type of booty carried off to Istanbul, where it is on display at Topkapi Palace. In the ceramics section, pieces from the Fatimid Era and Iran are particularly noteworthy, as are the Mamluk mosque lamps in the glassware collection.

National Museum of Egyptian Civilization

Old Cairo Fodor's choice

Egypt’s first museum to focus on all its different civilizations truly takes you on a trip through history. The collections are designed to tell a story, some chronologically and others thematically. The chronological collections follow the Archaic, Pharaonic, Greco-Roman, Coptic, Medieval, Islamic, modern, and contemporary eras. Thematic collections map a route through the Dawn of Civilization, The Nile, Writing, State and Society, Material Culture, Beliefs and Thinking, and the Gallery of Royal Mummies.

There are currently around 1,600 pieces on display, with plans to display 50,000 artifacts over time, and they range from monumental to the more mundane, like one of the first-ever prosthetics—an artificial toe from the Pharaonic era that predates the Roman Capula Leg. The museum is also the new home of the royal mummies of ancient Egypt. Designed to feel like a tomb, the Gallery of Royal Mummies has the remains of 22 rulers, including 18 kings and four queens. Displays are interactive: you can scan QR codes to learn about each royal.

Prince Mohammed Ali Palace

Rodah Island Fodor's choice

Built between 1900 and 1929 by Prince Mohammed Ali, King Farouk’s uncle, the interiors of this palace are influenced by Ottoman, Moorish, Persian, and European Art Nouveau and Rococo styles, all of which mark also important periods in modern Egyptian architecture. Highlights include the mosque; the sabil (fountain); the clocktower; the Throne and Gold Halls; the tile-adorned Blue Salon; and the hunting and taxidermy museum, which showcases a range of creatures, from insects to mammals. The palace is also renowned for its stunning gardens and distinctive collection of plants.

Step Pyramid of Djoser

Fodor's choice

The quest for immortality is tangible at what is considered Egypt's first pyramid, so old that it was a great attraction even in antiquity: as the graffiti attests, people came here as tourists and seekers of blessings as early as the Middle Kingdom (2130–1649 BC), if not earlier. It was designed by Imhotep—a great architect who would, in time, become deified and worshiped as the patron god of architects and doctors—for the 3rd Dynasty pharaoh, Djoser, who reigned from approximately 2650 to 2575 BC. Although not much is known about this ruler, Egyptologists surmise that he sent expeditions to Sinai to mine copper and turquoise.

The Step Pyramid was ingeniously erected as a single-level mastaba tomb prior to ending up a a six-step pyramid. It was the predecessor of the "true" pyramid forms, which, like those in Giza have smooth sides. Its interior is a logistical wonder, with almost 6 km (3.5 miles) of passageways and tunnels, as well as chambers. The simple mortuary temple attached to the pyramid is to the north rather than to the east. Djoser also reserved a spot for an Egyptian alabaster sarcophagi belonging to his daughters. After earthquakes destabilized the pyramid, making its interior unsafe, Egyptian authorities embarked on a 14-year, restoration that was completed in 2020 and that cost nearly US$6.6-million.

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Saqqara, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: LE180, as part of the Saqqara site general admission

Tahrir Square

Downtown Fodor's choice

After living in Paris, the 19th-century Khedive Isma’il embarked on a mission to create a European-style district in Cairo, both as a way to modernize the city and to cement his political legitimacy. His plans included this square, originally named Ismailia Square, and it became a popular Cairo hub. Although in subsequent decades it lost favor owing to its association with colonial rule, it remained an epicenter for political demonstrations, evolving into a symbol of liberation.

After the 1952 Revolution, its name was changed to Tahrir Square (Liberation Square), and it was a focal point during both the 1977 Egyptian Bread Riots and the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. In 2021, history was made here yet again when the Parade of Mummies passed through the square, in a grand spectacle celebrating the transfer of 22 mummies from the Egyptian Museum to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization. Today, the obelisk of Ramses II, moved from the Tanis archaeological site, stands tall here.

