2 Best Sights in Ovalau, Lomaiviti Group

Fiji Museum

This modest branch of the Suva-based museum contains old photos of Levuka, which confirm that little of the townscape has changed since it served as Fiji's capital nearly 150 years ago. Also on display are cannibal forks and war clubs.

Beach St.,, Ovalau, Fiji
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Closed Sun., Mon.–Thurs. 9:30–4, Fri. & Sat. 9:30–4

Gun Rock

This peak visible in the hills behind Beach Street bears the scars of cannonballs fired by the HMS Havannah in 1849. The gesture was meant to intimidate King Ratu Cakobau into treating Fiji's resident Europeans more favorably. The rock was again fired upon by a naval captain in 1874 in order to entertain a group of chiefs. You may climb the rock (it offers great harbor views) but you should first ask the Tui Levuka (local chief) or a member of his family for permission as a sign of respect. Inquire in town about the family's whereabouts.