2 Best Places to Shop in Taroudant, The Southern Atlantic Coast

Antiquaire Haut Atlas

For serious collectors, this shop has one of the best collections of Amazigh jewelry in southern Morocco, some of it dating from the 17th and 18th centuries. Even if you're not in the market for a trinket, wandering around the dusty rooms of carpets, candlesticks, and charms makes for a diverting half hour. And if you are in the market, Mr. Houssaine accepts all major credit cards and is open every day.

61, Souk el Kabir, Taroudant, Morocco

Sculpteur de Pierre

Here's the best place to go for sculpture, both for quality and range of workmanship. Craftsman Larbi El Hare uses marble, limestone, and alabaster to create pieces of different sizes, some quite affordable. He also makes some of the best mint tea in town. The shop has been here awhile, so ask in the Grande Marché if you can't find it.

29, Rahba Kedima, Taroudant, Morocco