The Citadel

The Citadel Fodor's choice

Local rulers had long overlooked the strategic value of the hill above the city, but, within a few years of his arrival in 1168, Salah al-Din al-Ayyub began creating defense plans with the Citadel at their center. He and his successors built an impenetrable bastion using the most advanced construction techniques of the age, and, for the next 700 years, Egypt was ruled from this hill. Nothing remains of the original complex except a part of the Ayyubid walls—33 feet (10 meters) tall and 10 feet (3 meters) thick—and the Bir Youssef (Youssef Well), which was dug 285 feet (87 meters) straight into solid rock to reach the water table and is still considered an engineering marvel.

In the 1330s, most of the Ayyubid buildings were replaced by Mamluk structures. After assuming power in 1805, Muhammad Ali had all the Mamluk buildings razed and the complex entirely rebuilt. Only the green-domed mosque and a fragment of the Qasr al-Ablaq (Striped Palace) remain.

For more than 150 years, the Mosque of Muhammad Ali has dominated the City's skyline. Although Ottoman law prohibited anyone but the sultan from building a mosque with more than one minaret, this mosque has two, one of the first indications that Muhammad Ali wouldn't remain submissive to Istanbul. Note the spacious courtyard's gilded clock tower, which was provided by King Louis Philippe in exchange for the obelisk that stands in Paris. It’s fair to say that the French got the better end of the bargain: the clock has never worked.

Behind Muhammad Ali stands the Mosque of al-Nasir Muhammad, a Mamluk work of art with beautifully crafted masonry, elegant proportions, and a minaret featuring ornate but refined details. Ottomans took much of the original interior decoration to Istanbul, but the space is nevertheless impressive. The courtyard's supporting columns were collected from various sources; several are pharaonic.

Across from al-Nasir's entrance is the National Police Museum, worth a quick visit to see the exhibition on Egypt's political assassinations and to enjoy the spectacular view from the courtyard. The enclosure directly below, gated by Bab al-Azab, is where Muhammad Ali wrested control from the Mamluk chiefs. (He invited them to a banquet and had them ambushed by a battalion, ending their dominion in Egypt and eliminating all internal opposition in a single stroke.) To the northwest of al-Nasir, the gate known as Bab al-Qulla opens to the Qusur al-Harem (Harem Palace), now the site of the National Military Museum, with somewhat interesting displays of uniforms and weaponry.

Farther west, the Carriage Museum, the dining hall of British officers stationed at the Citadel in the early 20th century, now houses eight conveyances used by Egypt's last royal dynasty (1805–1952). In the northwest part of the Citadel is the rarely visited Sulayman Pasha Mosque built in 1528. While its plan is entirely a product of Istanbul, the sparse stone decoration shows traces of Mamluk influence.

Before leaving the Citadel, pass by the Qasr al-Gawhara (Jewel Palace), where Muhammad Ali received guests. It's now a museum displaying the royal family's extravagance and preference for early 19th-century French style.

The Egyptian Museum

Downtown Fodor's choice

This huge neoclassical building, a Downtown landmark on the north end of Tahrir Square, was masterfully designed by French architect Marcel Dourgnon. It opened in 1902, making it one of the oldest archaeological museums in the Middle East—and one of the largest, with a collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts so vast that it would have taken nine months to complete a tour if you spent just one minute studying each item.

Although some of the museum's treasures have been moved to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization—and most of the Tutankhamun finds are now in Egypt's newest archaeological repository, the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza—the breadth here is still staggering. Galleries take you through millennia, from the Predynastic Period (6000 to 3100 BC) through the Greco-Roman Era (332 BC to 313 AD). The Tanis Treasure includes gold masks, jewelry, solid-silver coffins, and other artifacts dating from between 1076 and 945 BC. Don't miss the animal mummy rooms, especially if you have kids in tow, or the Fayyum portraits: done on wood, these very lifelike paintings put you face to face with one individual Roman-era Egyptian after another.

