East-Coast Resorts

If you're sporty, you'll love Freycinet, with its glut of outdoor adventures on land and sea, but even if you're not athletically inclined, it's possible to let someone else do the work as you cruise or fly over the bay.

  • Air Tours

    Freycinet Air. This company flies from the Friendly Beaches Airfield, located 18 km (11 miles) north of Coles Bay, and has scenic flights...

  • Cruises

    Wineglass Bay Cruises. Another way to experience the wonders of the Freycinet Peninsula is on a scenic cruise on the Schouten Passage II with...

  • Diving

    Bicheno Dive Centre. The spectacular coastline and clear, cool-temperate waters make this a great destination for diving, and this well-established...

  • Kayaking

    Frecyinet is Tasmania's premier sea-kayaking destination, and it's possible to do guided tours or hire your own kayak and cruise around at your...

  • Wildlife Watching

    Bicheno Penguin Tours. At Bicheno, a very popular tour is the nightly hour-long vigil to see the penguins emerge from the water and clamber...