1 Best Sight in Lisbon, Portugal

Avenida da Liberdade

Avenida da Liberdade

Liberty Avenue was laid out in 1879 as an elegant Parisian-style boulevard modeled on the Champs-Élysees. It has since lost some of its allure: many of the late-19th-century mansions and art deco buildings that once graced it have been demolished; others have been turned into soulless office blocks. There are, however, still some notable survivors of the original boulevard, now turned into luxury hotels and international fashion outlets. It’s worth a leisurely stroll up the 1½-km (1-mile) length of the avenue, past ponds, fountains, and statues, from Praça dos Restauradores to Parque Eduardo VII, at least once, if only to cool off with a drink in one of the quiosques (refreshment kiosks) beneath the trees and to admire the iconic designs of the cobblestone pavements.

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