The Grand Egyptian Museum

Giza Fodor's choice

One of the most ambitious architectural designs in the new millennium is a fitting home for the mother lode of ancient artifacts excavated in Egypt over the last 150 years. Situated less than 2 km (1 mile) west of the pyramids, the world's largest archaeological museum covers 120 acres (49 hectares) on the Giza Plateau. Although embellished with hieroglyphs, its otherwise modern facade is a clear indication that the interior is state of the art, from the large exhibition halls that welcome visitors to the storage, research, and restoration areas accessible only to scholars and staff.

At the entrance, a colossal statue of Ramses II towers over all, and a stairway punctuated with royal statuary leads to the upper halls, where some of the estimated 18,000 artifacts—transferred here from Downtown Cairo's Egyptian Museum and other repositories across the country—are on display for the very first time in history. Other highlights of the collection include the Pharaoh's Royal Solar Boat and much of the Tutankhamun collection.

Tomb of Queen Meresankh III

Giza Fodor's choice

Just east and in the shadow of the Great Pyramid is the tomb of Khafre’s wife and the granddaughter of Khufu, Queen Meresankh III. The powerful queen was interred in a large and elegantly decorated mastaba (an oblong or rectangular tomb with a flat roof and sloping sides), one of many such 4th and 5th Dynasty tombs in the area. The interior walls depict colorful scenes of full-size figures engaged in key Old Kingdom activities such as baking bread, sculpting, and metal smelting. One scene shows Meresankh’s body undergoing mummification on an embalming table beneath a tent. The queen is also shown with her mother, the equally eminent Queen Hetepheres II, on the eastern wall of the chapel. A second chamber contains 10 rock-cut statues of the queen, her mother, and her daughters.

The website of Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities has a link that allows you to "visit" this matsaba virtually, but, as you don’t stumble upon the tomb of a pyramid owner’s wife every day, an in-real-life visit is best. There's a separate admission fee, though, so be sure to ask for a ticket at the entrance.

Giza Plateau, Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: General site admission: LE200. Tomb of Queen Meresankh: LE50

Tunis Village

Fodor's choice

This small village overlooking Qarun Lake is often referred to as Eastern Switzerland. Evelyne Porret, a Swiss potter, moved to the village in the 1980s and established a pottery school that is still open today. With it, she transformed the villagers’ lives. The school, along with a country house, formed a compound that became the center of the town. Today, Tunis Village is home to the workshops of some of the country’s best potters, as well as some eco-lodges and contemporary restaurants.

Wadi al-Hitan

Fodor's choice

There are no grandiose temples or legends of conquests here. Instead, you stand in the desert expanse alongside 40-million-year-old whale skeletons. Wadi al-Hitan, or Valley of the Whales, is home to the earliest prehistoric fossils ever discovered. It provides a glimpse of the land before Egypt ever was. The desert sand is littered with invaluable fossils that tell an evolutionary story.

This UNESCO World Heritage Site located 24 miles (40 km) into the Fayyum desert is best accessed in a private four-wheel-drive vehicle and with a guide who knows the terrain. The on-site Wadi Hitan Fossil & Climate Change Museum explains the geological and paleontological significance of this protected area through a display of fossils and a short documentary. Although named after the whale remains on the site, Wadi al-Hitan is also flush with the remains of other ancient sea creatures including sharks, crocodiles, and turtles. As it's far from the lights of the city, this protected area is sometimes used as a camping site for stargazing trips.

Workers' Town and Cemetery

Giza Fodor's choice

In the 1980s, the discovery of the workers' town and cemetery in the southeastern area of the Giza Plateau confirmed that construction of the pyramids was very much an earthly endeavor—requiring the labor of thousands of human beings—and not, as some conspiracy theorists maintain, the result of intervention by otherworldly aliens.

The site consists of the Lower Cemetery of the Workers, containing the remains of laborers, bakers, brewers, draftsmen, and the like; the Upper Cemetery, where high-ranking supervisors and their families were interred; and the so-called Lost City of the Pyramid Builders (Heit el-Ghurab).

