2 Best Restaurants in American Samoa

Equator Restaurant


Named after the ship that brought Robert Louis Stevenson to the South Pacific, the reasonably priced Equator Restaurant has a decidedly casual South Seas ambience. Inside the Tradewinds Hotel and popular with business travelers, the restaurant serves generous portions of dishes that balance American with Samoan island fare, the latter cooked in the traditional umu.

Tisa's Barefoot Bar

$$ | Alega Beach

This ultra-casual beach bar and B&B is something of an institution as its restaurant uses a traditional oven over hot stones to cook dishes that incorporate the freshest seafood, meat, and produce. There's no set menu—the chef cooks whatever is available each day, and everything is served in decorative palm fronts. It's a warm and welcoming hangout that attracts locals as well as travelers. The view plays a large in its popularity, overlooking a bay with waves splashing below. Tisa's is on Alega Beach (aka Tisa's Beach) about 6½ km (4 miles) from Pago Pago and easily accessible by local bus.