3 Best Restaurants in São Tomé and Príncipe

Asas de Aviao

$$$ | Bairro Aeroporto

History is served more than anything else at this odd spot at the airport, where one of two stranded Lockheed Constellations has been turned into a place that's more bar than restaurant. During the late 1960s Biafra War, the planes brought supplies into Sao Tome and evacuated refugees. The impacts of war can be seen on the aircraft. Don’t expect to feel like you’re sitting in a tube, because structures built around the plane eliminated its character. The restaurant is open morning until night and the best choices are snacks—nothing fancy; perhaps fried plaintains—and cocktails while pondering the past.

Dona Tete


This is the kind of restaurant traveling foodies dream about discovering—quirky, unpredictable, and delicious. Cooking happens in someone’s backyard, which is set with plastic tables and maybe a little television. Busy grill cooks turn out octopus, squid, and fresh fish with some sort of spicy sauce or seasoning. Don’t ask what. Food just sort of shows up in front of you. Seafood is the mainstay, chicken may be served, too, as well as plantains and steamed vegetables. Service is minimal, but the beer is cold and the place is full of locals. Call ahead to check hours and location.

Av. 12 Julho, São Tomé, São Tomé and Príncipe
Restaurant Details
Rate Includes: Closed weekends. No lunch, No credit cards

Restaurant Celvas


Local cooking, and sometimes chatty parrots, color a clean dining area under shade trees, where Santomense and Portuguese cooking traditions season typical Sao Tome fare. Seafood highlights include crab, smoked fish, and grilled and baked fish. Seafood and chicken stews also feature on the menu. Call ahead if you would like a vegetarian meal.

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