Findings in both the cemeteries and the city—an organized grid of streets with dwellings, storage facilities, and administrative structures—have revealed much about the builders. For instance, archaeologists have determined that although skeletal remains show signs of a life of hard labor, injuries like bone breaks had healed properly, indicating that workers received good medical care. Other findings suggest that workers also had access to both cattle and fish, important sources of protein, and that bread was manufactured on an industrial scale in several large bakeries.

Giza Plateau, Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: General site admission: LE200. Workers\' Town and Cemetery: LE400.

Abdeen Palace Museum


Designed by French architect Léon Rousseau, this massive palace was commissioned by Khedive Isma’il to serve as the official government headquarters in place of the Citadel. Construction began in 1863, and the palace was officially inaugurated in 1874, with a new wing added in 1891. The gardens, however, were not added in until 1921, by Sultan Fuad I before he became king. Much of the palace is closed to the public, but it's worth stopping by to take in the architecture, the well-maintained garden dotted with old-growth trees, and the small museum. The latter occupies just a handful of the massive palace's 500 ornate rooms and has displays of weaponry, silverware once used by the royal family, and other items.

El-Gomhoreya Square, Rahbet Abdin, Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: LE100, Closed Fri.

Abu Sir Necropolis

The first constructed and northernmost of the pyramids in the Abu Sir region, Sahure's Pyramid covers 24 square meters (257 square feet) and is 47 meters (154 feet) tall. It and its surrounding structures comprise a fine example of a 5th-Dynasty royal funerary complex. Alas, this pyramid's poor-quality core masonry collapsed after the Tura limestone casing stones were removed, so it's in rough shape. Its mortuary temple, however, retains some ancient grandeur, with granite pillars, stairs leading to a now nonexistent second floor, and fine basalt pavement. The causeway linking the pyramid and the valley temple was once decorated with finely carved scenes (now removed from the site) showing archery and fighting. There is much less left of the valley temple itself: a pavement, some doorways, and a scattering of fallen blocks.

At 32 square meters (344 square feet) and an original height of 70 meters (229 feet), Neferirkare's Pyramid is the site's largest. The complex in which it's set was meant to be larger than that of Sahure, but Neferirkare (2477–2467 BC) died prior to its completion, leaving him with only the pyramid and a mortuary temple that was posthumously finished using mud brick rather than limestone or granite. The causeway and valley temple were usurped, completed, and appended to the 25-square-meter (265-square-foot) Nyuserre's Pyramid belonging to Neferirkare's son, who was pharaoh for 30 years. Although it once stood 52 meters (169 feet) tall, not much is left of this pyramid, as its casing stones were removed, and some of its limestone core was used to create lime in the 19th century.

Between the Sahure and Nyuserre pyramids lies the large family Mastaba of Ptahshepses, a vizier and son-in-law of Nyuserre. Although recently closed to the public, check on its status, and visit it if you can. The structure's walls are richly carved with scenes of the vizier's supervisory activities and cargo boats carrying funerary equipment. To the southwest of it is a double room that might have held wooden funerary boats, which were not usually found in tombs of private citizens.

Abu Sir, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: LE80

Aisha Fahmy Palace


Beside the Nile near 26th of July Street, Aisha Fahmy Palace is an embodiment of early 20th-century architectural splendor. Designed by Italian architect Antonio Lasciac, it was built in 1907 for Egyptian aristocrat Ali Fahmy, King Farouk's army chief. He left the estate to his daughter, Aisha, and she lived there with her husband, prominent actor and director Youssef Wahbi.

The two-story palace underwent a restoration that lasted more than a decade, and now, in addition to housing the Japanese embassy on the second floor, it serves as a cultural center, with art exhibitions throughout the year. Visitors are welcome to stop by for a look at its Rococo-style interior, featuring silk-clad walls, frescoes, and stained glass; just call ahead to be sure the palace is open. The gardens are also quite serene despite the bustle of neighboring 26th of July Street.

1 Aziz Abaza St., Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free, IDs are checked upon entry

Al-Aqmar Mosque

Islamic Cairo North

The name of the mosque means "the moonlit" and refers to the way the stone catches the moon's reflection at night. Built in 1125, it’s one of a few Fatimid buildings that have escaped major alterations. The shell-like recesses in the stone facade, later to become a common decorative element, were used here for the first time. This little mosque was also the first in Cairo to have an ornamented stone facade, and it was the first to alter its plan according to the existing urban structure, as the street existed before the mosque.

Al-Muizz St., Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free

Al-Azhar Mosque and University

Islamic Cairo South

Built in AD 970 by Fatimid caliph al-Mu'izz, al-Azhar is the oldest university in the world. Although the Fatimids were Shi'ite, the Sunni Mamluks who ousted them recognized its importance and replaced the Shi'ite doctrine with Sunni orthodoxy. Today, the university has faculties of medicine, engineering, and religion. It also has auxiliary campuses across the city.

Al-Azhar's primary significance remains as a school of religious learning. All Egyptian clerics must be certified from it—a process that can take up to 15 years. Young men from all over the world study here in the traditional Socratic method; students sit with a tutor until both agree that the student is ready to go on. The Grand Imam of al-Azhar is not just the director of the university, but also the nation's supreme religious authority. The beauty of al-Azhar, unlike many other monuments, stems in part from the fact that it is alive and very much in use.

Built in pieces throughout the ages, al-Azhar is a mixture of architectural styles, and the enclosure now measures just under 3 acres. After you enter through the Gates of the Barbers, a 1752 Ottoman addition, remove your shoes and turn left to the Madrasa and Tomb of Amir Aqbugha. Note the organic-shaped mosaic pattern rare to Islamic ornamentation near the top of the recess in the qibla wall (wall in the direction of Mecca).

Back at the entrance, the Gates of Sultan Qaitbay, built in 1483, can be seen. The quality of ornamentation verifies this Mamluk leader's patronage of architecture. The finely carved minaret placed off-center is noteworthy. To the right is the Madrasa al-Taybarsiyya completed in 1309, and once ranked among the most spectacular madrasas in Mamluk Cairo. Only its qibla wall remains, and it’s said that the ceiling was once gold-plated.

Qaitbay’s gateway opens to a spacious courtyard, quite typical of early Islamic design. Through the keel arches is the entrance to the main sanctuary, which was traditionally a place to pray, learn, and sleep. It's part Fatimid, part Ottoman. The Ottoman extension is distinguished by a set of steps that divides it from the original. The two qibla walls, the painted wooden roof, the old metal gates that used to open for prayer, and the ornate stucco work of the Fatimid section are all noteworthy.

To the right of the Ottoman qibla wall is the Tomb of Abd al-Rahman Katkhuda, the man most responsible for the post-Mamluk extension of al-Azhar. To the extreme left along the Fatimid qibla wall is the Madrasa and Mausoleum of the Eunuch Gawhar al-Qanaqba’i, treasurer to Sultan Barsbay. It's small, but its intricately inlaid wooden doors, the stained-glass windows, and dome with an interlacing floral pattern are exceptional.

Return to the courtyard. To the right of the Minaret of Qaitbay is the Minaret of al-Ghuri, the tallest in the complex. Built in 1510, it’s divided into three sections like its predecessor but is tiled rather than carved. The first two are octagonal, and the final section, consisting of two pierced rectangular blocks, is unusual, and not at all like Qaitbay's plain cylinder.

Al-Hakim Mosque

Islamic Cairo North

Built outside Cairo's original walls (those standing now were constructed in 1087), this mosque saw varied usage during its lifetime. During the Crusades it held European prisoners of war who built a chapel inside it. Salah al-Din (1137–1193) tore the chapel down when he used the structure as a stable. In the 19th century, Napoléon's troops used it as a storehouse and fortress; Muhammad Ali closed part of it off for use as a zawya (small Sufi school); and, until the establishment of the Museum of Islamic Arts in 1896, it served as a repository for Islamic treasures.

Originally built in 1010 by the Fatimid caliph al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, this gigantic mosque was restored under the aegis of the Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the Isma'ili Shi’a sect. Al-Hakim was an eccentric character. Some of the strangest edicts were declared during his caliphate, including one ban on mulokhia, a favorite Egyptian dish (he didn't care for it) and another on women's shoes (to prevent them from going out in public). He liked riding around town on his donkey to ensure that his orders were being obeyed, but one night, he rode off into the Mokattam hills, never to be seen again. The Druze claim that he has vanished only temporarily and will return to lead them to victory.

Architecturally, the mosque’s most significant elements are its minarets, which were restored and reinforced by Baybars II in 1303, giving them that impressive trapezoidal base. Nevertheless, its scale and history are important, and its courtyard is large and breezy, making it a comfortable place to rest or meditate.

Al-Muizz St., Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free

Al-Rifa'i Mosque

Sayyida Zaynab

Although it appears neo-Mamluk in style, this mosque was not commissioned until 1869 by the mother of Khedive Isma'il, Princess Hoshiyar. It was completed in 1912 but, from the outside, seems more timeworn and less modern than the 14th-century Mosque of Sultan Hassan beside it. True to the extravagant khedivial tastes, the inside is markedly different from that of its neighboring mosque as well. While the latter is relatively unadorned, al-Rifa'i is lavishly decorated. The mausoleum here contains the bodies of Sufi holy men of the Rifa'i order (hence the establishment's name), as well as the remains of many royals.

Salah al-Din Square, Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: LE80, includes entry to Mosque of Sultan Hassan

Bab al-Futuh

Islamic Cairo North

A small passage to the left as you enter al-Hakim Mosque leads to a stairway up to the roof, where you can access the so-called Gate of Conquests, one of three still remaining in the walls of Fatimid Cairo. It was built by Badr al-Jamali in 1087 under the command of Fatimid Caliph al-Muntasir Billah. Although it was never put to the test, it was designed to protect al-Qahira from the Seljuk Turks who held Syria at the time and were threatening Egypt. This northern gate opens onto busy al-Muizz Street, which eventually leads to Bab Zuweila, the only surviving southern gate of Fatimid Cairo.

Bab al-Nasr

Islamic Cairo North

One of the few remaining examples of Islamic military architecture, the impressive Gate of Victory features exceptional craftsmanship and two 65-foot (20-meter) square towers. It was built during the same time and by the same hands as its sister gate, Bab al-Futuh, and wandering along the wall between the two is an interesting experience. An army could defend the city without ever having to leave this wall, which once had 60 gates—connected by tunnels with slit windows—as well as rooms and storehouses built into its girth. On one of this gate’s towers is the inscription "Tour Corbin," a memento of the Napoleonic occupation, during which all the gates were renamed after French army officers. (“Tour Junot" and "Tour Perrault" are also carved into Bab al-Futuh.)

Baron Empain Palace


Commissioned in 1907 by Edward Louis Joseph Empain, a Belgian baron, this Heliopolis landmark was designed by Alexander Marcel and decorated by Georges-Louis Claude. It’s sometimes referred to as Le Palais Hindou (The Hindu Palace), owing to its distinct architecture inspired by Southeast Asian temples. The copper-colored palace is made of reinforced concrete and has a central spiral staircase and elevator that connect its three floors. After being inaccessible for decades, the palace has been restored and now contains a museum with well-curated exhibits detailing the history of Heliopolis. It's worth paying extra for access to the roof, with its incredible 360-degree panoramas.

El-Orouba St., El-Montaza, Cairo, Egypt
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Museum: LE100. Roof: LE50., No online reservation. Tickets sold at the door.

Basilique Notre Dame d'Heliopolis


Also known as Our Lady of Heliopolis Co-Cathedral, this Roman Catholic basilica was designed by Alexander Marcel, the designer of the Baron Empain Palace, who modeled it after Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia. Hidden beneath its altar is a chamber containing the remains of Baron Empain—a significant figure not only in Heliopolis’s history, but in the cathedral’s inception—and his family. The church is open to the public (call ahead to confirm hours), but you must prearrange permission from the lay council to access the crypt.

Nazih Khalifa crossroad, Al Ahram St., Cairo, Egypt
12-2212–5761-Lay Council
Sights Details
Rate Includes: Free